mercoledì 25 settembre 2013

             (My most devoted readers receive my latest book, The Stinger Not The Stung, as an attachment. Here is the news from the past fortnight.)

           by Barry Chamish

      While Israel waltzes into extinction, the dumb Jews dance with the executioners. Witness the smooth fandango at Tel Aviv University:

Ex-Shin Bet chief warns of 'next Yigal Amir'

Carmi Gillon criticizes authorities' handling of 'price tag' perpetrators, says any progress in peace talks will bring forth terrorist acts
Gillon, who was director of Shin Bet during the Rabin administration, said he believed the issue of the "price tag" acts "falls between the cracks, between police and the Shin Bet.""We can't let the 'price tag' issue disappear from our agenda. The political system and the police are helpless in the face of this very dangerous phenomenon."Gillon said that the fact that "price tag" vandals were not dubbed a terrorist group is an oversight of the Shin Bet, among other organizations. "We can catch them, but the question remains if we can try them," Gillon said, "When you call it a terrorist organization there is a lot more room for action."I think we don't act firmly enough against rabbis who practice incitement."Shortly after the Rabin assassination, Gillon commissioned an inquiry as to the security failure, as the government appointed an official committee, the Shamgar Commission, to investigate. During the commission's hearings Gillon resigned after he was deemed responsible for the security oversight.The commission later determined that the Shin Bet failed to secure Rabin on the physical and Intel levels. Several personal recommendations against Shit Bet staff were submitted, as well as recommendations to prevent similar failings in the future. Gillon will speak Monday at a conference at the Tel Aviv University regarding the consequences and enforcement of the "price tag" actions.                Carmi Gillon was forced to resign because, darn him, he didn't protect Prime Minister Rabin from assassination. His relieved co-conspirator in the murder, now President Shimon Peres, then a mere Prime Minister, was so indebted to the shamed ex-internal security head, that he named him the new Ambassador to Denmark in 1997. The Jerusalem Post arranged a public talk with the diplomatic rookie, with its then-editor David Horovitz as moderator. By then, I had partially researched my book Who Murdered Yitzhak Rabin and had the goods on Gillon. I had to sabotage this talk.             So, I wrote the founder of Women In Green, Nadia Matar and requested that she tell her followers to come to the talk and ambush Gillon over his murder of Rabin. She agreed and about a hundred of her people appeared, I thought, to expose the twisted felons who are ruining us. I stood at the door all alone to greet Gillon as he entered. He arrived, the ex-chief of the Shin Bet, unaccompanied. Not even one bodyguard. I stared at him intently and he reacted in stunned recognition. This could be the night he was exposed as an accomplice to cold-blooded murder.             He began the evening with low-life philosophy but amazingly, Matar's disciples reacted with idiotic questions that assumed Gillon was a real diplomat. This had to end but Horovitz ignored my hands-up pleas to question the guest. In the fortieth minute, I lifted my hand and shouted, "WHO MURDERED RABIN, GILLON? YOU KNOW, DON'T YOU GILLON?"             Gillon sat stupified and then ran for the exit. As he two-stepped out, I exclaimed in full voice,"YOU'RE GOING TO BE INVESTIGATED, GILLON."             So here we are, almost decades later and Matar is NOT at Gillon's talk, no she's in some irrelevant settlement organizing her own talks for a few dozen like-minded suicide-to-be victims. As for the reason Gillon was so honored by the country's biggest university, Israeli journalist Elad Pressman believes, "They're preparing for a big withdrawal."                               Now, look at the exploitative success of Matar's nemesis, the subverted mole Itamar Ben Gvir. Back in 2005, Matar had enough righteousness to gather 2300 demonstrators to confront the army in Gush Katif (Gaza) before the withdrawal. What an embarassment that would have been were it not for Ben Gvir. He and his gang showed up and got the violence going with a sign visible in the nearby Arab town reading, "Muhammed Is A Pig." If you don't get the provocation, imagine a sign outside your door reading, "Jesus Is A Pig." Predictably the violence started, the army stepped in and to prevent the brutality from spreading, threw out all 2300 protesters, sending hundreds of teenage girls to detention camps for months. Yet Ben Gvir continues his "work."
Unprovoked: Arab Punches Jew in Clinic

A Jewish man who came to see a doctor at a health clinic in an Arab town last week was viciously attacked by a local Arab for no apparent reason.Security camera footage from the incident, at a health clinic in the northern village of Ibillin, shows the Jew sitting in the waiting room, minding hs own business and not even looking at the Arab man.The Arab man gets up, walks toward the Jew and punches him hard in the side of the head. The Jew falls writhing to the floor. Men who were present in the clinic escort the attacker to a seat in the room, and then help the Jewish man out of the room. No one seems overly perturbed.
The Jewish man was taken to a hospital for treatment.
Attorney Itamar Ben Gvir, who represents the man who was beaten, said in response that it is easy to imagine what would have happened if the picture had been reversed and a Jew had attacked an Arab in a Jewish town: “President Peres would have issued a harsh denouncement, Tzipi Livni would have proposed new laws and the chief rabbis would have come to visit. But when a Jew is attacked, it's as if nothing happened and hypocrisy rules. We demand that the full force of the law be brought against the attacker and I recommend to the victim to file a civil suit.”
MK Eldad: Itamar Ben-Gvir is a Gov't Agent Wednesday, June 29, 2005 / 22 Sivan 5765
( Knesset Member Aryeh Eldad (National Union) said this evening that right-wing activist Itamar Ben-Gvir, known for his affiliations with Kahanist organizations, is actually an agent of the General Security Services (GSS). Eldad claims that Ben-Gvir was sent by the GSS to the Maoz HaYam hotel area in order to stir up the emotions and cause provocations.
The Gush Katif hotel eviction. Did you know that Nadia Matar requested from the police to remove Itamar Ben Gvir and his hooligans from the hotel a week before the eviction? Guess what? The police IGNORED her. Why? They WANTED a big political story of the "crazies" in the hotel. I KNOW most of the people evicted from the hotel. They all said -- a group of Itamar Ben Gvir hooligans came out of nowhere, refused to leave, and caused the whole "uproar" of what happened. Please note: less than 24 hours before the raid and eviction, the police arrive and escort Ben-Gvir out of Gush Katif. Why? He works for rile up his hooligans...and make people like you think (and a lot of the Israeli public) that the hotel was full of fanatical crazies.

