giovedì 30 ottobre 2014

Pay Any Price – Greed, Power, and Endless War

Review (Guest): Pay Any Price – Greed, Power, and Endless War

Amazon Page
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James Risen
5.0 out of 5 stars Better Than His Last One – Imagine What He’ll Write From Prison, October 14, 2014
By David Swanson

When New York Times report James Risen published his previous book, State of War, the Times ended its delay of over a year and published his article on warrantless spying rather than be scooped by the book. The Times claimed it hadn’t wanted to influence the 2004 presidential election by informing the public of what the President was doing. But this week a Times editor said on 60 Minutes that the White House had warned him that a terrorist attack on the United States would be blamed on the Times if one followed publication — so it may be that the Times’ claim of contempt for democracy was a cover story for fear and patriotism. The Times never did report various other important stories in Risen’s book.

One of those stories, found in the last chapter, was that of Operation Merlin — possibly named because only reliance on magic could have made it work — in which the CIA gave nuclear weapon plans to Iran with a few obvious changes in them. This was supposedly supposed to somehow slow down Iran’s nonexistent efforts to build nuclear weapons. Risen explained Operation Merlin on Democracy Now this week and was interviewed about it by 60 Minutes which managed to leave out any explanation of what it was. The U.S. government is prosecuting Jeffrey Sterling for allegedly being the whistleblower who served as a source for Risen, and subpoenaing Risen to demand that he reveal his source(s).
The Risen media blitz this week accompanies the publication of his new book, Pay Any Price. Risen clearly will not back down. This time he’s made his dumbest-thing-the-CIA-did-lately story the second chapter rather than the last, and even the New York Times has already mentioned it. We’re talking about a “torture works,” “Iraq has WMDs,” “let’s all stare at goats” level of dumbness here. We’re talking about the sort of thing that would lead the Obama administration to try to put somebody in prison. But it’s not clear there’s a secret source to blame this time, and the Department of So-Called Justice is already after Sterling and Risen.
Sterling, by the way, is unheard of by comparison with Chelsea Manning or Edward Snowden or the other whistleblowers Risen reports on in his new book. The public, it seems, doesn’t make a hero of a whistleblower until after the corporate media has made the person famous as an alleged traitor. Sterling, interestingly, is a whistleblower who could only be called a “traitor” if it were treason to expose treason, since people who think in those terms almost universally will view handing nuclear plans to Iran as treason. In other words, he’s immune from the usual attack, but stuck at the first-they-ignore-you stage because there’s no corporate interest in telling the Merlin story.
So what’s the new dumbness from Langley? Only this: a gambling-addicted computer hack named Dennis Montgomery who couldn’t sell Hollywood or Las Vegas on his software scams, such as his ability to see content in videotape not visible to the naked eye, sold the CIA on the completely fraudulent claim that he could spot secret al Qaeda messages in broadcasts of the Al Jazeera television network. To be fair, Montgomery says the CIA pushed the idea on him and he ran with it. And not only did the CIA swallow his hooey, but so did the principles committee, the membership of which was, at least for a time: Vice President Dick Cheney, former National Security Advisor Condoleezza Rice, So-Called Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld, Secretary of State Colin Powell, CIA Director George Tenet, and Attorney General John Ashcroft. Tenet plays his usual role as dumber-than-a-post bureaucrat in Risen’s account, but John Brennan is noted as having been involved in the Dennis Montgomery lunacy as well. The Bush White House grounded international flights as a result of Montgomery’s secret warnings of doom, and seriously considered shooting planes out of the sky.
When France demanded to see the basis for grounding planes, it quickly spotted a steaming pile of crottin de cheval and let the U.S. know. So, the CIA moved on from Montgomery. And Montgomery moved on to other contracts working on other horse droppings for the Pentagon. And nothing shocking there. “A 2011 study by the Pentagon,” Risen points out, “found that during the ten years after 9/11, the Defense Department had given more than $400 billion to contractors who had previously been sanctioned in cases involving $1 million or more in fraud.” And Montgomery was not sanctioned. And we the people who enriched him with millions weren’t told he existed. Nothing unusual there either. Secrecy and fraud are the new normal in the story Risen tells, detailing the fraudulent nature of drone murder profiteers, torture profiteers, mercenary profiteers, and even fear profiteers — companies hired to generate hysteria. So forcefully has the dumping of money into militarism been divorced in public discourse from the financial burden it entails that Risen is able to quote Linden Blue, vice chairman of General Atomics, criticizing people who take money from the government. He means poor people who take tiny amounts of money for their basic needs, not drone makers who get filthy rich off the pretense that drones make the world safer.
