by Barry Chamish
My previous article was called Secrets Now Out. The day after I sent it, my e-mail program stopped sending out my letters. Oh I received the letters, I just couldn't reply to them. When I escaped Israel, I put my server, netvision, in an external hard drive. So electronically, I never left Israel...until I wrote my last report. Then suddenly loyal readers, we were separated from each other.
This was intolerable to me, of course. So at great time, expense and frustration, I called Netvision's technical department and was told over and over, my IP address is not recognized by Israel. And over and over I told the technicians to go into my sent box and look at the date when I could communicate to my readership. It was yesterday so why can't I today? The technicians are not trained to answer that very logical inquiry and actually dive a step deeper. They repeated, your IP address doesn't read us and there's nothing we can do about it. They all advised me to use their internet site to send my mail. Without boring you with the mess that caused, if you received this, I had to copy and paste address, subject, material and maybe bcc from my program to the internet. What took two hours to send now takes two days, if we're lucky.
Despondent, I called my dear friend Tova in Jerusalem and told her, in essence, that the rug was pulled from my information business. Her response was revelatory: "My, isn't that peculiar? I sent out 188 messages today and all were returned. I can't get through to my readers."
I'm from the old school of journalistic thinking; once you could be paranoid, twice you have corroboration. Then more corroboration began arriving:
Shalom Barry !
I'm having HUGE difficulty sending your recent email to those who pray 4 u.
My address IMMEDIATELY comes up as a "source of spam" !
Quod Erat Demonstrandum ?
God bless!
Also, I just wanted to let you know that McAffee Web Gateway, a software package to prevent users of a system to browse unwanted content, blocks your domain with the explanation that it is a pornography website.
Best wishes,
I accept that I'm targeted and that you may not receive my material reliably. For now, my response is to get my core research to my most interested readers. And very seriously, you may find me cut off from you at any time. If you value my insights, I am working on a new manuscript. It includes my last dozen or so articles interspersed with deep analyses. I'll turn it into a timely interim report and get it to you either by e-mail or I'll have it printed and sent to you if you take care of the expenses involved in this.
After Tova's revelatory response to my awful dilemma, I was going to call this project, The Revelation Report by Barry Chamish. I choose to steer away from agendas and I immediately understood this title was filled with them. So I switched to the Tashad Report, after the new Hebrew year. Not very catchy but appropriate. So, either or both titles will arrive electronically or by post if you want them.
With tremendous interference, I can't even copy and paste from one program to another, and in its original program block printing and italics don't appear, and hoping you receive this messed up or in any way, here is the real, or at least, my Middle East, as seen through the eyes of Israelis and Jews. And it is a grim view. About time. Someone in Syria, government or not, and believe me when I say it could be not, ordered the rocket shelling of 10 rebel villages with nerve gas. Israel watched the images of writhing victims, especially the children, and don't think that wasn't deliberate. What a message. If this is what happens with 10 crummy rockets, we have tens of thousands more just waiting to be launched at Israel.
The Jews are now terrified. Well why not? They are close to being strangled by bloody civil wars on all sides. I know who is behind the butchery. If I write CFR after a name, you google Council On Foreign Relations Membership List and see if I got any of the following of its 4200 members wrong. After that, may you eventually draw the correct conclusions:
We're another step closer to Armageddon...
The Atrocities Prevention Board, an initiative of the Barack Obama White House, launched ironically enough during an address at the U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum in Washington, D.C., was established about a year ago.
You can guess what its stated purpose is by the title, but you'd never know it exists based on performance. With tens of hundreds of thousands of dead and maimed in Iraq, Libya, Syria and now Egypt, (in fact, everywhere the US has gone in first) when do they plan to get started? Or maybe, Arab atrocities are not perceived as a problem. Maybe this thing has been prepared for something else altogether.
In an unconfirmed report, the following was noted:
...As to Obama’s “grand strategy” in massively supporting the Muslim Brotherhood against the Egyptian people, this GRU report says, is nothing short of the destruction of the Jewish State of Israel, which with his appointment of Samantha Power (CFR) to the United Nations as US Ambassador “clearly shows” that the Obama regime is headed towards a “dangerous climax” with what had formerly been two of their most stalwart Middle Eastern allies, Israel and Egypt.
The “master plan” developed by Ambassador Power, Russian military experts in this report say, is to create an “iron wall of terror” around Israel, and which Obama’s secret agreement with Egypt’s Muslim Brotherhood would help accelerate, thus necessitating the need for American combat troops to invade the Jewish State and reestablish the 1967 borders recognized by the United Nations.
Ambassador Power’s “master plan” was first outlined by her when she was the Chairman of Obama’s new Atrocities Prevention Board and called for the US to pour combat troops into Israeli-controlled territory in order to end abuses she said were being committed by both sides in the Palestinian-Israeli conflict.
Having placed Israel’s leader on par with Yasser Arafat, Ambassador Power further called for massive US military intervention on behalf of the Palestinians, to impose a solution in defiance of Israel and its American supporters thus preparing to spend billions of dollars that would be shifted from Israel’s security to the upkeep of a “mammoth protection force” and a Palestinian stateall in the name of American “principles.”
As Egypt descends into bloody chaos, this GRU report concludes, and with Israel now in the Obama regimes “crosshairs,” the fate of our entire world does indeed “stand in the balance” today as Russian political and military analysts see no likelihood whatsoever that the Israelis will give in to President Obama without a fight….