         40 years after Yom Kippur War, excerpts of PM Meir's testimony to Agranat Commission in 1974 become public.

I witnessed troops being pulled off the street in Jerusalem into buses the night before the war began this was no surprise. The soldiers told me that they were going up to The Golan
Heights And couldn't talk about it. This conversation took place 18 hours
before the war began. Someone is hiding something because if I knew a war
was about to begin why didn't The Israeli government. There are rumors
that there was conspiracy between Henry Kissinger and a traitor within the
Israeli government for Israel to absorb the first attack on October 6, 1973
to give the Egyptians back their pride so they would negotiate peace with
Israel and force a compromise on the Israelis.

         For the past decades, I have been saying what Golda testified forty years before. A filthy deal between the government of Meir/Dayan had cost Israelis 2700 dead and thousands wounded in the first two days of the Yom Kippur War. When the remarkable admission was finally made public, what was the reaction of the victims' loved ones...nada, gournisht, kloom, ein davar...nothing! From my ancient writings:

The Mossad saw a million Egyptian soldiers and most of the Syrian army on its borders and they warned the government of an impending war. What it didn't know was that Defence Minister Moshe Dayan had cut a murderous deal with US Secretary Of State Henry Kissinger, of the highest executive branch of the CFR, not to mobilize the Israeli army. Worse, Dayan thinned troops on the Suez Canal to 600. Had there been a mere 6000 soldiers waiting, not an Egyptian would have crossed the canal and a million would have potentially been wiped out.

         Now the finale to our doomed pas de deux. The real father of Oslo death, lies and covers up, as expected, but then tells the same truth that has been revealed in my books since the 90s:

Yossi Beilin said in a live interview on Israel Radio broadcast this morning:
Negotiations with the PLO that lead to the Oslo Agreements were without the
authorization or knowledge of Prime Minister Yitzchak Rabin.  PM Rabin was
only made aware of the talks at the end of February 1993  after the second
round of talks concluded with a working paper.
Beilin said that from the time that PM Rabin was aware of the talks until
their conclusion, PM Rabin opted not to consult with any security or
intelligence officials.  The security and intelligence officials were not
advised of the existence of the talks.
Beilin explained that Foreign Minister Shimon Peres was also kept out of the
loop because PM Rabin had insisted that FM Peres have no involvement in
negotiations with the Arabs.

          Now, my my, didn't I expose Peres' initial ignorance of Oslo, adding Beilin's deep role in my books long past?

A secret clause to the Oslo Accords, authored by then Deputy Foreign Minister Yossi Beilin, was entitled: "The Palestine Interim Self-Government Agreement". It explains how the ultimate aims of the peace process are to 1) roll back Israel's territory to the l949 borders; 2) to create a Palestinian "entity", which, after an interim period will be granted statehood; and 3)to permit the right of return for any Palestinian to the new nation... Peres was initially left out of the Oslo negotiations. When he discovered this great new diplomacy, he wanted in. So, as Foreign Minister, he sent the pope a proposal for the Vatican to take over stewardship of East Jerusalem and agreeing to a PLO capital within its entity.

         Forget all the political analyses, commentary, and know-it-all opinions you have absorbed. They are either too hopeful or biased to be of any good to you. The last dance remains mine.



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Barry Chamish
POB 840157
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My Rabin lecture in Hebrew: Some people, I'm told, had to copy and paste this to open it:

mercoledì 11 settembre 2013

True diplomats are supposed to prevent wars

Russian Chess Move Stalls US Actions As Al-Qaeda's Air Force

By Pepe Escobar

September 10, 2013 "Information Clearing House - "Russia Today" -  The frantic spin of the millisecond is that the White House is taking a ‘hard look’ at the Russian proposal for Bashar Assad to place Syria’s chemical weapons arsenal under UN control, thus at least postponing another US war in the Middle East.

Oh, the joys of the geopolitical chessboard; Russia throwing a lifeline to save US President Barack Obama from his self-spun ‘red line’.

True diplomats are supposed to prevent wars – not pose as warmongers. American exceptionalism is of course exempted. So just as Secretary of State John Kerry had the pedal on the metal selling yet another war in a London presser, his beat up Chevy was overtaken by a diplomatic Maserati: Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov.

This was Kerry’s slip: “... [Assad] could turn over any single bit of his chemical weapons to the international community in the next week. Turn it over. All of it. And without delay and allow the full and total accounting for that. But he isn't about to do it and it can't be done obviously.”