The root of the problem, as Risen sees it, is that the military and the homeland security complex have been given more money than they can reasonably figure out what to do with. So, they unreasonably figure out what to do with it. This is compounded, Risen writes, by fear so extreme that people don’t want to say no to anything that might possibly work even in their wildest dreams — or what Dick Cheney called the obligation to invest in anything with a 1% chance. Risen told Democracy Now that military spending reminded him of the Wall Street banks. In his book he argues that the big war profiteers have been deemed too big to fail.
Risen tells several stories in Pay Any Price, including the story of the pallets of cash. Of $20 billion shipped to Iraq in $100 bills, he writes, $11.7 billion is unaccounted for — lost, stolen, misused, or dumped into a failed attempt to buy an election for Ayad Allawi. Risen reports that some $2 billion of the missing money is actually known to be sitting in a pile in Lebanon, but the U.S. government has no interest in recovering it. After all, it’s just $2 billion, and the military industrial complex is sucking down $1 trillion a year from the U.S. treasury.
When Risen, like everyone else, cites the cost of recent U.S. wars ($4 trillion over a decade, he says), I’m always surprised that nobody notices that it is the wars that justify the “regular” “base” military spending of another $10 trillion each decade at the current pace. I also can’t believe Risen actually writes that “to most of America, war has become not only tolerable but profitable.” What? Of course it’s extremely profitable for certain people who exert inordinate influence on the government. But “most of America”? Many (not most) people in the U.S. have jobs in the war industry, so it’s common to imagine that spending on war and preparations for war benefits an economy. In reality, spending those same dollars on peaceful industries, on education, on infrastructure, or even on tax cuts for working people would produce more jobs and in most cases better paying jobs — with enough savings to help everyone make the transition from war work to peace work. Military spending radically increases inequality and diverts funding from services that people in many less-militarized nations have. I also wish that Risen had managed to include a story or two from that group making up 95% of U.S. war victims: the people of the places where the wars are waged.
But Risen does a great job on veterans of U.S. torture suffering moral injury, on the extensiveness of waterboarding’s use, and on a sometimes comical tale of the U.S. government’s infiltration of a lawsuit by 9/11 families against possible Saudi funders of 9/11 — a story, part of which is given more context in terms of its impact in Afghanistan in Anand Gopal’s recent book. There’s even a story with some similarity to Merlin regarding the possible sale of U.S.-made drones to U.S. enemies abroad.
These SNAFU collection books have to be read with an eye on the complete forest, of course, to avoid the conclusion that what we need is war done right or — for that matter — Wall Street done right. We don’t need a better CIA but a government free of the CIA. That the problems described are not essentially new is brought to mind, for me, in reading Risen’s book, by the repeated references to Dulles Airport. Still, it is beginning to look as if the Dulles brothers aren’t just a secretive corner of the government anymore, but the patron saints of all Good Americans. And that’s frightening. Secrecy is allowing insanity, and greater secrecy is being employed to keep the insanity secret. How can it be a “State Secret” that the CIA fell for a scam artist who pretended to see magical messages on Al Jazeera? If Obama’s prosecution of whistleblowers doesn’t alert people to the danger, at least it is helping sell Jim Risen’s books, which in turn ought to wake people up better than a middle-of-the-night visit in the hospital from Alberto Gonzales and Andrew Card.
There’s still a thin facade of decency to be found in U.S. political culture. Corrupt Iraqi politicians, in Risen’s book, excuse themselves by saying that the early days of the occupation in 2003 were difficult. A New York Times editor told 60 Minutes that the first few years after 9/11 were just not a good time for U.S. journalism. These should not be treated as acceptable excuses for misconduct. As the earth’s climate begins more and more to resemble a CIA operation, we’re going to have nothing but difficult moments. Already the U.S. military is preparing to address climate change with the same thing it uses to address Ebola or terrorism or outbreaks of democracy. If we don’t find people able to think on their feet, as Risen does while staring down the barrel of a U.S. prison sentence, we’re going to be in for some real ugliness.

