venerdì 27 aprile 2012
mercoledì 11 aprile 2012
Seigniorage: The Bermuda Triangle
WHAT IS SWIFT? SWIFT…Banksters’ Weapon Of Mass Destruction
Coming back to the original subject of this timely and important contribution of +BN, let me cite here some facts about SWIFT.
SWIFT is one of the pillars of the Jew World Order. It is based in Brussels. It allows to transfer huge amounts of money between virtually every spot on Earth without PHYSICALLY moving cash. This took before weeks, and posed a real obstacle to globalization.
But there is a more SINISTER aspect, largely unknown to the public. SWIFT is part of a triangle, the other two institutions being CLEARSTREAM (Luxemburg) and EUROCLEAR (Brussels). They are the “banks of banks.” Their clients are supposedly only banks, not private persons.
Why are they sinister? In a most important exposé, Denis Robert and Clearstream insider Ernest Backes published in 2001 the book “Revelation$”, followed up later by Denis Robert’s book “The Black Box” in 2002. They also used the information provided by Clearstream ex-Vice President and insider Regis Hempel.
Both books show without any doubt that the three companies are “A FINANCIAL BERMUDAS TRIANGLE.” In the year 2000 out of 15,000 Clearstream accounts, 7,600 were SECRET ACCOUNTS. Euroclear had 7,000 accounts, of which 3,000 were secret (not published). No reliable data are provided for SWIFT, but we may assume a similar 40-50% of unpublished accounts.
What are the SECRET ACCOUNTS used for? You bet. Rockefeller’s Citibank has, according to “Black Box,” 37 secret Clearstream accounts for its Bogotá branch in Colombia alone. This tells us that these secret accounts are being used as a GIGANTIC MONEY LAUNDERING SYSTEM!
Even more interesting: the Bank of England possessed 119 secret Clearstream accounts and the Bank of France 70. Can you imagine? Central banks need secret accounts! Sure, this enables them to do all type of ILLEGAL transactions, without being noticed!
You probably suspect already that it is in the hands of the ETERNAL JEW… Well, YES!
The founder of Euroclear (in 1968) was none other than the Rothschild front J.P. Morgan & Co (see Revelation$).
In “Black Box” we also read that 60% of Clearstream stakeholders are also involved in Euroclear. They also have one third of the board members in common. Many SWIFT board members are in high positions in the other two companies! ALL OF THEM ARE ULTIMATELY OWNED BY ROTHSCHILD!
This is really the NERVOUS SYSTEM of the JWO!!
If Europe is ever going to be liberated from the Jew grip, one of the first addresses of the patriots should be this three communication knots. Take them down and you PARALYZE the whole system.
Or is it a job for Iranian hackers?
Caveman2012 April 8, 2012 @ 12:20 am
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