It can be done, obviously, as Lavrov turned Kerry’s move against him – forwarding a two-step proposal to Damascus; Syria turns its chemical weapons to UN control and later agrees with their destruction, as well as joining the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons. Syrian Foreign Minister Moallem took no time to agree. The devil, of course, is in the fine print.

More here:


Intercepts caught Assad rejecting requests to use chemical weapons, German paper says

09 Sep 2013
Intercepts caught Assad rejecting requests to use chemical weapons, German paper says 09 Sep 2013 Syrian President Bashar Assad has repeatedly rejected requests from his field commanders for approval to use chemical weapons, according to a report this weekend in a German newspaper. The report in Bild am Sonntag, which is a widely read and influential national Sunday newspaper, reported that the head of the German Foreign Intelligence agency, Gerhard Schindler, last week told a select group of German lawmakers that intercepted communications had convinced German intelligence officials that Assad did not order or approve what is believed to be a sarin gas attack on Aug. 21 that killed hundreds of people in Damascus's eastern suburbs.
Syria chemical weapons attack not ordered by Assad, says German press 08 Sep 2013 President Bashar al-Assad did not personally order last month's chemical weapons attack near Damascus that has triggered calls for US military intervention, and blocked numerous requests from his military commanders to use chemical weapons against government opponents in recent months, a German newspaper has reported, citing unidentified, high-level national security sources. The intelligence findings were based on phone calls intercepted by a German surveillance ship operated by the BND, the German intelligence service, and deployed off the Syrian coast, Bild am Sonntag said. The intercepted communications suggested Assad, who is accused of war crimes by the west, including foreign secretary William Hague, was not himself involved in last month's attack or in other instances when government forces have allegedly used chemical weapons.

More here:

Striking Russia Through Syria

By Linh Dinh

08 September, 2013

We're witnessing the last grotesque convulsions of a dying empire. As it threatens humanity with annihilation, it's also nauseating the still sane among us with an unending farce, as in the hypocrite Kerry declaring, “this is not the time to be silent spectators to slaughter,” but John, you lying cynic, the world has been asked to be a mute audience to American mass murder for how long now? But Johnny wants more, much more.

Feigning outrage, the former anti-war darling and Democratic Presidential candidate was talking about the Syria chemical attack, which was likely the work of America itself, through its crazed terrorists, though Washington is trying hard to convince incredulous listeners that Assad somehow did this just so the US of A could have the excuse to destroy him, along with thousands of innocent Syrians. Putin called this explanation nonsense, and even branded Kerry a liar, and the UN has even concluded that an earlier chemical attack, also blamed on Assad, was committed by the American-backed “rebels.”

As in so many other wars, the US must save civilians by killing or maiming them, as well as poisoning their environments for centuries. Though the US routinely targets civilian infrastructures such as electrical stations and water treatment plants, and uses war means that murder long after the last bullet is fired, as in cluster bombs and depleted uranium, for example, it is now acting livid over Assad's alleged use of sarin.

But in his ketchup-bleeding heart, Kerry knows full well that America 's aggression against Syria is not over sarin but natural gas. First of, Syria's biggest supporter, Russia, is the world's leading exporter of this stuff, and supplies Europe with nearly 40% of its needs, so that's a lot of leverage, Watson. If overly irked by America 's puppets in NATO, Russia can retaliate by turning off the gas, as has been done several times already.

More here:


Why Are Obama and Kerry So Desperate to Start a New War?

By Paul Craig Roberts

What is the real agenda?

Why is the obama Regime so desperate to commit a war crime despite the warnings delivered to the White House Fool two days ago by the most important countries in the world at the G20 Summit?

What powerful interest is pushing the White House Fool to act outside of law, outside the will of the American people, outside the warnings of the world community?

The obama Regime has admitted, as UK prime minister david cameron had to admit, that no one has any conclusive evidence that the Assad government in Syria used chemical weapons. Nevertheless, obama has sent the despicable john kerry out to convince the public and Congress on the basis of videos that Assad used chemical weapons “against his own people.”

What the videos show are dead and suffering people. The videos do not show who did it. The obama Regime’s case is nonexistent. It rests on nothing that indicates responsibility. The obama Regime’s case is nothing but an unsubstantiated allegation.

What kind of depraved person would take the world to war based on nothing whatsoever but an unsubstantiated allegation?

The world’s two worse liars, obama and kerry, say Assad did it, but they admit that they cannot prove it. It is what they want to believe, because they want it to be true. The lie serves their undeclared agenda.

If obama and kerry were to tell the public the real reasons they want to attack Syria, they would be removed from office.

More here:


White House lies to launch the next illegal war: There is no Justification for Obama's War on Syria
By Dave Lindorff The Obama administration's campaign for war against Syria is so flagrantly wrong, so ill-advised and so illegal, that it is making a fool of both the president and his secretary of state, John Kerry.

Certainly Kerry, who was in combat in Vietnam, where he commanded a river boat in the waterways of the lower Mekong River estuary, who later had the good sense to become an opponent of the war, and who clearly knows what war is, surely knows that launching an armada of high-explosive-tipped Tomahawk cruise missiles and probably high-altitude heavy bombers for a three-day blitz of Syria is exactly that: war. And yet there he was telling members of Congress during a hearing over the weekend that "the president is not asking you to go to war," but only to bomb Syria for two or three days.

