venerdì 23 marzo 2012

The Russian Wall

Dear Friends,
Here is the link to an interview I did on RT – Russian Today TV – with their Moscow anchors Kevin Owen and Anissa Naouai, in the early hours of Monday 5th March, to talk about Vladimir Putin’s landslide electoral victory as the new president of the Russian Confederation and what it means for the world.  Here’s the link:

Also below is an article describing in further detail why I feel this is so important. 
If you agree, please share it with friends, colleagues and other media…
Best regards,

‘The Russian Wall’

As a foreign observer writing from Argentina, we too are awaiting with keen expectation the results of the Russian Elections.  As happens with all elections when observed from far away, save for the incumbent and maybe one or two other names, the rest are often a bewildering series of unknowns and the local issues are also mostly unfamiliar to us.
I am not Russian.  I do not live in Russia.  I do not speak Russian (unfortunately!).  And I must even confess that I have a patchy knowledge about Russia. 
But I can tell you this: as a geopolitical analyst I know that Russia is crucially important to Mankind at the crossroads we find ourselves in these very dark times.
Politics are never a black or white, good-guy-versus-bad-guy affair (sorry, Hollywood… sorry, White House…).  In Politics, “truth” always lies in some often subtle shade of grey.  What political opponents normally fight, argue and bicker about, is what is that “correct” shade of grey.  Of course, they never reach any agreement.  Why?  Because there is no “correct” shade of grey.  It’s like beauty: always in the eyes of the beholder.
In addition, just as the fundamental rationale of Economics – its bottom line or acid test, so to speak – lies in distinguishing between “profitable” and “not profitable” (and that is what will drive a final decision in the economic sphere); and just as the fundamental rationale of Morals lies in distinguishing between absolute Good and absolute Bad (which Ethics then picks up as Correct and Incorrect); so the fundamental rationale of Politics – its absolute “bottom line” – lies in distinguishing between Friend and Enemy.
Whilst neither the US nor the UK nor Europe are in anyway “the Enemy” of Mankind, the private Global Power Masters who have hijacked those nations and embedded themselves deep into their private and public power structures are.  They so fully control these countries’ economies, banks, finance, foreign policies, military, media and other aspects that, in practice, those Global Power Masters ARE the Enemy, and every time they rear their ugly heads through State Department/Pentagon or Foreign Office/NATO aggressions, attacks and invasions, then those public institutions of Government DO circumstantially become instruments of that Enemy.
Now when I say “Enemy”, English – as with most other modern languages – play us a bad pass.  In classical times, Latin had two very different words for “Enemy”: you had inimicus (i.e., your private personal enemy who is just your problem and should not escape the bounds of your private sphere; inimicus is where our modern word for enemy comes from); and then you had hostis (which is the Public Enemy of the community or nation: you need not necessarily dislike or hate him, but you must understand that his interests and objectives are contrary to those of your community and that conflict with him is inevitable; hostis is where our modern word for hostile comes from).
All of this being said, as a citizen of South America, in geopolitical terms Russia is a Friend and ally, not because Russia and Latin American necessarily have common interests in everything, but because we share a common Enemy (or should I say, hostis?): the Global Power Masters embedded deep inside the US, UK and EU.
Russia has shown incredible ability to mend past mistakes and seek new roads for its own good and, by extension, for the good of others.  There is almost no other country in the world that was able to undergo as major a trauma as the demise of the former Soviet Union the way Russia has done.  
I say “almost” because there is one other country that seems to be resolving the transition away from Marxist Communism in a very efficient manner: China.  China introduced highly successful social and economic reform in its coastal areas and is slowly working its way into its hinterland, generations at a time!
Today, on the global Global Geopolitical Chessboard, Russia (and China) play so fundamental a role that, were it not for them, planet Earth would have already succumbed to the worst Orwellian-like Monster Regime run by private corporate-banking elites wielding mass psychological warfare against us all, hammering into our brains “War is Peace” and “Big Brother is watching you!”
This role has Russia variously acting like a Buffer, as a Brake and (potentially) as a Wall.
When Russia acts as a Buffer, we often feel frustrated.  Take Libya, Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan and Palestine for example, where Russia will take adversarial stances against the US/UK/EU/Israel, however in all those countries, the latter did get their way.  Even if they ended up shooting themselves in the foot as happened in Iraq and Southern Lebanon, the truth is that Russia (and China) basically made lots of statements and complaints but no real action happened.  No fleets were repositioned, no UN resolutions were vetoed.
When Russia acts as a Brake, we raise our eyebrows in renewed hope.  Take Syria and Iran, for example, where Russia openly vetoed US/UK sponsored UN Resolutions against Syria and refused to align behind IAEA pseudo-reports and sanctions against Iran over its nuclear program.  Here we start getting that “High Noon Showdown” feeling and start wondering whether there might not be a shootout.  The US, UK, France and Israel start getting really nervous and drag their feet in carrying out their threats.  Actually, they are forced to resort to more and more clandestine and criminal operations which serve to unmask the fact that those countries are basically run by mafias.
The final question today is what needs to happen for Russia to act as a solid Wall telling the Western Powers, “This is as far as you can go; this is as much as we will tolerate”.  If and when Russia finally does that, will the Western Powers stand down or will they try to run their bulldozers through the Russian Wall? 
This is a key question, because it holds the answer to whether there will be a World War III or not.      

