venerdì 20 dicembre 2013

Lockerbie: Libya cleared just after the usury-war is off

CIA interfered with Lockerbie case, says former US prosecutor

Victim’s father confronts Mohammed Abu Talb after report names him as ‘real’ bomber

Two highly-experienced investigators concluded in a confidential report that the Lockerbie case was subverted at “the highest level of government”.
They suggest that the CIA was implicated in interfering with the case, and name who they believe was really responsible for carrying out the terrorist attack in 1988 over a Scottish town.
Jessica de Grazia, New York’s former chief assistant district attorney, and Philip Corbett, who was chief security advisor to the Bank of England after a career as a top-ranking police officer with Scotland Yard, made a series of staggering findings about the official investigation into Lockerbie.

Superiors would have played on fear, timidity, gullibility, greed, ambition, patriotism, and other human frailties to silence the qualms of the line investigators

Report, Forensic Investigative Associates

They concluded that police were “directed off course” in their investigation by government interference, and that, as a result, the wrong man was convicted for the attack on Pan Am’s Flight 103 that killed 270 people.
They compiled the report for a London-based company of private investigators, Forensic Investigative Associates, after being commissioned by lawyers for Abdelbaset al-Megrahi, who was convicted of the bombing. Next Saturday is the 25th anniversary of the Lockerbie bombing.
De Grazia, who led the private investigation, was New York city’s highest non-elected law officer and was later appointed by the then attorney general in the UK, Lord Goldsmith, to conduct a wide-ranging review of the Serious Fraud Office in 2008.
Following a five-month investigation, de Grazia and Corbett wrote: “This leads us to believe that the investigation into the Lockerbie bombing was directed off course as a result of government interference.
“In our experience, the decision to intervene would have been made at the highest level of government, most likely by a top executive of the United States Central Intelligence Agency.
“The decision would have been communicated in both blunt and subtle ways down the chain of command to the line investigators.
“Since political interference in investigations runs counter to the professional ethos of US and UK law-enforcement agents, superiors would have played on fear, timidity, gullibility, greed, ambition, patriotism, and other human frailties to silence the qualms of the line investigators.”
The private investigation, codenamed ‘Operation Bird’, puts Mohammed Abu Talb, an Egyptian militant, in the frame for the Lockerbie bombing. Talb was a prime suspect early on in the official investigation into the attack.
He gave evidence for the prosecution at al-Megrahi’s trial. In return, Talb was given immunity from personal prosecution. Talb has always denied any involvement with the Lockerbie bombing.
De Grazia and Corbett placed Talb in key meetings with other terrorist suspects around the Middle East in the run-up to the attack.
Talb had close links to the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine – General Command (PFLP-GC), which was initially blamed for the Lockerbie bombing.
The report, dated April 2002, puts Talb in Britain on the day of the attack, saying that he met with other terrorists to place the bomb on the aircraft at Heathrow airport.
The devastating report will feature in a new documentary on Lockerbie due to be broadcast next week by Al Jazeera.
The private investigation uncovered evidence that Talb had previously bribed a Heathrow worker to smuggle a suitcase through security.
Talb was jailed for life in Sweden after being convicted of carrying out a series of terrorist bombings in 1985 in Copenhagen, Denmark and Amsterdam, Holland. These included attacks on offices of Northwest Airlines and El Al, the Israeli airline, killing one person and reportedly injuring another 20 people.
Al Jazeera tracked down Talb in Sweden, but he refused to comment.
Jim Swire, whose 23-year-old daughter, Flora, died in the Lockerbie bombing, also travelled to Sweden to confront Talb. He told Exaro: “Talb is a life-long, proven terrorist. He has completed 20 years in prison for bombings in Scandinavia, and is now out of prison and living in Uppsala in Sweden.
“I believe that he played a crucial part in the causing of the Lockerbie disaster.”
Operation Bird also points to claims by Robert Baer, a retired CIA expert on the Middle East, that Talb was paid $500,000 only months after the Lockerbie bombing. In a book called, ‘See No Evil: the true story of a ground soldier in the CIA’s war on terrorism,’ Baer also raises the possibility that Iran paid the money.
John Davison was reporting from Lockerbie on the night of the attack for The Sunday Times.

domenica 1 dicembre 2013

It is time to put the Rothschilds on public display

David Icke On Rothschild Zionism
By David Icke

I have written and spoken extensively about the agenda behind the unfolding global financial crisis and here I will expose the coordinating force, or at least the prime one, behind that agenda and so much else, including 9/11.