Think for a minute what the US would call it if Russia, or Venezuela, or Iran, fired even one cruise missile at a target in the US. Would we say it wasn't an act of war. Just a missile firing? 

The idea is laughable, right? And yet that is the argument that our vaunted Yale-graduate Secretary of State is making to Congress and the American people. 

And Obama? This ludicrous holder of a Nobel Peace Prize is claiming that the US has to attack Syria to defend "international norms," because the Syrian government allegedly launched a poison gas attack on an area of Damascus allegedly killing upwards of 1000 people, including children. A big point is made about the deaths of children.

The thing is, the focus of Obama's outrage is always the children and the civilian deaths, which nobody denies. But the evidence he presents that it was Syrian President Bashar al-Assad and his government army that launched that attack, is not just thin, it is purely circumstantial. It is not even internally consistent.

One of the worst parts of the president's argument is the claim that the US had satellite and ground-based intelligence showing that the Syrian army was making preparations for a gas attack three days before the attack allegedly occurred. Yet in prior cases when the Syrian government was thought to be preparing to use its stocks of gas weapons, the administration issued a clear warning that if it did so, the US would act. That was the "red line" which President Obama once did announce for US involvement in Syria's conflict (a "red line" which he now claims, preposterously, that he never announced, claiming it is "the world's red line). So the question is: if it were true that the US had evidence that Syria was planning to use gas in late August, why didn't it re-issue its warning?...

For the rest of this article by DAVE LINDORFF in ThisCantBeHappening!, the new uncompromising three-time Project Censored Award-winning online alternative newspaper, please go to:

Obama’s War Grows as Support Shrinks

by SHAMUS COOKE Some careful listening has exposed the lie that a U.S. attack (war) against Syria would be, as Obama put it, “a shot across the bow,” i.e. a “tiny war.” But even before the first missile is launched the birth of Obama’s baby war began to grow, and when it’s eventually unleashed it will resemble any other fully matured war, complete with massive destruction, the death of untold innocents and yet another Middle Eastern nation torn to pieces.

The debated Syrian war resolution in the U.S. Senate Foreign Relations Committee saw the infancy of “limited strikes” quickly evolve into “altering the balance of forces” between Assad and the U.S.-backed rebels. Out of the Senate committee emerged a fully mature war, hell bent on regime change, though clothed in bureaucrat-speak to fool the American public. The resolution includes:

“It is the policy of the United States to change the momentum on the battlefield in Syria so as to create favorable conditions for a negotiated settlement that ends the conflict and leads to a democratic government in Syria.”

Translation: regime change.

Obama himself used the language of regime change to sell the war to the Republicans, though again, hidden in a swamp of words: 

“[the attack on Syria] also fits into a broader strategy that can bring about over time the kind of strengthening of the opposition and the diplomatic, economic and political pressure required — so that ultimately we have a transition [regime change] that can bring peace and stability, not only to Syria but to the region.”

More here:

martedì 10 settembre 2013

Quirico: la rivoluzione siriana è morta

Belgian prisoner claims rebels used gas

Attacco gas in Siria: Hacker svela e pubblica la messinscena

Attacco gas in Siria: Hacker svela e pubblica la messinscena/complotto degli USA.

La situazione in Siria è ancora sotto attenzione dei media mondiali . Un'altro  "intervento umanitario" può Usa essere scatenato presto .
Il Pentagono ha annunciato che è pronto ad attaccare la Siria per punire Bashar al-Assad e l'esercito siriano per il presunto uso di armi chimiche contro i civili .
Nel frattempo, la nuova prova del coinvolgimento dell' Intelligence degli Stati Uniti negli attacchi chimici vicino a Damasco il 21 AGOSTO 2013 è trapelata via Internet .
Un hacker e' riuscito ad accedere alla corrispondenza mail dell' Intelligence degli Stati Uniti e ha pubblicato mail private del Col. Anthony J. Macdonald , che è il direttore generale del personale , Ufficio del Sottocapo di Stato Maggiore per l'Intelligence  dell'Esercito degli Stati Uniti .
In uno scambio di email il 22 agosto 2013, con l'analista civile dell'US Army  Eugene P. Furst , si congratula  sul buon risultato dell'operazione e  riferisce della avvenuta pubblicazione sul Washington dell'articolo sull' attacco chimico in Siria .

E.FURST : A proposito, visto il tuo ultimo successo ti faccio i miei complimenti . Bel lavoro .
A.MACDONALD : Come vedi , io sono lontano dal sito ora , ma so che i nostri ragazzi hanno fatto del loro meglio .

Un'altra serie di corrispondenza privata tra la moglie Jeniffer MacDonald e Mary Shapiro rivela che il colonnello non ha mantenuto la bocca chiusa in camera da letto :

M.SHAPIRO : Non riesco a smettere di pensare a quel terribile attacco con gas in Siria ora . Hai visto quei ragazzi ? Ho pianto realmente.  Sono stati avvelenati , sono morti . Quando finira'? Vedo le loro facce nel sonno . Che cosa dice Tony in merito?

J.MACDONALD : ho visto anch'io e ho molta paura. Ma Tony mi ha confortato . Ha detto che i bambini non sono rimasti feriti , è stato fatto per le telecamere . Quindi non ti preoccupare , mia cara .

M.SHAPIRO : Sto ancora pensando a quei bambini siriani . Grazie a Dio , sono vivi . Spero che abbiano ottenuto una sorta di rimborso o qualche soldo .