Adrian Salbuchi
Adrian Salbuchi is a political analyst, author, speaker and radio/TV commentator in

giovedì 22 marzo 2012

Secret nuclear (or unclear?) Drone Technology

Secret Drone Technology Barred by “Political Conditions”

March 22nd, 2012 by Steven Aftergood

A certain technology that could extend the mission duration and capabilities of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) was favorably assessed last year by scientists at Sandia National Laboratories and Northrop Grumman Systems Corporation.  But they concluded regretfully that “current political conditions will not allow use of the results.”
The assessment was carried out to explore the feasibility of next generation UAVs.  The objective was “to increase UAV sortie duration from days to months while increasing available electrical power at least two-fold,” according to a June 2011 Sandia project summary.
And that objective could have been achieved by means of the unidentified technology, which “would have provided system performance unparalleled by other existing technologies,” the project summary said.
“As a result of this effort, UAVs were to be able to provide far more surveillance time and intelligence information while reducing the high cost of support activities.  This technology was intended to create unmatched global capabilities to observe and preempt terrorist and weapon of mass destruction (WMD) activities.”
But it was all for nought.
“Unfortunately, none of the results will be used in the near-term or mid-term future,” the project summary stated.  “It was disappointing to all that the political realities would not allow use of the results.”
Not only that, but “none of the results can be shared openly with the public due to national security constraints.”
On close reading, it seems clear that the Sandia-Northrop project contemplated the use of nuclear technology for onboard power and propulsion.
The project summary, which refers to “propulsion and power technologies that [go] well beyond existing hydrocarbon technologies,” does not actually use the word “nuclear.”  But with unmistakable references to “safeguards,” “decommissioning and disposal,” and those unfavorable “political conditions,” there is little doubt about the topic under discussion.
Furthermore, the project’s lead investigator at Sandia, the aptly named Dr. Steven B. Dron, is a specialist in nuclear propulsion, among other things.  He co-chaired a session at the 2008 Symposium on Space Nuclear Power and Propulsion at the University of New Mexico.
Interestingly, opposition to flying nuclear power sources in this case was internalized without needing to be expressed, and the authors were self-deterred from pursuing their own proposals.  “The results will not be applied/implemented,” they stated flatly.
Meanwhile, integration of (conventional) unmanned aircraft systems into the National Airspace System will proceed, as mandated by Congress.  On March 6, the Federal Aviation Administration issued a request for public comments on the pending designation of six UAS test sites around the country.
Last month, the Electronic Privacy Information Center and other public interest organizations petitioned the FAA “to conduct a rulemaking to address the threat to privacy and civil liberties that will result from the deployment of aerial drones within the United States.”

giovedì 15 marzo 2012


by Barry Chamish

The Informant - Menachem called me to let me know that Yochanan Spielberg was murdered in a ghastly manner in his home in the Jerusalem neighborhood of Nachlaot. He was found with his hands and feet bound from behind, but that didn't stop him from hanging himself. The police declared it a suicide. In a Ha'aretz Hebrew report, the reporter found a rabbi who admitted that someone could commit suicide this way, and thus let the police off the hook. I won't grant such a luxury. Normal logic dictates that Yochanan was cruelly sent to his demise.
       I didn't recall Dr. Spielberg at first but it turns out that some 20 years before I had interviewed him about his computer work with Prof. Eliyahu Ripps, discoverer of The Bible Code. We were remotely connected and his friend Menachem asked if I could look into the crime. By a remarkable coincidence, I had just begun communicating with quite the source, Ruth Cohen. We will return to her shortly, but first the deceased:

The Deceased - Dr. Spielberg, whose work in recent years is posted on his website, opened the conference by mentioning that the most recent meetings had been workshops for active researchers, while this conference was a conscious attempt to open it up more to the public. Dr. Spielberg also presented an overview of Bible codes, including recent examples obtained by his own software, Bible Search Pro.