 It is widely known as Zionism or, as I call it, more accurately, I suggest … Rothschild Zionism. I add the ‘Rothschild’ to constantly emphasise the true creators of Zionism and its controllers to this day (see Human Race Get Off Your Knees).

 I’ll explain the connection later to the gathering economic catastrophe, but some background is necessary to put it all in the context that it needs to be seen.

sabato 30 novembre 2013

Monsanto, the TPP and Global Food Dominance

Monsanto, the TPP and Global Food Dominance

Posted on Nov 28, 2013
msdonnalee (CC BY 2.0)
By Ellen Brown, Web of Debt
This piece first appeared at Web of Debt.
“Control oil and you control nations,” said US Secretary of State Henry Kissinger in the 1970s.  ”Control food and you control the people.”
Global food control has nearly been achieved, by reducing seed diversity with GMO (genetically modified) seeds that are distributed by only a few transnational corporations. But this agenda has been implemented at grave cost to our health; and if the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) passes, control over not just our food but our health, our environment and our financial system will be in the hands of transnational corporations.
Profits Before Populations

giovedì 28 novembre 2013

Lawyer: U.S. Intel Perpetuating Fake War On Terror

» Lawyer: U.S. Intel Agencies Perpetuating Fake War On Terror Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!:

Lawyer: U.S. Intel Agencies Perpetuating Fake War On Terror

  •  The Alex Jones ChannelAlex Jones Show TwitterAlex Jones' FacebookInfowars store
Sen. Feinstein used FBI concocted terror case to argue for FISA expansion.
Kurt Nimmo
November 27, 2013
A teenager from Chicago ensnared in a phony bomb plot concocted by the FBI is a pawn in a “fake war on terror,” according to his lawyer, Thomas Durkin. On Tuesday, Durkin filed court papers portraying U.S. intelligence agencies as rogue entities exploiting a manufactured war on terror to circumvent the Constitution.
“This country, or at least civil liberties in this country as we have traditionally come to expect, is at another fear-laden crossroads,” Durkin writes in a document filed with the U.S. District Court in Illinois. “Not unlike the infamous and never ending ‘War on Drugs,’ the eternal ‘War on Terror’ as presented by the government intelligence agencies leaves us with another supposed Hobson’s choice between ‘national security’ and civil liberties.”
19-year-old Adel Daoud was arrested last year and charged in a plot to set off a bomb in a downtown Chicago intersection. It was revealed that the plot was in fact an FBI sting operation.
In 2011 Mother Jones published a report showing how the FBI now routinely scours Muslim communities for lone wolf patsies to be used in high-profile cases designed to perpetuate a fake war on terror. “By providing weaponry, funds and a plan, FBI-directed agents will encourage otherwise-unwilling participants to plot out terrorist attacks, only to bust them before any events fully materialize,” RT reported on August 22, 2011.
The Daoud case reveals how federal and local governments now collude to prevent Americans from exercising their constitutional right to a fair trial. According to the defendant’s attorneys, the FBI secretly recorded telephone conversations at Daoud’s home and monitored his internet activity. The prosecution argues that national security will be violated if the information is released to the defendant’s lawyers or the public and the court has agreed to keep the information secret. Daoud’s lawyers insist their client was targeted for political opinions he expressed on the internet.
“So, what would normally in a routine case be not classified evidence becomes classified evidence in a terrorism-related case because the surveillance is usually done by an intelligence agency, be it the FBI, the CIA or the NSA or something like that,” Durkin argued before Judge Sharon Johnson Coleman.
Senate Intelligence Committee Chairwoman Dianne Feinstein cited the FBI concocted case against Daoudlast year as an example of the role unconstitutional surveillance plays in the war on terror.
This article was posted: Wednesday, November 27, 2013 at 8:21 am

martedì 26 novembre 2013


                                                                                                           by Barry Chamish   
         It is the 50th anniversary of the assassination of President John Kennedy. I have been watching one mainstream TV documentary after another examining the murder. By the end of this viewing ordeal, reluctantly I conclude, Lee Harvey Oswald did shoot the President. He lied without conscience to the cops for two days before he was killed by Jack Ruby. Sadly, endless conspiracy-seeking writers have assumed that his proclamations were truthful. They were not. 
         Sorting through his lies, I couldn't find a way out of Oswald's days in New Orleans, and his Fair Play For Cuba period, that was paid for by two bizarre hoods, Guy Bannister and David Ferrie. His association led me to conclude the shooting was backed by organized crime. And one poll-taking broadcast declared that my thinking was shared by the greatest number of Americans. Yeah, mainstream media!
         Earlier this month was the 18th anniversary of the murder of Israeli Prime Minister, Yitzhak Rabin. This year's trick-the-public scam could and does lead to another Kennedy murdered, JFK's son:            