lunedì 13 ottobre 2014

Probe of silencers leads to 'false-flag factory' inside Pentagon

Probe of silencers leads to 

web of Pentagon secrets

 October 12 at 7:30 PM  

The mysterious workings of a Pentagon office that oversees clandestine operations are unraveling in federal court, where a criminal investigation has exposed a secret weapons program entwined with allegations of a sweetheart contract, fake badges and trails of destroyed evidence.
Capping an investigation that began almost two years ago, separate trials are scheduled this month in U.S. District Court in Alexandria, Va., for a civilian Navy intelligence official and a hot-rod auto mechanic from California who prosecutors allege conspired to manufacture an untraceable batch of automatic-rifle silencers.
The exact purpose of the silencers remains hazy, but court filings and pretrial testimony suggest they were part of a top-secret operation that would help arm guerrillas or commandos overseas.
The silencers — 349 of them — were ordered by a little-known Navy intelligence office at the Pentagon known as the Directorate for Plans, Policy, Oversight and Integration, according to charging documents. The directorate is composed of fewer than 10 civilian employees, most of them retired military personnel.
Court records filed by prosecutors allege that the Navy paid the auto mechanic — the brother of the directorate’s boss — $1.6 million for the silencers, even though they cost only $10,000 in parts and labor to manufacture.
Much of the documentation in the investigation has been filed under seal on national security grounds. According to the records that have been made public, the crux of the case is whether the silencers were properly purchased for an authorized secret mission or were assembled for a rogue operation.
A former senior Navy official familiar with the investigation described directorate officials as “wanna-be spook-cops.” Speaking on the condition of anonymity because the case is still unfolding, he added, “I know it sounds goofy, but it was like they were building their own mini law enforcement and intelligence agency.”
The directorate is a civilian-run office that is supposed to provide back-office support and oversight for Navy and Marine intelligence operations. But some of its activities have fallen into a gray area, crossing into more active involvement with secret missions, according to a former senior Defense Department official familiar with the directorate’s work.
“By design, that office is supposed to do a little more than policy and programmatic oversight,” the former defense official said, speaking on the condition of anonymity because much of the directorate’s work is classified. “But something happened and it lost its way. It became a case of the fox guarding the henhouse, and I suspect deeper issues might be in play.”
Navy officials declined to comment, citing the ongoing investigation and prosecution. “The Department of the Navy has fully cooperated with law enforcement since this investigation was initiated . . . and will continue to fully cooperate,” Cmdr. Ryan Perry, a Navy spokesman at the Pentagon, said.
Missing evidence
Prosecutors have said that the silencers were acquired for a “special access program,” or a highly secretive military operation. A contracting document filed with the court stated that the silencers were needed to support a program code-named UPSTAIRS but gave no other details.
According to court papers filed by prosecutors, one directorate official told an unnamed witness that the silencers were intended for Navy SEAL Team 6, the elite commando unit that killed Osama bin Laden.
But representatives for SEAL Team 6 told federal investigators they had not ordered the silencers and did not know anything about them, according to the court papers.
Sorting out the truth has been made more difficult by the elimination of potential evidence.
At one pretrial hearing, a defense attorney for the auto mechanic, Mark S. Landersman of Temecula, Calif., accused the Navy of impeding the investigation by destroying a secret stash of automatic rifles that the silencers were designed to fit. Prosecutors immediately objected to further discussion in open court, calling it a classified matter.
The destroyed weapons were part of a stockpile of about 1,600 AK-47-style rifles that the U.S. military had collected overseas and stored in a warehouse in Pennsylvania, according to a source familiar with the investigation.
If the foreign-made weapons were equipped with unmarked silencers, the source said, the weapons could have been used by U.S. or foreign forces for special operations in other countries without any risk that they would be traced back to the United States.
A different source, a current senior Navy official, confirmed that an arsenal of AK-47-style rifles in a warehouse in Mechanicsburg, Pa., had been destroyed within the past year. But that official suggested the issue was a smokescreen, saying the weapons were being kept for a different purpose and that no program had existed to equip them with silencers.
In a separate move that eliminated more potential evidence, Navy security officers incinerated documents last year that they had seized from the directorate’s offices in the Pentagon, according to court records and testimony.