Di seguito l'intero articolo in Inglese:

The situation in Syria is still in focus of the world media. Another U.S.-led “humanitarian intervention” may be unleashed soon. The Pentagon announced that it is ready to attack Syria in order to punish Bashar al-Assad and Syrian army for the alleged use of chemical weapons against the civilians.
Meanwhile, the new evidence of the U.S. intelligence being involved in chemical attack near Damascus on August 21, 2013 has been leaked to Internet.
A hacker got access to the U.S. intelligence correspondence and published private emails of Col. Anthony J. Macdonald, who is the General Staff Director, Operations and Plans Office of the Deputy Chief of Staff for Intelligence the US Army Staff.
In an email exchange on August 22, 2013 with the US Army civilian analyst Eugene P. Furst congratulates Col. on successful operation and refers him to a Washington Post publication about chemical attack in Syria.
E.FURST: By the way, saw your latest success, my congratulations. Good job.
A.MACDONALD: As you see, I’m far from this now, but I know our guys did their best.
Another set of private correspondence between his wife Jeniffer MacDonald and Mary Shapiro reveals that colonel did not keep his mouth shut in the bedroom:
Jennifer MacDonalds mails
M.SHAPIRO: I can’t stop thinking about that terrible gas attack in Syria now. Did you see those kids? I was really crying They were poisoned, they died. When is it over? I see their faces when in sleep. What did Tony say you about this?
J.MACDONALD: I saw it too and got afraid very much. But Tony comforted me. He said the kids weren’t hurt, it was done for cameras. So you don’t worry, my dear.
M.SHAPIRO: I’m still thinking about those Syrian kids. Thanks God, they are alive. I hope they got a kind of present or some cash.
From Col. MacDonalds’s wife dialog with her friend it’s clear that the video with the children killed in the chemical attack near Damascus was staged by the U.S. Military Intelligence.
This information sheds new light on the US administration’s confession that “there were indications three days prior that an attack [on August 21] was coming”.
As Joseff Budansky from GIS/Defense & Foreign Affairs wrote on Sunday:
“On August 13-14, 2013, Western-sponsored opposition forces in Turkey started advance preparations for a major and irregular military surge. Initial meetings between senior opposition military commanders and representatives of Qatari, Turkish, and US Intelligence [“Mukhabarat Amriki”] took place at the converted Turkish military garrison in Antakya, Hatay Province, used as the command center and headquarters of the Free Syrian Army (FSA) and their foreign sponsors. Very senior opposition commanders who had arrived from Istanbul briefed the regional commanders of an imminent escalation in the fighting due to “a war-changing development” which would, in turn, lead to a US-led bombing of Syria.”
According to the same source,
On August 24, 2013, Syrian Commando forces acted on intelligence about the possible perpetrators of the chemical attack and raided a cluster of rebel tunnels in the Damascus suburb of Jobar. Canisters of toxic material were hit in the fierce fire-fight as several Syrian soldiers suffered from suffocation and “some of the injured are in a critical condition”.
The Commando eventually seized an opposition warehouse containing barrels full of chemicals required for mixing “kitchen sarin”, laboratory equipment, as well as a large number of protective masks. The Syrian Commando also captured several improvised explosive devices, RPG rounds, and mortar shells. The same day, at least four Hizballah fighters operating in Damascus near Ghouta were hit by chemical agents at the very same time the Syrian Commando unit was hit while searching a group of rebel tunnels in Jobar. Both the Syrian and the Hizballah forces were acting on intelligence information about the real perpetrators of the chemical attack.
The samples of toxic agents were reportedly sent to Moscow for a detailed analysis.
A photo taken by Marco di Lauro/AP in Iraq in 2003 was present by US State Secretary Kerry on August 30, 2013 as evidence of the 'Assad's chemical attack'.
A photo taken by Marco di Lauro/AP in Iraq in 2003 was presented by US State Secretary Kerry on August 30, 2013 as evidence of the ‘Assad’s chemical attack’.
Published data clearly indicate that the US administration is about to create any pretext to launch a military strike on Syria. Most recent revelation that the US Secretary of State John Kerry has used a photo taken in Iraq in 2003 to illustrate “Syrian victims of gas attack” last Friday to justify his bellicous message to the US Congressmen gives even more evidence that  the “intelligence information” the warmongers claim to be based on is groundless or simply fabricated.
Now the vast majority of people worldwide perfectly understand that a kind of tricky game is being played on their behalf. The British parliament has already met the demand of clearly expressed public opinion and opposed the suicidal war over Mediterranean. Will the US legislators show us the same prudence and common sense? We will see it next week.