Hagai Amir, brother of the notorious Yigal Amir, was freed from jail last year after serving a 16-year sentence for his involvement in the assassination of then-Prime Minister Yitzchak Rabin. 
Now he has begun sharing his story with the media – and has openly declared that he is guilty, and has no regrets.
“I don’t regret what we did,” he told journalist Ori Golan of the Sydney Morning Herald. “No, I have not changed my mind.”
He told Golan that he was surprised at how easy the assassination was. “I mean, the Shin Bet works and trains for exactly this sort of scenario,” he said. The ease with which Yigal Amir killed Rabin at close range “is the reason for all the conspiracy theories,” he suggested.
Geula Amir, Yigal and Hagai’s mother, has said that she believes Yigal Amir was set up to take the blame for Rabin’s death, but did not actually kill him. Hagai rejected that argument. “He shot him,” he stated.
           This Hagai interview sealed the fate of his brother Yigal, but it opened up another scandal. His mother Geula was the primary snitch to JFK Jr. and he paid for taking her seriously with his life. I was the first to write of this murderous scheme:
At 9:20 PM, July 16,1999, John Fitzgerald Kennedy Jr. radioed the tower at an airport near Martha's Vineyard, Massachusetts announcing that he was preparing to land. Seconds after, his plane exploded in mid-air, and this was witnessed by several witnesses including a local newspaper reporter and an attorney. On board were his wife Caroline Bessette and her sister LaurenLauren's luggage was recovered miles from the crash site, an event that can only be caused by a mid-air explosion.
       For reasons that would later become clear, search for the missing plane was delayed for 15 hours, when Pres. William "Bill" Clinton sent out the equivalent of the Sixth Fleet to find the wreckage, hide it and the bodies from the snoopy media, and though JFK Jr. was never in the Navy, and though the families did not consent, cremate the corpses, or evidence, and throw the ashes into the water in a quickly planned, elaborate, Navy funeral at sea.
       Behind the scenes, a hokey cover story was concocted. The weather, which was perfect, became stormy. JFK Jr. had a gimpy leg. Reports by the FAA and FBI, both concluding foul play was involved, were buried, the arrival of Israeli PM Ehud Barak to Clinton's court the day before was given an alternative explanation...In fact JFK Jr.'s profound effect on Israel was never mentioned.
       But it was huge. In the March, 1997 issue of his magazine, George, JFK Jr. became the only publisher of a major American publication to expose the conspiracy to murder Israeli Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin. His 13 page expose shook the Israeli establishment to it's foundations:

        Jewish Web Network News April 02  1997

       Israeli Prime Minister Rabin's widow charged Tuesday that John Kennedy Jr.'s magazine crossed "the red line" by publishing an article by the mother of her husband's assassin. "How, of all people, could he do such a thing?" Mrs. Kennedy asked of the son of President Kennedy who was assassinated in 1963. "Perhaps he needed a sensational story to sell his paper. I would expect that he would take a higher moral stand in his paper."
       The article claimed that Amir was goaded to shoot Rabin by an undercover agent for the Shin Bet, Israel's security agency. (It) thought it would be done with a doctored gun. The security force let the attack happen so they could take credit for saving the prime minister.
         And JFK Jr. was about to publish the final truth about Rabin's murder. This, Israel could not allow. It's operatives were called into action.This interview with JFK Jr.'s driver appeared in Maariv shortly after the Piper crash.
  Yoel Katzavman drove John Jr. 48 hours before the plane broke up. "He was a quiet and humble client."
  "How could he have flown that plane with a broken leg? It was really suicidal?," said Yoel Katzavman (38), a limousine driver born in Hakiriot, who drove the Kennedy couple many times. Katzavman arrived in the US three years before and was employed by the Empire limousine service. He was often called to drive John Jr. and Carolyn Kennedy from their New York apartment. He recalls his last ride with John Jr., less than 48 hours before the final takeoff.