Two Navy security officers have testified that they stuffed the papers into burn bags and destroyed them on Nov. 15, 2013 — three days after The Washington Post published a front-page article about the unfolding federal investigation into the silencers.
One of the security officers said it did not occur to her that the documents should be preserved, despite Navy policies prohibiting the destruction of records that could be relevant to lawsuits or criminal investigations.
The officer, Francine Cox, acknowledged that she was aware the Navy directorate was under scrutiny and that she had read the Post article shortly before burning the documents. But she said she did not think the papers were important.
“I didn’t think the information we had was pertinent,” Cox testified at a pretrial hearing in July. “If you don’t tell me to hold onto something, I don’t have to hold onto it.”
Lee M. Hall, a Navy intelligence official who is charged with illegally purchasing the silencers and whose trial is scheduled to begin this month, argued that the burned material was crucial to his defense. He said the documents included handwritten notes and other papers showing the undersecretary of the Navy at the time had authorized the project.
“My notes would show I acted in good faith,” Hall testified at the July hearing.
Stuart Sears, an attorney for Hall, declined to comment.
District Court Judge Leonie M. Brinkema rejected a bid by Hall’s attorneys to dismiss the charges against him but was incredulous that the Navy had destroyed the documents.
“I don’t find any nefarious evidence, or evidence of bad intent, but it sure does look to the court like negligence,” she said.
On other occasions over the past year, Brinkema has questioned whether prosecutors were fully aware of what the Navy directorate was up to and whether they really wanted to expose its activities by taking the case to trial.
“We’re getting deeper and deeper into a morass,” she said at a hearing in March. “One of the things the government always has to think about is the cost-benefit analysis. At the end of the day, is this particular criminal prosecution worth the risk of having to disclose or reveal very sensitive information?”
An investigation snowballs
Suspicions about the Navy directorate surfaced in January 2013 when one of its officials appeared at a Defense Intelligence Agency office in Arlington and asked for a badge that would allow him to carry weapons on military property, according to statements made by prosecutors during pretrial hearings.
The directorate official, Tedd Shellenbarger, flashed a set of credentials stamped with the letters LEO — an acronym for “law enforcement officer” — even though his office dealt primarily with policy matters and lacked law enforcement powers, the former senior Navy official said.
Shellenbarger’s request prompt­ed the Naval Criminal Investigative Service (NCIS) to obtain a warrant to search the directorate’s offices at the Pentagon. Agents found badge materials and other documentation that led them to broaden their investigation, according to the former senior Navy official.
Shellenbarger and three other directorate officials were placed on leave, according to court records. Shellenbarger has not been charged and has since returned to work for the Navy. His attorney, David Deitch, indicated he might be called as a witness at Hall’s trial.
“Mr. Shellenbarger has cooperated fully in providing truthful information to the government about his conduct, which was undertaken at the direction of his supervisors,” Deitch said.
The badge inquiry led NCIS to discover e-mails and a paper trail pertaining to the $1.6 million contract to buy the silencers from Landersman, the California mechanic. Court papers describe him as a struggling small businessman who raced hot-rods and had declared bankruptcy in July 2012.
He is the brother of David W. Landersman, the senior director for intelligence in the Navy directorate.
Prosecutors have referred to David Landersman in court papers as a conspirator in the case, but he has not been charged. He is a combat-decorated retired Marine officer. His attorney has said he did nothing wrong.
Mark Landersman has been charged with manufacturing, selling and shipping the unmarked silencers without a federal firearms license. His trial is scheduled to begin Oct. 27. One of his attorneys, Cary Citronberg, declined to comment.
Ordinarily, a clandestine weapons program requires reams of paperwork and legal review. No documentation has surfaced in court to indicate that Navy officials formally signed off on the silencer project, although many pretrial motions have been filed under seal.
Hall, the directorate official charged with illegally purchasing the silencers, has asserted that he received verbal approval for the secret program from Robert C. Martinage, a former acting undersecretary of the Navy, according to statements made during pretrial hearings.
Martinage was forced to resign in January after investigators looking into the silencer deal found evidence that he had engaged in personal misconduct, according to Navy officials. The officials said the misconduct was unrelated to the silencer contract.
Martinage is expected to be a key witness at Hall’s trial. He declined to comment, saying, “I have been advised not to discuss any aspect of that matter while the case is pending.”