Followed by an unedited Facebook defence of his memory, a fitting introduction to our crime:

When you go on camera and say Baruch HaShem another pedophile is dead in reference to the death(murder) of the saintly Rabbi Spielberg , it is your olam haba you endanger. May of us knew him very well and for many years. He was a tzadik gamur who never harmed an individual in his life , he was also vegan and did not harm animals or benefit from them.He fought to make the "Torah Codes " free and available by deveolping a computer program to allow access to them to the masses. He was a Rabbi and a PHD and a friend to everyone of his neighbors. He went out of his way to drive two of the elderly Rabbi's of the neighborhood to wherever they needed to go and visited on a daily basis in the hospital one of the sweetest tzadikim of the neighborhood who was nifter two days before Succot.Speak to anyone who knew him which you obviously did not and you will discover just who you have been slandering .And the police found no evidence on his computer or in his house against him.

What? Did we read this right? Yochanan was murdered because he was a pedophile! It turns out he was just one wrongly accused supposed pervert in the tiny Jerusalem neighborhood of Nachlaot. Located from the city's famed outdoor market to its first luxury highrises, Kiryat Wolfson,  Nachlaot can't be over 3 football fields in length, holding perhaps 1500 residents. Besides its ultra-orthodox majority, Nachlaot's offbeat character and inexpensive rents attract religious/hip American residents and they are prime child rape suspects.

"If in the charidi ghetto i don't know. It probably has to do with the recent scandal in nachalot in which the chareidi seem to have been trying to get the Americans arrested for the sins of some of their own people."Eitan, Accused - Menachem led me to Eitan. Somehow a rumor spread that a large pedophilic ring was at work in Nachlaot and over 100 of its children were victims of sodomy. Eitan, along with a good two dozen Americans, were forced out of Nahlaot or risk the fate of Yochanan Spielberg. Currently, three suspects are being held by the police. None are American. To simplify matters, we will concentrate on one, Zalman Cohen because as Eitan proves, Ruth Cohen, theprime agitator against the pedophiles was raped by him almost a decade ago. To understand the naivete of Eitan, he claims, "It is not possible for a religious man or community to become this evil. Years ago, Zalman lived in a family apartment. The mother and children saw a spirit arise from Zalman's books, its body resting halfway in the floor. Zalman's behavior comes from this curse."

Barely a month ago, I exchanged Facebook letters with The Accuser - Ruth Cohen

   Hi Barry,
Ruth Cohen commented on your link.
Ruth wrote: "oh i just got bashed by 2 very upright angry souls as i am treading on toes of those protecting,aiding and abetting the perverts here in my street. some big rabbi's and politicians are in real trouble when there ugly names will come out and they will. you know of course about mondrowitz, my neighbour, he brought others over and we are trying to get the connection - its really awful. skippy sidney marcus the gang leader of one gang of 9 is walking around free looking for new victims while babies and tiny tots were raped and 100 in treatment and only god knows how many more.i am really shaking up this city and turning it upside down. you have no idea what i am up too.skippy has police protection of course.bribes etc. and people still dont believe about the bribes but cant figure out why he is walking around and his half wit gangsters are in jail. nothing like denial.made huge damage and loss to the porn industry here all by myself. next. this is fun. next"         Ruth's following letters gloried in the righteous murder of Yochanan Spielberg and suggested I read about Sarah Vorst. And I did. But first Ruth claimed that Zalman Cohen had raped her:  i wrote in to this site in 2008 about the raping rabbi's of jerusalem claiming that zalman cohen had raped me. now it is proven true and there is a court case going on and he raped children too which i did not know in 2008. Had the media here followed the story as i asked a lot of children would not have been raped and tortured.Awaiting Trial, Zalman Cohen - 

The indictment, filed by attorney Shulamit Ben-Yitzhak last Wednesday, describes how Cohen and another man allegedly abused several minors in a house in the Nahlaot neighborhood of Jerusalem in 2009 and 2010.
In one incident, Cohen and other men allegedly abused several boys and girls, by forcing them to undress and pair up in �couples� and perform sex acts. Cohen is alleged to have threatened two of the children with a toy gun, saying that if they told their parents about the abuse, he would kill them.
The indictment describes another incident in which Cohen is alleged to have abused two young girls in the bathroom of his house.
If the paranoia of finger-pointing leading to some forty falsely arrested suspects wasn't frightening enough, Sarah Vorst's assault upped the insanity:
A 70-year-old ultra-Orthodox woman found herself the target of a brutal religious hate crime on Monday night, when four thugs broke into her home and beat her up before leaving her handcuffed and bleeding. "They were sent by the Modesty Patrol," said the woman, Sarah Vorst. The thugs hit her repeatedly with a metal rod, breaking her right hand, crushing her left leg and injuring her face. They used their cell phones to document the attack, evidently to report back to those who sent them.
         Needless to say, Ruth Cohen delighted in Sarah Vorst's torture leading to anger against her campaign.