        It was this self-serving interview that raised my suspicions and I went looking. Here is what I wrote in July, 2009

So now what do we do about the information coming out on the explosion of JFK Jr.'s plane? The day it happened I wrote that JFK Jr. was doing more than any other American media figure to get to the bottom of the Rabin assassination truth. I reminded readers that his magazine George ran a 13 page expose of the Shabak's involvement in the assassination. I suggested that this was a brave but risky stand. Then came the tidal wave of data. The FBI Preliminary Report confirming the bomb on the plane and noting the type of explosive was used by certain foreign intelligence services. This was followed by Catherine Crier of Fox TV's The Crier Report, announcing that JFK Jr. was about to meet high ranking Mossad officers to get the full story on the Rabin assassination. Then the German newspaper, Franfurter Allgemaine Zeitung, reported that Kennedy had met with the deputy chief of the Mossad, Amiram Levine to get the full story on the Rabin assassination two days before his plane went down. Then Maariv ran an interview with JFK's chauffeur, who happens to be Israeli. Then people started noting that Ehud Barak was in Washington at the time of Kennedy's finale in life.  
        And I was not alone in my investigation:

WORLD AFFAIRS BRIEF August 27 1999 Copyright Joel M. Skousen.
          Quotations with attribution permitted.
          Evidence continues to mount that JFK jr. and passengers were
killed by  an altitude triggered bomb planted in the tail section of the
          Here is the evidence: Kennedy*s sister in law's ( Lauren
Bessette ) suitcase was found miles out in the ocean, away from the crash
site. Lawyer Victor Pribanic was on the shore fishing and heard the
explosion from the same location and time frame where the plane went
down. The wreckage of the plane was recovered under *national security*
conditions and no reporters were allowed to see or photograph it. The
wreckage was  loaded on to sealed containers and taken away. The FAA report
indicated the recovered engine was fully functional. The presumed bad
weather that caused Kennedy to spiral into the water was some 8 miles
away from the crash site at that time, so the report of bad weather was
part of the cover-up.
        Soon after, a correspondent wrote me:                                                              

re JFK Jr.

At the time his plane went down, I was living in Massachusetts.
Kerryville. The state has gone under.
On the particular day, I heard the news.
A reporter for The Vineyard Gazette who was on the island, was quoted as having seen the plane come down to land, and to have seen a flash on the plane. Next thing the plane went out of control and crashed into the sea below.
He was quoted on the internet saying this.
Having been a reporter, and having seen many other events go down [I get put in this situations, to witness, etc.] I decided to call the reporter in question.
Somehow I quickly reached him.
He repeated the story.
Next, the article disappeared from the internet, and no more report was made on the news which included any of the information from the eye-witness reporter.
Next, I noticed this disappearance of the article, and called the reporter back.
All of a sudden he no longer existed.
I couldn't find him no matter what I did, despite my having spoken to him hours before.

       There were reports that JFK Jr. was planning to run for the New York senate seat that Hillary Clinton coveted. Hence the motive. Indeed, that may have been a factor. Pres. Clinton called in the Navy to hide the crime, his so-called Shalom Haver friendship with Rabin was clearly a sham, and his wife's political ambitions could have been promoted by murdering JFK Jr.
        But, looking at the priorities, Shimon Peres and the "peace" process had to be protected first. The brave and wonderful publisher JFK Jr. was set to explode all the myths surrounding the murder of Rabin. Unless he exploded first.

          JFK Jr. and I fought to tell the truth of the Rabin assassination. When he was consumed in such an obvious hit, I struck back with obvious doubts. A lot of good that did me. Nonetheless, I am cited often on the internet for my efforts. Here is one example:
          Fifty years on, JFK's demise is smothered in obfuscations. The objective truth will never be known. Yet, his son's grisly end is easily proven to everyone's satisfaction, but no one will say so because it leads to the equally grisly assassination of the prime minister of Israel.
         I wrote an irreverant Kennedy book, With The Kennedys. Download it at:
        Or better, buy it at:
Film producer Steve Stavro sent me a few copies of his powerful 3 hour DVD on Vatican diplomacy, Clear And Present Evil, with me as a core interviewee. A few will get a signed copy for $40. if they write me quickly.
My latest book is The Stinger Not The Stung: if you saw and liked then you can start with:
Bye Bye Gaza

Then work your way through the rest.

You might enjoy my exclusive e-mail list. I keep you informed of all hidden, obscure news for a minor cost. My readers swear by the service. Get on for a free month by writing me at:   After that...if you liked pay a bit.

And if you believe, at long last, that I am the only writer telling close to the whole truth, it's time to say so with a contribution!

Barry Chamish
POB 840157
Saint Augustine, FL  32080

My Rabin lecture in Hebrew: Some people, I'm told, had to copy and paste this to open it:

My radio show is found at:

mercoledì 13 novembre 2013

Joint Intelligence, Joint Publication 2-0

Joint Intelligence, Joint Publication 2-0



David Fernandez retrec a Rato l'estafa de Bankia

EUROWITZ LAGER: Greek Puppet Parliament at work

Voting at the Justice Committee of the Greek Parliament, on 12.9.2013, without the required number of participating MPs, where the chairman Mr. Virvidakis simply ignores all the objections by MP Zoe Konstantopoulou and reports that every article was "voted by the majority" without anyone having voted! Mr Virvidakis also made sure that every sentence from Zoe were all deleted from the minutes, but he obviously did not take into account that everything was being recorded and was going to leak out to the internet.

lunedì 4 novembre 2013



Disclosure of U.S. intelligence surveillance activities in Germany and other allied countries has aroused angry public reaction in those countries, and has prompted discussion of the possibility of negotiating "no spy zones" abroad in which certain types of intelligence collection would be renounced and prohibited.