lunedì 2 settembre 2013

David Icke spiega chi manipola il Medio Oriente

David Icke spiega chi realmente manipola dietro le quinte in Medio Oriente

By Cristina Bassi - Posted on 29 agosto 2013
David Icke(...) Parlo dell’Egitto ora perché è il tema del momento ma, come detto, potrei andare ovunque nel mondo e trovare la stessa mentalità e percezioni della realtà.
Ciò che ha fatto scoppiare la orrenda violenza in Egitto è stato generato dagli scontri tra l’esercito egiziano (portato e pagato dagli USA) ed i seguaci della Muslim Brotherhood – Fratellanza Musulmana (una creazione degli USA e della Gran Bretagna) che hanno fatto seguito al colpo di stato che ha rimosso il candidato della Fratellanza, ufficialmente eletto, il Presidente, ora ex presidente, Mohamed (ovviamente) Morsi.
Il governo degli Stati Uniti (la cabala parassita, in altre parole) dona 1.3 miliardi di dollari all’anno all’esercito egiziano, che ha tenuto al potere per trent’anni il tiranno Hosni Mubarak, fino al piano USA/UK/Israele (la cabala) di gettare la miccia sul Medio Oriente attraverso il dividi e domina (pardon… “la Primavera Araba”), incluso la sua rimozione con la “rivoluzione dei popoli”.
I militari (gli stessi militari controllati dagli USA che tennero Mubarak al potere) hanno quindi preso le redini dello stato in sospeso delle “elezioni democratiche”, che hanno visto Mohamed Morsi, della Fratellanza Musulmana, diventare Presidente nel giugno del 2012. Tredici mesi dopo, nel luglio di questo anno, i militari (gli stessi militari controllati dagli USA che tennero Mubarak al potere) hanno rimosso Morsi in un colpo di stato e ancora una volta si sono fatti carico del Paese.
Un po’ di storia che non sentirete mai da alcun mainstream media ...
L’allora Presidente Mubarak fu costretto a dare le dimissioni dopo settimane di proteste di massa nella Piazza Tahrir del Cairo, nel 2011, promosse dai media corporativi globali come una parte essenziale della “rivoluzione dei popoli” del Medio Oriente. Tuttavia come ho dettagliato nel mio Ricordati chi sei, la 'rivoluzione' in Egitto fu orchestrate dalla ambasciata USA al Cairo e dalla rete di fiduciarie e organizzazioni collegate al frontman (prestanome- figura preminente) dei Rotschild e di Israele, nonché finanziere e miliardario, George Soros.
Una di queste organizzazioni è la International Crisis Group (Gruppo di Crisi Internazionale) fondato da una lista di fronti della cabala mondiale, che includono la Carnegie Foundation, laFord FoundationBill & Melinda Gates Foundation e l’Open Society Institute di Soros, che sispecializza in false rivoluzioni di popoli.
L’egiziano Mohamed El Baradei, stanziato in Austria, ex capo della Atomic Energy Agency, amministrata dall’ONU, era nel Consiglio dei Fiduciari dell’International Crisis Group, prima di pigliare l’aereo verso il Cairo, immediatamente dopo lo scoppio delle proteste di massa contro Mubarak. Costui si offrì come potenziale nuovo leader del Paese.
El Baradei proseguì con il fondare il Constitution Party (Partito della Costituzione) dopo la caduta di Mubarak e fu strumentale nel colpo di stato contro il Presidente Morsi, nel mese scorso. È stato quindi nominato Vice Presidente dell’Egitto, in luglio, dopo il colpo militare ma poi ha dato le dimissioni e fatto ritorno a Vienna. Dubito che abbiamo sentito parlare di lui per l’ultima volta.
Il Presidente Morsi giunse al potere dopo il periodo di aperto governo militare, a seguito della dipartita di Mubarak, ma dopo alcuni mesi divenne l’obbiettivo di proteste di massa dopo aver pubblicato una dichiarazione costituzionale che gli conferiva poteri illimitati; la ragione di questo era il supposto bisogno di proteggere dalla dissoluzione dei giudizi, che erano stati nominati nell’era Mubarak, l’assemblea eletta.
Le proteste crebbero fino al punto in cui i militari usarono le sommosse per giustificare il loro colpo di stato, nel mese scorso, che rimosse Morsi. Tutto ciò portò alla violenza che ha visto centinaia morire in scontri tra i militari, coloro che li sostenevano, i sostenitori della Fratellanza Musulmana di Morsi e coloro che protestavano per la rimozione forzata di un presidente eletto.
Questo è dove siamo ora, con Morsi detenuto dai militari in una località segreta, mentre ironia delle ironie, Hosni Mubarak è stato scarcerato dalle carceri dove si trovava dalla sua sconfitta quale presidente e pare verrà posto agli arresti domiciliari dalla attuale amministrazione controllata dai militari …la stessa che lo ha tenuto al potere per 30 anni.
Spero mi seguiate in tutto questo perché certo non è facile nel mezzo di questi “scherzi segreti” della politica del Medio Oriente, dettata dalle ombre USA, Gran Bretagna e Israele, dove i “bravi ragazzi” di un giorno possono diventare i “cattivi ragazzi” il giorno dopo, a seconda del risultato che stanno cercando.
Gli USA e la Gran Bretagna, per esempio, hanno lanciato una Guerra al terrore e la invasione dell’Afghanistan con la scusa di estirpare gli estremisti islamici a cui diedero il nome collettivo di 'Al-Qaeda'. Tuttavia essi armarono, sponsorizzarono e sostennero gli stessi psicopatici di 'Al-Qaeda' perché rimuovessero Gaddafi in Libia e continuano a fare lo stesso, adesso che hanno preso di mira Assad in Siria.