Craig Whitlock covers the Pentagon and national security. He has reported for The Washington Post since 1998.

Exxon nationalization: Venezuela Claims Victory

Ordered To Pay Exxon $2B, Venezuela Claims Victory

, The Litigation Daily
Although an international arbitration panel ordered Venezuela to pay more than $2 billion to subsidiaries of Exxon Mobil Corp., Venezuela’s lead lawyer at Curtis, Mallet-Prevost, Colt & Mosle is crowing about the victory. The award came after a seven-year arbitration brought by Exxon Mobil to recover damages for nationalized oil assets.
On Thursday, the World Bank’s International Centre for Settlement of Investment Disputes announced the award in a 138-page ruling. The panel agreed with Venezuela that the nationalization of the facilities was lawful, but awarded Exxon Mobil damages for the expropriated property as required by international treaty. The award, however, will be reduced by $747 million, which Exxon Mobil received in a separate arbitration with Venezuela's state-oil company Petróleos de Venezuela, or Pdvsa, in 2011 before the International Chamber of Commerce.
“It’s clearly a major victory for the government [of Venezuela] and a major defeat for Exxon,” says George Kahale III, the chairman of Curtis.
According to Kahale, Exxon Mobil was seeking as much as $20 billion. “While we have questions about parts of the award, what this case shows is that this [arbitration] was entirely a seven-year waste of time. Exxon could have gotten this amount through negotiations in 2007,” he says.
Exxon Mobil is represented by a Covington & Burling team lead by Thomas Cubbage and Miguel López Forastier. The firm declined to comment, but Exxon Mobil issued a statement. “The decision confirms that the Venezuelan government failed to provide fair compensation for expropriated assets,” it said. “ExxonMobil recognizes the sovereignty of all nations and, while clearly not a desirable outcome, accepts Venezuela's legal right to expropriate the assets of our affiliates subject to compensation at fair market value.”
Exxon Mobil contests that it sought $20 billion, but it fell far short of the amount it says it wanted, which ranged from $4.5 billion to $8 billion. The earlier ICC award for $747 million was also considered a disappointment for Exxon Mobil, which was seeking $7 billion, according to the Wall Street Journal.
For a more detailed discussion of Thursday’s ruling, see Luke Eric Peterson’s post at the Investment Arbitration Reporter (subscription required).

Read more:

domenica 12 ottobre 2014


Gekaufte Journalisten

Gekaufte Journalisten (‘Bought Journalists’) is the title of a 336-page book published this month by Germany’s Kopp Verlag. Its best-selling author, Dr Udo Ulfkotte, himself an experienced journalist, cites 650 instances and cross-references to uncover the manipulation, lies and biased anti-Russian propaganda of the mainstream Western media(1) by their hidden paymasters in the US.

In Ulfkotte’s own introductory words: (2) “Never before has a journalist stood up in Germany and documented in detail how he was ‘manipulated’. Today I am ashamed. I cannot undo it. […] As a journalist I was acting as the long arm of NATO’s Press Agency and supporting warmongers.” He also exposes the CIA as a one of the major sponsors (‘Medienförderer’) of the Western corporate media and names the journalists involved.

Ulfkotte identifies hundreds of journalists, reveals who their real paymasters are, and exposes their links to “pro-American warmongers”. He looks behind the scenes at some of the other major organisations which influence the media for propaganda purposes, such as the Atlantic Bridge, the Trilateral Commission, the German Marshall Fund, the American Council on Germany, the American Academy, the Aspen Institute, and the Institute for European Politics.

He expresses his fears about what will now happen to him: “Such a situation has never before existed on the German media scene. Only one ZDF member [...] was allowed to read my manuscript before its publication – and all he could speak of was its massive ‘explosive force’.”

As one blatant example of media corruption Ulfkotte targets the US Ministry of Defence, accusing it of spending “billions to influence media reports worldwide”, and alleging that in the last few months calls [for funding] could be made to the American Embassy in Berlin if the aim was “to subvert public opinion in Germany in the interests of Washington”.