Some have spoken of extending to Germany or other countries the "Five Eyes" agreement that has long existed among the US, the UK, Canada, Australia and New Zealand to share intelligence, and not to spy on each other.

But a rarely-noted statute could make it difficult for any U.S. administration to achieve an international agreement involving binding new limits on intelligence collection against a foreign country, unless Congress enacts the limitation itself.

In the FY 2001 intelligence authorization act (P.L. 106-567, sect. 308), Congress said that the imperatives of U.S. intelligence gathering are to be understood to take precedence over any treaty or international agreement:

    "No Federal law enacted on or after the date of the enactment of the Intelligence Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2001 that implements a treaty or other international agreement shall be construed as making unlawful an otherwise lawful and authorized intelligence activity of the United States Government or its employees, or any other person to the extent such other person is carrying out such activity on behalf of, and at the direction of, the United States, unless such Federal law specifically addresses such intelligence activity."

By way of explanation, the Senate Intelligence Committee said in a 2000 report:  "There has been a concern that future legislation implementing international agreements could be interpreted.... as restricting intelligence activities that are otherwise entirely consistent with U.S. law and policy."

At a minimum, this provision appears to complicate any such restriction on intelligence activities that is advanced by international agreement, unless it is explicitly affirmed by Congress itself.

The notion of creating and incrementally expanding "no spy" zones has some history.  In a 1996 op-ed, for example, former U.S. Ambassador Robert E. White proposed that the U.S. explore the possibility on a trial basis:

"One reform might be to select a specific region of the world -- for example, Central America -- as a testing place. Withdraw all CIA staff from these countries. Let the National Security Council charge our career diplomats with fulfilling Washington's intelligence requirements. Should Foreign Service officers prove capable of meeting all intelligence needs, then gradually extend this beneficial practice to other countries through pacts of reciprocal restraint by which signatories agree not to spy on or engage in covert action against the other. In order to be eligible to sign such a pact with the United States, the other nation would have to meet minimal standards of openness."  ("Call Off The Spies," Washington Post, February 7, 1996).

But even in the post-cold war, pre-9/11 interlude, this proposal did not find a receptive audience, and no such experiment was attempted.

CIA; a recurring pattern of intelligence misconduct

In 1973, the Director of Central Intelligence ordered CIA officials to prepare a descriptive account of all CIA activities that were "outside the legislative charter of this Agency," which is to say unauthorized or illegal. The purpose of the exercise was to identify operations that had "flap potential," meaning that they could embarrass the Agency or embroil it in controversy.
The resulting 700-page CIA compendium of unlawful domestic surveillance, wiretapping, mail opening and detention actions became known as "the family jewels." It helped to inform and to substantiate the investigations of intelligence in the 1970s. The document was finally declassified (with some redactions) in 2007 and was released to the National Security Archive, which has posted it here:
In a new book entitled "The Family Jewels: The CIA, Secrecy, and Presidential Power" (University of Texas Press, 2013), historian John Prados reviews the origins and consequences of the family jewels document and the operations described in it.
The thrust of Prados' book is that the CIA family jewels are not simply relics of a discrete historical period, but rather that they are exemplars of a recurring pattern of intelligence misconduct. Many of the specific abuses of the 1970s, he argues, can be understood as archetypes that have been manifested repeatedly, up to the present day.
As a category, "family jewels," then and now, involve violations of legal or moral norms, shielded by official secrecy. These operations tend to expand in scope until secrecy fails, for one reason or another, and then the public controversy which had been deferred explodes with redoubled force.
"Family Jewels are characterized by activity that goes beyond [legal] boundaries, refusal to rein in the operators, and then covering up the behavior." (p. 57) "One crucial aspect is that projects are relatively easy to initiate, but then very difficult to shut down." (p. 321)
"Perhaps the most disturbing aspect of all is that Family Jewels seem to have a tendency to replicate, suggesting that abuse fulfills some functional purpose." (p. 322)
So, according to Prados, unlawful domestic surveillance in the Vietnam era returns as extralegal surveillance in the war on terror. The abusive interrogation of a suspected CIA mole in the 1960s finds an echo in the CIA's post-9/11 interrogation practices. All the while, secrecy and selective disclosure are used to shape and manage public perceptions.
"There was a logic to the way Family Jewels evolved," he writes, and his interesting new book elaborates on that theme.
* * *
Postscript: It was startling to be reminded by Prados that the Federation of American Scientists was on the CIA "watch list" to have its mail intercepted and read by the Agency in the 1960s and early 1970s, along with the American Friends Service Committee, author John Steinbeck, and other questionable types (p. 75).
In 1971, then-FAS President Jeremy J. Stone triggered high-level anxiety at CIA when he wrote a letter to the Postal Service inquiring whether "any other agency" was being permitted to open U.S. mail. The letter generated intense deliberations among CIA leadership, and the program was terminated two years later. Stone presented his account of that episode in a chapter of his memoirs here:
See also "The CIA's Mail Cover: FAS Nearly Uncovered It," by Robert Gillette, Science, June 27, 1975:

domenica 3 novembre 2013

UNGHERIA: o ci liberiamo o non saremo liberi

Comunicato di un cittadino ungherese (Kovacs Andras) al popolo italiano del 31 ottobre 2013.
Testimonianze di cittadini italiani sull'Ungheria.
Discorso di Orban nella giornata commemorativa del 23 ottobre.


Gentili persone italiane,

come sempre vi invio delle notizie nuove sull’Ungheria e nello specifico riguardo alla giornata del 23 ottobre a Budapest.Purtroppo come quasi sempre i media italiani di sinistra hanno trasmesso la notizia riguardante la manifestazione parallela del partito di sinistra ungherese scrivendo un’articolo ma della vera manifestazione commemorativa riguardante la giornata del 1956 é stato scritto solo un piccolo trafiletto.Quello che piú mi dispiace e' che anche i grossi media di destra non hanno che riportato solo che due righe sulla giornata del 23 ottobra a Budapest.57 anni fá il 23 ottobre 1956 la popolazione ungherese non ha piú tollerato la pressione della dittatura comunista e hanno provato a combattere impossibilmente la grande dittatura. In mezzo ai comunisti c’era una grande persona di nome Nagy Imre „in questo periodo in Ungheria esisteva solo un partito politico il comunismo”, lui nel 1956 é diventato capo del governo ma questa persona ha voluto „partire”in un’ altra direzione rispetto a quella esistente,ha voluto rompere e dividere la dittatura sovietica ma purtroppo allora non ci é riuscito.I sovietici russi assieme ai comunisti ungheresi hanno brutalmente fermato e schiacciato la popolazione ungherese sparando alla folla presente che manifestava il proprio pensiero,folla composta da bambini,giovani,anziani. Senza pietá i militari armati di armi e carrarmati hanno schiacciato e ucciso tantissime persone.Nagy Imre e le persone politiche del suo pensiero vicine a lui sono state uccise e buttate letteralmente in una fossa comune con il viso rivolto verso il basso, verso il fondo della fossa. Gli anni successivi al 1956 un gruppo speciale ha cercato tutti quelli che avevano preso parte alla rappresaglia e quelli che trovavano venivano portati o in prigione o portati in esilio oppure uccisi. Una casa molto importante voglio scrivere riguardo questi anni, il ministro degli interni era Biszku Béla,si puó dire lui ha comandato queste „spedizioni”. Lui ha ”le mani insanguinate” di tante persone ed ancora oggi vive libero ma sembra che non sia ancora per molto perché la veritá lo schiaccerá nella punizione giusta. Anche per questo ovvero grazie alla vittoria di Orbán Viktor con i 2/3 che ha potuto portare tante modifiche.
Come ogni anno il 23 ottobre ricordiamo gli eroi dell’anno 1956 e quest’anno la commemorazione si é svolta a Budapest nella piazza degli eroi e li il capo del governo Orbán Viktor ha tenuto un discorso dove ricordava la data del 1956 e univa un discorso riguardante la manifestazione dove centinaia di migliaia di persone erano presenti.Chi non ha partecipato dal vivo alla manifestazione non puó capire quanti eravamo ,questa grande folla pacificamente si é svolta per molti chilomentri fino ad arrivare alla piazza degli eroi,ogni persona parlava tranquillamente con l’altra, alcuni cantavano, altri sventolavano la bandiera ungherese e anche bandiere di altre nazionalitá, gente dal giovane all’anziano ai bambini e persone diversamente abili e tutti assieme abbiamo seguito il discorso del capo del governo Orbán Viktor. Il discorso in sé svolto iniziando dal ricordo di quello che si é svolto nel 1956 arrivando ai giorni nostri sulla situazione attuale che esiste,semplicemente ha spiegato con parole semplici e comprensibili a tutti quello che esiste e quello che dobbiamo fare se vogliamo ''restare liberi e non tornare indietro”. Una parte importente del discorso diceva:
''adesso finiamo quello che nel 1956 gli eroi hanno iniziato,non esiste una strada centrale o ci liberiamo oppure non saremo liberi.''