My last article included a section on Rudolph Kastner, a Jew sent by the Labor Zionists running the Jewish Agency to Adolph Eichmann to negotiate the saving of a handful of their Jews. This led to a heartfelt and sadly deluded response, from Trudy Gefen. Who can blame her for the first part of her letter, none of us can live with the Holocaust and most find pathological excuses out, but her conclusion is right:
If Kastner managed to save 3,000 Hungarian Jews (more than Schindler, in fact), then he should
have been given a medal and certainly not killed for so doing. One can hardly blame him for trying
first to save his own family (as if his critics wouldn't have done exactly the same had they been able
to save other Jews...!!!), and then some close friends. But the fact that he also managed to save many other Hungarian Jews can only be described as heroic. Unfortunately, my grandparents, my father's
mother and father, we not amongst those lucky Hungarian Jews on the Kastner List. But I'm sure that
if he could have saved ALL of Hungary's Jews, he would have done so and then perhaps my sweet
innocent grandparents would have lived longer and I might even have been able to meet them after the war.
But if you want to go after Hungarian Jews who didn't save 'enough' Jews, why not go after those who DIDN'T SAVE ANY, but in fact actually collaborated with the Germans and the Hungarian 'Iron Cross' nazis in sending 460,000 other Jews to their dreadful deaths, including my grandparents.
I speak of George Soros (CFR) and his father who who would take their Iron Cross comrades to Jewish homes, watch in glee as the Jews were dragged out and marched off to train station ramps and then forced onto cattle wagons to be shipped off for 'extermination'. Meantime George and his papa would help other Iron Cross bastards steal everything of value the Jews left behind.
But no one does anything about Soros. In fact, he is one of Obama's most treasured advisors and a frequent visitor to the White House. True, Soros was just a teenager at the time, but he still gloats and even boasts about his participation in those crimes...never once repenting or asking God, and Hungarian Jews, for forgiveness.
As you, and other US Jews, including those who head organizations whose raison d'etre is to bring Nazis and their collaborators to justice, have never even considered bringing Soros to justice, one can't help wondering WHY's that?. Is it cowardice or couldn't carelessness, or something far more sinister????
May I reply Trudy, with a tiny glimpse of hope? Egypt appears to know the ugly game and is fighting back.
A few months ago, Mohammed ElBaradei was paraded on the front cover of the Council On Foreign Relations (CFR) rag, Foreign Affairs, with a headline asking if he could be Egypt's savior. What uncanny foresight, for on the second day of Egyptian protests he showed up in Cairo and was named as the negotiator of The Muslim Brotherhood. So where did he come from? It turns out from the board of an NGO run by CFR muckrakers George Soros and Zbigniew Brzezinski (CFR).
Against the regime, the opposition groups - of which there are at least ten - are just as hamstrung by their failure to produce a leader able to stand up and challenge the president. For lack of any representative figure, they picked the retired nuclear watchdog director Dr. Mohamed ElBaradi to speak for them in negotiations over the transfer of power. Hardly anyone in Egypt knows him: He is better known outside the country having spent many years abroad. Yet, at the same time, ElBaradei sits on the board of a Soros/Brzezinski foundation.
Go to the George Soros/Zbigniew Brzezinski Crisis Groups Website and you will see that the Egyptian clashes have hit surprisingly close to home for them. That's because none other than their own Mohamed ElBaradei, sitting on their board of trustees, is the self-proclaimed leader of the unrest unfolding across the streets of Cairo. The International Crisis Group's recent condemnation of ElBaradei's detention and admission of his membership amongst "the Group" is accompanied by calls for the government to stop using violence against the protesters.
Egypt’s former interim Vice President, Mohammed ElBaradei, will face trial for breach of trust, the state-run Al Ahram newspaper reported on Tuesday.The trial is set for September 19, reported the newspaper. ElBaradei resigned as Vice President last week, after the military forcefully removed supporters of deposed President Mohammed Morsi from squares in Cairo where they had been staging sit-ins.In a statement he said that he could not "continue in shouldering the responsibility for decisions I do not agree with and I fear their consequences. I cannot shoulder the responsibility for a single drop of blood."
I'll conclude with the new mood of desperation from religious Jews, who up til now, saw hope in everything, believed that the Israeli government would protect its interests, even bought the democracy myth. Much too late, they are kind of waking up. I fear, much, much, much too late.
United States Secretary of State John Kerry (CFR) and other top U.S. officials met Thursday evening with a small group of Jewish community leaders to ask for their support for the diplomatic talks between Israel and the Palestinian Authority. Among those present were Special Envoy for Mideast Peace Martin Indyk (CFR) and National Security Adviser Susan Rice (CFR).
The Muslim Brotherhood ideology which drives Hamas and Fatah is the same as the Nazis. Yet they are being empowered, validated and rewarded by the world, Obama and company as well.
Our only hope of Salvation comes from the Almighty!
Loyal readers, we may soon, against my will certainly, be isolated from each other. I suspect you will have received this, if at all, in a way I didn't mean to send it. My only answer is to send you the Revelation/Tashad Report. I'll be upfront, $50 by e-mail, $100 if I print it. I can't guarantee any other way you'll hear from me again. And, don't think I'm not depressed by this change in my life.
Dear friend Barry ... 'The Stinger Not the Stung' ...
I got the book saturday, and speedily to look in!
I think you have right, right and right!!
For my other books, start with:
Bye Bye Gaza
Then work your way through the rest.
You might enjoy my exclusive e-mail list. I keep you informed of all hidden, obscure news for a minor cost. My readers swear by the service. Get on for a free month by writing me at: chamish@netvision.net.il After that...if you liked it...you pay a bit.
And if you believe, at long last, that I am the only writer telling close to the whole truth, it's time to say so with a contribution!
Barry Chamish
POB 840157
Saint Augustine, FL 32080
Paypal: chamishba@gmail.com
Hear my radio show:
My Rabin lecture in Hebrew: Some people, I'm told, had to copy and paste this to open it:
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