Attacking the very concept of today’s ‘corporate mass media’, he mourns the ‘assassination’ of the type of former press freedom that used to allow “intelligent people to read several papers” and form their own opinion about events. “Previously the fact that the main media could manipulate citizens with propaganda techniques was considered as a conspiracy theory. Today only an insider can reveal what is really happening behind the scenes.”

Ulfkotte likens the media situation in the West today to that of the former East Germany, where propaganda was deemed to be a mark of excellence. “When it is the CIA that determines what must be written, [...] things are happening in the background that remind us of the former GDR. [...] The step from journalist to propagandist is not a big one.”(3)

Said one German reviewer: “Whoever has read Bought Journalists understands why our media are today warmongering and cannot wait to lead German soldiers to the next battlefield of America’s proxy wars.” Another: “What ultimately becomes clear is that difference of opinion is now merely simulated, for our so called 'news' is frequently just pure brainwashing. [...] Not only that, but what is especially horrifying is that renowned journalists known to all of us from television, radio or newspapers have signed declarations of commitment.” Another: “The principle of manipulation [of facts] is accepted as admissible, but as soon as the final result fails to tally with the desired result, this is pointed out.”

Das Gelbe Forum writes: “It is to be hoped that this book will explode like a bomb in the media – something which is indeed to be expected. Nevertheless, we will probably read or hear nothing of the bomb’s explosion.

My impression is that something has recently been realised in the consciousness of the population, even if the heart of the problem continues to exist – namely the non-sovereignty of Germany as a vassal state of the USA. For how much longer?”
Proof positive of my call for a “Goebbels Propaganda Prize for the corporate Western media?” (4)
 An explosive book indeed!

Udo Ulfkotte: Gekaufte Journalisten. Kopp Verlag 2014, 336pp, 22.95 €. German only. Available online from Amazon at £14.35

1 German uses the term ‘Leitmedien’
2 My translation
3 My free translation to enhance the clarity
4 BCN 286. For a revised and much expanded version of this see:

giovedì 2 ottobre 2014

Special Agent Alert Regarding IRS Film

Former IRS Special Agent Alert Regarding IRS Film and Window Of OpportunitySent Wednesday, October 1, 2014Joseph Banister

Dear Friends,
I recently became aware of a film called " UnFair: Exposing The IRS " that is scheduled for an October 14th debut across the nation.  I have only viewed the film's trailer but I am more than a little skeptical that although the film may depict IRS abuses accurately it likely will not depict the simple and plain fact that most Americans are not liable for the income tax. In other words, even though the title indicates a purpose of "exposing the IRS", it is unlikely the film will explain the true foundations of the income tax nightmare, namely that many if not most Americans are not even liable to pay the federal income tax nor do most Americans earn "income" as the U.S. Supreme Court has defined that term.
Undoubtedly, the abusive and heinous IRS conduct that " UnFair: Exposing The IRS " will depict will stir feelings of disgust and fury in those who view it. However, I believe that the disgust and fury will be multiplied one hundred-fold if the audience understands how the IRS, with the help of a Congress and judiciary who have "looked the other way" when it comes to exposing the truth, is not only abusing citizens' rights and stealing their property but the IRS is down-right lying about the scope and nature of the federal income tax as well.  In other words, if the average American who views this film is furious about the IRS abuses depicted in it, how much more fury will arise if the viewer learns that the Congress has NEVER passed a law making the average American liable to pay the federal income tax and that the IRS admits one must be liable for a tax before any requirement to pay the tax or file a return reporting the tax arises?
Drawing a simple analogy to illustrate how a greater impact might be achieved, consider that one level of fury would result upon learning that your local grocery store had been overcharging you for real milk you bought over a period of time but a significantly greater level of fury would arise upon learning that what you thought was milk was actually water with white food coloring and other additives that made it look and taste like milk but was not actually milk at all.  Being the victim of an overcharging scheme might cause you to stop shopping at that store but being the victim of an outright lie might cause you to call every neighbor you know and show up at the store with picket signs in order to alert every customer who drive into the parking lot.
Proposal 1: Let's use this film debut as an opportunity to interact with people who already realize there is a big problem with the IRS (why else would they go to see the film?).  I have placed on the internet templates for a small "info" card that would fit on the front and back of a "business card" as well as a flyer that would fit on a full piece of paper or perhaps two or four per sheet of paper.  Or you can create your own flyer or other method of communicating these facts.
Proposal 2: Let's spread the word about another documentary film on IRS abuse where the underlying reasons for IRS abuse, including the lies told to the American people about the scope and nature of the income tax, are more fully explored.  Produced and narrated by my good friend Gary Franchi and his Next News Network, the film is called "Cross Hairs: The Internal Revenue Scandal".
Proposal 3: Spread the word to your friends and family about the debut of " UnFair: Exposing The IRS " on October 14th and the opportunity to open the eyes of our fellow Americans just a little wider.
I intend to go to a screening in Reno, Nevada or Sacramento, California or San Jose, California, depending on where I think I can make the most impact. For those who are frustrated with the failure or refusal of the government and the media to enlighten the public about the foundational reasons for IRS abuse, this is your opportunity to not only make a difference but interact with people who will likely be the most receptive to the real truth.  As always, I urge you to be courteous and professional in spreading this message. Look for opportunities to enlighten others but don't demand opportunities.  Be a good example to others.
Websites links for those who would like to participate:

Don't forget that I do have a "Twitter" account for those who prefer that particular method of communicating. My twitter account concentrating primarily on current events and government corruption, tax matters and attacks on our Constitution and Bill of Rights is @josephbanister. 
My twitter account concentrating primarily on spiritual matters and miscellaneous topics is @joebanister.
Inviting others to join my email list on the right-hand side of my web page or follow me on "Twitter" is encouraged and appreciated.  You can view a sample of prior newsletters here.

-For those who have received this message as a forward from someone else, you can sign up to receive these messages directly by entering your email address on the right hand side of the web page.
-I will continue to send a free Attorney Larry Becraft Research CD to any donor who donates at least $20 to me for my radio show effort - just make sure you mention that you want the CD gift.  Don't forget that Attorney Becraft (and some unsung heroes) created an incredible researching tool all in one CD-ROM.  He has compiled the most comprehensive, easy to access history of the federal income tax laws I have ever laid my eyes on.  The CD-ROM includes more recent information such as a report from a 1975 investigation of the IRS, Title 26 of the Code of Federal Regulations from 1999, the entire Internal Revenue Code from January, 2002, Statutes At Large 111 through 121 (105th Congress through 110th Congress - roughly 1997 through 2007) and earlier information such as the Revenue Acts of 1919, 1921, 1924, 1926, 1928, 1932, 1934, 1936, 1938, tax regulations from some of the aforementioned years, a mind-blowing 31 page "secret" memorandum written in 1945 later declassified regarding the history of the "Bureau of Internal Revenue" (which is the earlier name of the agency we know today as the "IRS"), the entire 1939 Internal Revenue Code, the entire 1954 Internal Revenue Code (prepared by the Joint Committee on Taxation in 1992).  Many of these documents were created in word-searchable format so you can search for any specific word you can think of.  It would take hundreds of hours to create such a resource from scratch and Larry's hard work has saved us from doing so.  As Larry told my listeners the last time he was on the show, it is critical for Americans to learn more about what the tax laws actually say - what the tax laws said in 1913 when the contemporary income tax came into being and what the tax laws have said ever since then, all the way up to the present day.  Donations by check or money order are gratefully accepted and can be made payable to "Joseph Banister" and mailed to me at 1805 N. Carson Street, Carson City, Nevada 89701.  Keep in mind that money orders (with an anonymous payor) or cash may provide a greater degree of privacy to the donor than checks.  Also, consider using 1805 N. Carson Street, Carson City, Nevada 89701 as the return address on your envelope rather than your own address because any information on the outside of a mailed envelope is susceptible to observation/transcription by government agencies.  See for more information.  Use your own discretion based on the degree of privacy you desire.  Attorney Becraft appeared on the Freedom Above Fortune Radio Show on September 18, 2010 and spent the entire two hour program discussing and explaining the contents of the CD - an archive of this show is saved at on the left hand side of the page under the "Saturday, September 18, 2010" heading.
-Listen to the Agent For Truth Show Saturday mornings beginning September 21st, 2013, mornings from 9:00 am to 10:00 am pacific time broadcasted on the Truth Frequency Radio Network. Visit for show archives.
-Check out the "Joe Banister Channel" on "Youtube" at  or go to and type in either "josephbanister" into the "Search" box or "joebanister" and then click on the word "Search" to the right of the "Search" box to find my "Twitter" page.  Keep in mind that my "@josephbanister" twitter account concentrates primarily on current events and government corruption, tax matters and attacks on our Constitution and Bill of Rights whereas my "@joebanister" twitter account concentrates primarily on spiritual matters and miscellaneous topics.