Penso che questa frase faccia riflettere molte persone e non solo gli ungheresi ma anche i cittadini di altre nazionalitá. É stato bello vedere e sentire che questa folla immensa pensa tutta allo stesso modo, che tutti assieme siamo vicini e appoggiamo il nostro capo del governo Orbán Viktor.
Questa manifestazione pacifista é la dimostrazione di come ci sia vicinanza della popolazione verso il suo governo, non é la prima volta che é accaduto, ma anche in passato si é svolta, e nel prossimo futuro ci sará se sará necassario.
Grazie per aver letto il mio articolo,vi auguro che anche voi possiate avere un futuro piú sereno rispetto a questa situazione che vivete oggi. Noi abbiamo la fortuna di avere un Capo del governo forte e coraggioso e questo da la forza e il coraggio alla popolazione. Anche voi potreste provare a fare come noi , l’ unione fa la forza.Concludo la mia testimonianza di persona semplice che ha partecipato alla giornata del 23 ottobre come Orbán Viktor ha concluso il suo discorso.

-Forza Ungheria, Forza ungheresi-

Kovacs Andras

domenica 27 ottobre 2013

REUTERS: Japan secrecy act stirs fears

UPDATE 1-Japan secrecy act stirs fears about press freedom, right to know

(Adds confirmation of cabinet approval, protest)
* Law would protect top secrets on national security
* Legislation comes as PM proceeds with conservative agenda
* Critics warn chilling effect on journalism
* Passage looks certain as ruling bloc controls both houses
By Linda Sieg and Kiyoshi Takenaka

TOKYO, Oct 25 (Reuters) - Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe's government is planning a state secrets act that critics say could curtail public access to information on a wide range of issues, including tensions with China and the Fukushima nuclear crisis.
The new law would dramatically expand the definition of official secrets and journalists convicted under it could be jailed for up to five years.
Japan's harsh state secrecy regime before and during World War Two has long made such legislation taboo, but the new law looks certain to be enacted since Abe's Liberal Democratic Party-led bloc has a comfortable majority in both houses of parliament and the opposition has been in disarray since he came to power last December.
Critics see parallels between the new law and Abe's drive to revise Japan's U.S.-drafted, post-war constitution to stress citizen's duties over civil rights, part of a conservative agenda that includes a stronger military and recasting Japan's wartime history with a less apologetic tone.
"There is a demand by the established political forces for greater control over the people," said Lawrence Repeta, a law professor at Meiji University. "This fits with the notion that the state should have broad authority to act in secret."
Abe says the new law, a draft of which was approved by his cabinet on Friday and should be passed by parliament in the current session, is vital to his plan to set up a U.S.-style National Security Council to oversee security policies and coordinate among ministries.
Outside Abe's official residence, several dozen protesters gathered in the rain in a last-minute appeal against the move.
"We are resolutely against this bill. You could be subject to punishments just by revealing what needs to be revealed to the public," one of the protesters said.
Legal and media experts say the law, which would impose harsh penalites on those who leak secrets or try to obtain them, is too broad and vague, making it impossible to predict what would come under its umbrella. The lack of an independent review process leaves wide latitude for abuse, they say.
"Basically, this bill raises the possibility that the kind of information about which the public should be informed is kept secret eternally," Tadaaki Muto, a lawyer and member of a task force on the bill at the Japan Federation of Bar Associations, told Reuters.
"Under the bill, the administrative branch can set the range of information that is kept secret at its own discretion."
Media watchdogs fear the law would seriously hobble journalists' ability to investigate official misdeeds and blunders, including the collusion between regulators and utilities that led to the 2011 Fukushima nuclear disaster.
A probe by an independent parliamentary panel found that collusion between regulators and the nuclear power industry was a key factor in the failure to prevent the meltdowns at Tokyo Electric Power Co's (Tepco) tsunami-hit Fukushima plant in March 2011, and the government and the utility remain the focus of criticism for their handling of the on-going crisis.
Tepco has often been accused of concealing information about the crisis and many details have first emerged in the press. In July, Tepco finally admitted to massive leaks of radiation-contaminated water into the Pacific Ocean after months of media reports and denials by the utility.
"This may very well be Abe's true intention - cover-up of mistaken state actions regarding the Fukushima disaster and/or the necessity of nuclear power," said Sophia University political science professor Koichi Nakano.
Legal experts fear a broad impact on the media's ability to act as a watchdog. "It seems very clear that the law would have a chilling effect on journalism in Japan," said Meiji University's Repeta.
Critics have dismissed as political window dressing the addition of references to freedom of the press and the right to know, which were added to the bill at the insistence of the LDP's junior coalition partner, the New Komeito party.
The LDP has sought unsuccessfully previously to enact such a state secrets law but impetus was renewed after a Japanese Coast Guard official posted video online in 2010 showing a collision between a Chinese fishing boat and a Japanese patrol vessel near disputed isles in the East China Sea. The government, then led by the now-opposition Democratic Party, wanted to keep the video under wraps for fear of inflaming tense Sino-Japanese relations.
The Coast Guard official was suspended for one year, but resigned his post. He was not indicted for any crime.
The new legislation would create four categories of "special secrets" that should be kept classified - defence, diplomacy, counter-terrorism and counter-espionage.
Top officials in all ministries - rather than only defence officials as currently - will be able to designate state secrets for five years, renewable in five-year increments and potentially indefinitely, although cabinet approval would be required after 30 years.
"As things stand, the state gets a more or less free hand in deciding what constitutes a state secret and it can potentially keep things secret forever," Nakano said.
Currently, only defence secrets are subject to such classification. Security experts say that makes defence officials reluctant to share classified data with other ministries, a pre-requisite for the functioning of the planned National Security Council.
Under the new law, public servants and others cleared for access to such information could get up to 10 years in prison for leaks. At present, they face one year imprisonment except for defence officials, who are subject to up to five years in prison or 10 years if the data came from the U.S. military.