'Al-Qaeda' è infatti la creazione della CIA e il nome significa 'La Base' o 'Il Database' poiché è stato creato dal database della CIA, quello dei cosiddetti combattenti Mujahedeen, che furono usati come individui sacrificabili nella guerra su procura dell’America contro la Unione Sovietica, in Afghanistan negli anni ‘80.
Questo conflitto fu covato da Zbigniew Brzezinski che era Consulente della National Security(sicurezza nazionale) durante l’amministrazione di Jimmy Carter. Brzezinski è stato un altro fedele sostenitore dell’International Crisis Group, collegato a Soros. Lo chiamano un 'gruppo di crisi', perché è specializzato a crearne.
Allo stesso modo, la cabala parassita controlla la Fratellanza Musulmana che è stata descritta come una organizzazione che cerca di stabilire governi in Medio Oriente, che siano fondati sulla imposizione estrema di una presunta legge islamica.
In realtà, il cerchio interno della Fratellanza serve gli interessi di coloro che stanno sfruttando l’Islam per prendere controllo del Medio e Vicino Oriente con la visione di distruggere la religione, una volta che avranno assorbito quei paesi, nello stato globale fascista che stanno pianificando.
La Gran Bretagna e l’America hanno fondato la Fratellanza Musulmana dopo il crollo dell’Impero Ottomano nel 1924 e continuano a controllarla, in unione ora con Israele.
Robert Dreyfuss, autore di Devil's Game: How the United States Helped Unleash Fundamentalist Islam (Metropolitan Books, 2005) [Il Gioco del Diavolo: come gli Usa hanno contribuito a far vita al Fondamentalismo Islamico], ha scritto: '... dall’inizio del 1967 fino a tutti gli anni ‘80, Israele ha aiutato la Fratellanza Musulmana a stabilirsi nei territori occupati. Ha assistito Ahmed Yassin, il leader della Fratellanza, nel creare Hamas, scommettendo che il suo carattere islamico avrebbe indebolito il PLO'. ( Palestine Liberation Organization, Organizzazione per la Liberazione della Palestina)
La PLO (Palestine Liberation Organization) è stata la rappresentanza più significativa degli interessi palestinesi ed è stata ora sostituita da Hamas. Dreyfuss ha anche detto: '... durante gli anni ‘80, la Fratellanza Musulmana di Gaza e della West Bank non sostenne la resistenza verso la occupazione israeliana. La più parte della sua energia andò a combattere la PLO, specialmente le sue fazioni di sinistra più estrema, nei campus universitari'.
David Shipler, un reporter del The New York Times, dice che il governatore militare di Gaza ha detto che Israele ha finanziato i fondamentalisti islamici perché si opponessero alla PLO. Shipler ha detto: 'Parlando politicamente, i fondamentalisti islamici a volte erano considerati utili a Israele, perché avevano conflitti con i sostenitori secolari della PLO. La violenza tra i due gruppi è scoppiata di tanto in tanto nei campus universitari della West Bank. Il governatore militare israeliano della Striscia di Gaza, Brigadiere Generale Yitzhak Segev, una volta mi disse come avesse finanziato il movimento islamico come contrappeso alla PLO e ai Comunisti. “Il Governo di Israele mi diede un budget e il governo militare lo diede alle moschee”, disse'.
Hamas, il 'movimento islamico di resistenza' che affermava di opporsi ad Israele e che ora guida il governo palestinese nella Striscia di Gaza controllata da Israele, fu fondato da Israele nel 1987. La PLO, capeggiata da Yasser Arafat, disse che Hamas operava con il diretto supporto di 'regimi arabi reazionari' (vedi Arabia Saudita) insieme ad Israele. Arafat disse ad un quotidiano italiano: 'Hamas è una creazione di Israele, che al tempo del Primo Ministro Shamir, diede loro dei denari e più di 700 istituzioni, tra cui scuole, università e moschee'.
Arafat disse che un altro Primo Ministro di Israele,Yitzhak Rabin, gli aveva detto, in presenza del Presidente egiziano Mubarak, che Israele aveva sostenuto Hamas. Ogni volta che c’è una chance di 'accordo di pace' che impegnerebbe Israele ad un risultato che non vuole, Hamas o la Fratellanza Musulmana porta avanti un attacco terroristico (o lo fa il Mossad israeliano) e questo viene usato come scusa per finire i 'negoziati'.
Val la pena notare che gli ultimi “dialoghi di pace” in corso tra Israele e i gruppi palestinesi (che non includono Hamas) sono pianificati, come sempre, per non arrivare da nessuna parte se non quella di comprare ancora tempo per Israele per completare la distruzione del popolo palestinese occupato, cosa che iniziò ben prima della costituzione dello Stato di Israele nel 1948.
In molti possono trovare confusa la politica del Medio e Vicino Oriente, ma dietro la complessità, c’è un semplice e ricorrente tema con due obbiettivi principali: gestire la opposizione creando e controllando i gruppi ufficiali che si oppongono a ciò che la cabala vuole fare e dividere e dominare la popolazione presa di mira cosi che questa sia concentrata a farsi la guerra reciproca, lasciando alla cabala libero regno per impadronirsi della loro terra.
Ecco perché gli USA, UK e Israele (collettivamente i 'Rothschild') sono dietro la Fratellanza Musulmana; ecco perché Israele creò Hamas come opposizione controllata e perché il governo USA da all’esercito egiziano 1.3 miliardi di dollari all’anno – che sono secondi solo ai 3 miliardi di sterline che da ai vicini dell’Egitto, ovvero a Israele.