It is simply stupid to connect Skippy who you believe as the mastermind to Sarah Vorst , they live in two different worlds ,only separated physically by 300 meters but worlds apart just the same. And do you really believe Skippy is an evil predator , he has lived in the neighborhood for a long time , why just now , or perhaps as he protests and as the police found , he is innocent. I have no way of explaining to you how misguided your rants and the rants of a particular "Jewish Mother " a few doors down from you are. You are not protecting the children of the neighborhood by falsely accusing others.Several people who have been falsely accused have been dragged into the Russian Compound , handcuffed and leg shackled , humiliated , and after a day of interrogation set free. Step back take a deep breath and consider the damage that you have done.

But she stood up to her critics:

i wonder how many people who write in actually had the pleasure of meeting sarah vorst. a cold ice cold woman with no feelings at all and very evil.just so you know who she is. i personally spoke to her about why she sends girls to zalman cohen and she ran away. seeing as i am one of the many victims of his, i do have right to do so.
what the hell do you expect. so we have one murder spielberg and now this monster.the message is going out that the helpers of the perverts are also being targeted.
i am very happy that i am on the side of the children.again i am not haradi or not even very religious and we have many here of all sorts.its only about the children. - RUTH COHEN

Ruth Cohen is a vicious nutbag. She persuaded a few other women to, less frenetically, join her movement to rid Nachalot of scumbags and they succeeded in turning a nice neighborhood dysfunctional:

What is interesting is that most everyone that is commenting seems to believe that there IS a Nachlaot Pedophile ring. I am an ex resident of Nachlaot and there is a good percentage of the people who live there in the Religious area or who have moved away that believe that there is no Pedophile Ring. Abuse yes but not necessarily by the people accused. The community is split between a group of 3 families that started all these stories, and their followers who believed the stories that were told to them, and the rest of the community who knows that most of these stories are false or doubt greatly that they are all true.
Then you have the activists that get all their information second hand and have gone on a rampage to 'get the Pedophiles' who are responsible for most of the misinformation. They claim that Spielberg was murdered and was evil to the core. The only way they could claim such a thing is if they murdered him themselves or know who did it. They present themselves like they actually knew him personally which is very doubtful. I knew him personally and he was not evil or a child molester. Go ask 3/4 of the neighborhood.
       But Ruth has a rational reply:

if the gur group are involved in this why dont they go and deal with the nasty mondrowitz who lives 2 minutes away from vorst. he is the spiritual head of all the perverts. and he is convicted of his crimes and boys killed themselves because of him.oh yes he is gur and gets protected.
vorst is a monster. stop pretending she is a sweet little old lady those who have never met her have no clue. she is a cold cold hearless monster.
again the police and law are not doing anything to stop them.
anyone who wants to live in a play play world where things work and everyone is happy susie sunshine should understand this. your lies are on the heads of babies and little ones that you should be protecting not the monsters hurting them you should be ashamed of yourselves defending a woman that a number of people here are telling you is a monster.why dont you listen. come here and see for yourself the true situation. as i told the police when they came out to help the perverts, i will take you on a tour in the area to the houses of the perverts anytime day or night.the tv took me up on the offer and came with me to see how close we are one to each other.
i am not on drugs and only want to save the children. and they need to be saved from the vicious wicked evil monsters roaming around outside our homes looking for more babies to rape. shame on all who doubt the truth. this is all true. you dont like it the children dont like being tortured and raped dare you minimise their pain
Posted by: ruth |

Now, I could say I have a clue to solving Yochanan Spielberg's murder. Vorst's assault bears remarkable similarities to the Spielberg murder, including cuffing the hands. Infiltrate the Modesty Patrol. Make arrests, make people crack. The police will be guilty of obvious coverup until they take on a more obviously needed investigation.
        And you ask, was Ruth Cohen mixed up in the murder or assault? Certainly after the fact, but look closely at this film:

        Though not stated by name, Ruth is harassing an American, humiliating and accusing him wherever he goes. Be patient with the Hebrew and wait until Ruth and the suspect break out into English. Ruth celebrates the dreadful murder of Yochanan Spielberg and the accused denies all charges against him. What is not done justifies, in part, Ruth's case. The accused does not file a police complaint against Ruth Cohen for criminal harassment nor seek a restraining order from the court.
        Now why not?