Journalists and others in the private sector who encourage such leaks could get up to five years in jail if they used "grossly inappropriate" means to encourage leaks. (Writing by Linda Sieg; Editing by Raju Gopalakrishnan)

martedì 22 ottobre 2013

Italian anti-austerity protesters clash with police

Italian anti-austerity protesters clash with police

ROME | Sat Oct 19, 2013 2:42pm EDT
(Reuters) - Demonstrators clashed with Italian police on Saturday as tens of thousands marched through Rome to protest against unemployment, government cuts and big construction projects they say take money away from social services.
Hooded protesters turned over garbage bins in front of the Economy Ministry and set several of them on fire. Using sticks and clubs, they attacked police in riot gear. The police charged and chased demonstrators up side streets.
The hooded demonstrators, who infiltrated a mostly peaceful protest, threw smoke bombs, eggs and bottles at the ministry and broke the window of a nearby bank. Police said 15 of the most violent protesters were arrested and two policemen were injured.
In another area along the demonstration route, police defused a large firework with a bullet inside, which they said could have caused serious damage had it gone off.
Protesters also set off smoke bombs and fireworks along the route and many planned to camp out during the night in front of the Infrastructure Ministry, the end of the demonstration.
The protest comes as Prime Minister Enrico Letta is trying to hold together his shaky left-right coalition government and struggling to lead Italy out of its worst post-war recession.
Letta's 2014 budget, unveiled on Tuesday, has become a focal point of discontent, with unions complaining about freezes on public sector salaries and what they say is an insufficient easing of the tax burden on workers. Youth unemployment is at an all time high at 40.1 percent.
Organizers said at least 70,000 people joined the march that started in Piazza San Giovanni on the south side of the city and snaked its way through the city. Many shops along the route were closed as a precaution.
The mostly young demonstrators held up banners against unemployment, lack of affordable housing and the planned TAV high-speed train link to France.
Opponents of the project say that as well as environmental concerns, the money to build the high-speech train should be used to help the poor and unemployed.
"This protest is to demand basic rights: a job paying a wage, and housing," said Matteo, a 20-year-old student from the eastern Marche region, who declined to give his surname.
"All the most downtrodden people are here to protest, unemployed people, students, immigrants, workers without job security," he said.
Immigrants seeking asylum also joined the demonstration, holding banners reading "Lampedusa", the island where many migrants land after crossing the Mediterranean Sea from north Africa. Nearly 400 have died at sea this month alone.
At least 4,000 police were on duty. They said they had confiscated teargas canisters and rocks from some of the demonstrators' backpacks.
They also said they found rocks and chains hidden behind bushes along the route of the demonstration.
Police said 14 people, several from anarchist movements, had been detained at the border with France and suspected of planning to disrupt the demonstration with violence.

(Writing by Philip Pullella; Editing by Robin Pomeroy and Alison Williams)

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