Miliardi su miliardi di denaro dei contribuenti USA e il debito viene versato su questa piccola parte del mondo, incentrata su Il Cairo e Tel Aviv/Gerusalemme perché questo conviene alla agenda della Cabala Parassita. Questo include la creazione di fazioni e micce per far scoppiare la guerra tra loro: un chiaro schema che può essere visto in Libia, Siria e ora Egitto.
C’è anche un altro schema, che coinvolge un uomo veramente malvagio, Robert Stephen Ford. Egli fu in realtà il numero due alla ambasciata USA di Baghdad ed era noto come il Ministro Consigliere per gli Affari Politici, quando l’assassino di omicidi di massa, nonchè sionista Rothschild, John Negroponte divenne ambasciatore in Iraq nel 2004.
Si, fu nominato un Ebreo, in effetti, a guidare un territorio arabo occupato, ma son certo che si è comportato con perfetta integrità e correttezza e non ha per nulla perseguito una politica di beneficio a favore di Israele, che include l’Iraq nella sua richiesta per un 'Grande Israele'.
Negroponte fu l’ambasciatore USA nella dittatura militare in Honduras tra il 1981 e 1985, quando esecuzioni di oppositori politici, stupri, rapimenti e torture facevano parte del quotidiano. Di questo Negroponte era a totale conoscenza e tutto veniva perseguito su ordini di leader militari, addestrati nell’arte del male nell’infausta School of the Americas a Fort Benning, Georgia.
L’aiuto militare USA all’Honduras durante il mandato di Negroponte è schizzato da 5 milioni di dollari a quasi 100 milioni. Ammazzare, stuprare, torturare la popolazione su vasta scala non è un affare che costi poco, ovviamente.
Negroponte fu il capo di Robert S. Ford in Iraq. Ford fu poi nominato ambasciatore in Siria nel gennaio del 2011 – meno di due mesi prima che vi scoppiasse la Guerra civile, allo scopo di usurpare il ruolo del Presidente Assad e mentre infuriava la falsa “rivoluzione del popolo” in Egitto, per rimuovere Mubarak, che veniva orchestrata dalla ambasciata americana al Cairo.
L’ex funzionario della CIA, Michael Scheuer, ha detto che Ford viaggiò per la Siria incitando i gruppi perché deponessero il governo. Ovvio che lo fece. È il suo lavoro. Dove è Ford ora? Sta aspettando di essere nominato come prossimo ambasciatore… in Egitto.
La “nomination” è giunta dal segretario di Stato USA, il sionista Rothschild John Kerry, l’uomo che sponsorizza i dialoghi tra Israele e i gruppi palestinesi, che sono programmati per andare come sono andati tutti gli altri: ciò che Israele vuole o non vuole, quello ottiene.
Gli intrighi e i raggiri sono cosi evidenti a tutti, anche a coloro che sono marginalmente consapevoli e molti in medio Oriente sono consapevoli dei giochi. È solo che sono sommersi da coloro che guardano agli eventi attraverso la parte finale sbagliata di un telescopio ..e tutto si riduce ad essere auto identità.
Coloro che si “auto-identificano” con coscienza non vedono 'lati', ma solo situazioni. Da questa prospettiva, possono vedere come tutti i lati siano soggetti alla stessa manipolazione e quindi non cadono in trappola. Quando ci si “auto identifica” con l’espressione del “povero me, del “povero mente-corpo-me”, ci si auto-identifica con un frammento ed una parte e non il tutto che invece siamo.
Una volta che questa trappola è messa in moto, i frammenti e le parti possono essere giocate contro altre parti e frammenti per dividere e conquistare. Se vi auto-identificate con l’essere una lettera della legge musulmana, sosterrete ovviamente la Fratellanza Musulmana, che ha coltivato l’immagine dell’essere l’istigatore politico della lettera della legge dell’Islam.
Se vi auto-identificate con una forma più secolare dell’Islam o vi opponete all’Islam perché siete Cristiani o altro, darete il vostro supporto ai militari egiziani controllati da Usa/UK/Israele, che lanciano un colpo di stato per destituire il Presidente Morsi perché rappresenta la Fratellanza Musulmana degli USA/UK/Israele.
Non c’è speranza per il medio Oriente, né per l’umanità in genere, se non c’è un risveglio di massa dal corpo-mente alla coscienza.
Non importa quanta ricerca viene fatta per rendere pubbliche le macchinazioni globali.. cosi è stato e sarà. Una auto-identità frammentata deve manifestarsi come una società frammentata e viceversa.
Non dobbiamo combattere per la libertà, dobbiamo solo ricordare che siamo la libertà. Quando abbastanza persone lo faranno… il gioco sarà finito. Ma non prima di quel momento..
PS ultime note sulla Siria:
le ultime affermazioni sul fatto che il regime di Assad in Siria abbia usato delle armi chimiche sui siriani, è solo un altro disperato tentativo, da parte delle forze dell’inganno per giustificare un intervento armato nella guerra civile siriana, manipolata dalla Cabala, istigata da mercenari non siriani, molti dei quali fecero lo stesso in Libia.
Alla guida del clamore che usa la scusa di un falso attacco chimico, un false-flag, al fine di aumentare il supporto occidentale a questi “ribelli”, c’è il Segretario degli Affari Esteri Britannici, William Hague, un uomo che non osa respirare senza chiedere permesso ai suoi padroni Rothschild.
By David Icke, dalla sua newsletter del 25 agosto 2013, inviata solo agli abbonati / Traduzione a cura di: Cristina Bassi per

I golpe della CIA, il dossier JFK e la chiusura del Dipartimento dell'Istruzione

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