-For those who are unfamiliar with what has transpired to date in my battle against the IRS and other agencies and groups trying to silence my message, especially the recent acquittal on all charges leveled against me, please visit , and  (click on "IRS Lockout Update"). You can also find archives of informative radio shows at .  
-Prayers in support of this effort are always welcomed and encouraged.  May we all focus on giving glory to God and obeying His Commandments, especially the Commandment not to take His Name in vain.  One "pet project" I have is to encourage film and television producers, directors, writers, actors and actresses to refrain from using God's or Jesus' Name in vain in their films and shows.  I will use my "@joebanister" twitter account and the hashtag #LordsNameInVainWatch to ask for your help in making public requests to film and television personalities to stop using the Lord's Name in vain while pursuing their profession.  Let's work together and speak up in defense of God's Holy Name and let us shower God with our devotion so that He will more abundantly shower our nation with blessings.
-Contributions to my legal defense fund are also welcomed due to the significant costs of defending against multiple and continuing government attacks.  I also spend a significant amount of my personal time fighting this battle and speaking out.  Your contributions help me keep the fight alive.  Checks or money orders are gratefully accepted and can be made payable to "Joseph Banister" to assist me with legal expenses and can be mailed to 1805 N. Carson Street, Carson City, Nevada 89701. Money orders or cash may provide a greater degree of privacy to the donor than checks so use your own discretion based on the degree of privacy you desire.
-Visit for more information as to how you can obtain information about my recent trial and contribute to my legal defense fund at the same time as well as a biography with exhibits (scroll down the page).
-My sincere thanks to those who have prayed for the success of our efforts and/or contributed to my legal defense fund. Your continued support is enabling me to illustrate, in detail and in a very public manner, that the IRS does not prevail against citizens because the agency adheres to the rule of law, but that the IRS prevails against citizens because the agency ignores the law, twists the meaning of the law, and overwhelms the citizen with economic and legal burdens. In a school yard, such tactics are called "Bullying". In a government setting, such tactics are called "Tyranny". This effort is the equivalent of ganging up on the bully and sending him to reform school where he belongs.
Kind regards,
Joseph R. (Joe) Banister
Former IRS Criminal Investigation Division Special Agent
II Chronicles 7:14:
And my people, upon whom my name is called, being converted, shall make supplication to me, and seek out my face, and do penance for their most wicked ways: then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin and will heal their land.
Exodus 20:7:
Thou shalt not take the name of the Lord thy God in vain: for the Lord will not hold him guiltless that shall take the name of the Lord his God in vain.
Matthew 5:27-28:
You have heard that it was said to them of old: "Thou shalt not commit adultery".  But I say to you that whosoever shall look on a woman to lust after her hath already committed adultery with her in his heart.
John 6:51-52:
I am the living bread which came down from heaven.  If any man eat of this bread, he shall live forever; and the bread that I will give, is my flesh, for the life of the world.
George Orwell, 1984:
"You are a slow learner, Winston," said O'Brien gently.
"How can I help it?" he blubbered. "How can I help seeing what is in front of my eyes? Two and two are four." "Sometimes, Winston. Sometimes they are five. Sometimes they are three. Sometimes they are all of them at once. You must try harder. It is not easy to become sane."

I golpe della CIA, il dossier JFK e la chiusura del Dipartimento dell'Istruzione

  ☕️ CAMBIAMENTI DI REGIME ☙ Venerdì 21 marzo 2025 ☙ NOTIZIE C&C 🦠 ☕️ REGIME CHANGES ☙ Friday, March 21, 2025 ☙ C&C NEWS 🦠 Esplodo...