For more on the case:

mercoledì 7 marzo 2012

Holder’s Pathetic Rationale for Assassinating U.S. Citizens

Eric Holder’s Pathetic Rationale for Assassinating U.S. Citizens

By Matthew Rothschild, March 5, 2012
U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder just gave a pathetic rationale for allowing the President of the United States to bump off a U.S. citizen.
In his speech to the law school of Northwestern University, Holder essentially defined away the charge that the Obama Administration was engaging in assassination. And he did some other semantic gymnastics to justify this insidious policy.
Like George W. Bush and Dick Cheney, Holder hyped the danger the United States is in right now, erroneously comparing it to the existential threat we faced in JFK’s time.
Holder also embarrassingly bragged that Osama bin Laden was “brought to justice.” For the leading law enforcement officer of the United States to say that executing an unarmed, surrounded person is the same as bringing that person to “justice” is, in itself, appalling.
But more appalling were the word games Holder played in making the case for the President to order the killing of U.S. citizens. “Some have called such operations ‘assassinations.’ They are not, and the use of that loaded term is misplaced,” argued Holder. “Assassinations are unlawful killings.” But the ones the Obama Administration have carried out and might carry out in the future are lawful, he said. Therefore, they can’t be called assassinations. This isn’t logic; this is tautology.
“The U.S. government’s use of lethal force in self defense against a leader of Al Qaeda or an associated force who presents an imminent threat of violent attack would not be unlawful,” he asserted. He alluded to Congressional approval for such action in the Authorization for Use of Military Force right after 9/11 and the National Defense Authorization Act, which President Obama signed at the end of last year. Holder also invoked the Constitution and the international legal doctrine of self-defense as cover.
His rationale hinges on the claim “that the individual poses an imminent threat.” But then he goes to some lengths to imply that the threat doesn’t have to be imminent. He is forced to go to these lengths because it would have been difficult to prove that Anwar Al-Awlaki, whom Obama rubbed out on September 30, posed an imminent threat since the imam functioned primarily as an Al Qaeda propagandist and indoctrinator, though he may have had some operational role. Even more difficult to rationalize is the death of Samir Khan, whom the United States murdered in that same attack. Khan was a U.S. citizen in his twenties who acted as an editor of an Al Qaeda paper. Similarly, Al-Awlaki’s 16-year-old son, born in Denver, whom the United States murdered in an attack on October 14, did not appear to be engaged in plotting an imminent attack on the United States.
So how did Holder get around the imminence problem? By suggesting that imminence actually doesn’t matter. “The evaluation of whether an individual presents an ‘imminent threat’ incorporates considerations of the relevant window of opportunity to act, the possible harm that missing the window would cause to civilians, and the likelihood of heading off future disastrous attacks against the United States.” Of course, the “window of opportunity to act” has nothing to do with how imminent the threat actually is—just whether the U.S. military or the CIA has a good shot at the person. The other two criteria here don’t really deal with imminence, either, but with the potential severity of future attacks. Holder concludes his slippery reasoning this way: “The Constitution does not require the President to delay action until some theoretical end-stage of planning—when the precise time, place, and manner of an attack become clear.”
So, actually, forget about imminence, Holder ultimately says, as the hinge falls off his case.
Holder makes two other sleazy arguments. First, he says that the U.S. citizen whom the President orders killed actually receives “due process.” He claims that the President himself gives the victim due process ahead of time by determining that he is a legitimate target. “ ‘Due process’ and ‘judicial process’ are not one and the same,” he asserts. “The Constitution guarantees due process, not judicial process.” And then he explains how “the conduct and management of national security operations are core functions of the Executive Branch” and how “only the Executive Branch” has the necessary information to make these determinations. Call it what you want, but that ain’t due process.
Second, Holder tries to make us feel at ease with this extraordinary assertion of power by saying there is “robust oversight” of the President. What is that “robust oversight,” pray tell? “The Executive Branch regularly informs the appropriate members of Congress.”
That is not exactly a check or a balance.
Attorney General Holder and President Obama have taken the United States down a tyrannical path with this policy of assassinating U.S. citizens. And no amount of legalistic mumbo-jumbo can justify it.
If you liked this story by Matthew Rothschild, the editor of The Progressive magazine, check out his story “Don’t Lower the Corporate Tax Rate."
Follow Matthew Rothschild @mattrothschild on Twitter

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