giovedì 8 gennaio 2015


                                  THE RACE IS ON IN ISRAEL
                                         by Barry Chamish

      The race is on and Israelis prepare to elect a new government. A longtime
reader of mine, David Tregerman, called me in an un-sanguine mood over the
elections. His candidate, and possibly the only representative of the Israeli Right in governing circles,
Likud Knesset member Moshe Feiglin, had inexplicably quit
the Likud and scampered into the dark, frightening, unknown wilderness.
      David, and if the mail I've received is any indication, pretty well all of
Feiglin's supporters, were stunned by his betrayal. He was their only hope of
giving voice to their beliefs and now he was gone.
      With his Feiglin delusion shattered, David told me he was reduced to
reciting a shiva, a funeral dirge, for Israel. It seems Feiglin's backers did not
accept his super-dumb excuses for abandoning them and sure did not want
to scamper with him into the wild.
       I simply told David, to ask what the real reason was for Feiglin's departure.
You don't remain faithful with a knife under your throat.
       Look at Feiglin's cowardly reaction to another candidate throwing himself
into the campaign to determine the next government. The conspirator in the
murder of Yitzhak Rabin in '95 and the frame-up of Dr. Baruch Goldstein, the
Hebron "mass-murderer," in '94, Carmi Gillon, was leading a protest against
the prime minister. Read on:         
Former Israel Security Agency (Shin Bet) chief Carmi Gillon on Saturday night launched a scathing attack on Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu and the Israeli government."Israel is headed today by a bunch of pyromaniacs and is being led by an egomaniac to its final destruction," said Gillon, who spoke at a demonstration by leftists protesting against the Jewish State Law outside the Prime Minister’s residence in Jerusalem.
“The Jewish State Law will eat the body of the entire nation like a cancer. The continuation of the radical and messianist policy on the Temple Mount will bring about a Gog and Magog war against the Jewish people," he added.Gillon, who headed the Shin Bet at the time of the assassination of former Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin, resigned from his position in 1996, after the Shamgar Commission, which investigated the assassination, was critical of Gillon’s conduct in the period leading up to the assassination. The Commission’s official report stated that Gillon carried responsibility for the security failures that led to the murder. Gillon, who has been identified with the Israeli left for years, served as director-general of the Peres Center for Peace between 2000 and 2001.
       Recall how I fought Gillon:
     Carmi Gillon was forced to resign because, darn him, he didn't protect Prime Minister Rabin from assassination. His relieved co-conspirator in the murder, now President Shimon Peres, then a mere Prime Minister, was so indebted to the shamed ex-internal security head, that he named him the new Ambassador to Denmark in 1997. The Jerusalem Post arranged a public talk with the diplomatic rookie, with its then-editor David Horovitz as moderator. By then, I had partially researched my book Who Murdered Yitzhak Rabin and had the goods on Gillon. I had to sabotage this talk.
            So, I wrote the founder of Women In Green, Nadia Matar and requested that she tell her followers to come to the talk and ambush Gillon over his murder of Rabin. She agreed and about a hundred of her people appeared, I thought, to expose the twisted felons who are ruining us. I stood at the door all alone to greet Gillon as he entered. He arrived, the ex-chief of the Shin Bet, unaccompanied. Not even one bodyguard. I stared at him intently and he reacted in stunned recognition. This could be the night he was exposed as an accomplice to cold-blooded murder.
            He began the evening with low-life philosophy but amazingly, Matar's disciples reacted with idiotic questions that assumed Gillon was a real diplomat. This had to end but Horovitz ignored my hands-up pleas to question the guest. In the fortieth minute, I lifted my hand and shouted, "WHO MURDERED RABIN, GILLON? YOU KNOW, DON'T YOU GILLON?"
            Gillon sat stupified and then ran for the exit. As he two-stepped out, I exclaimed in full voice,"YOU'RE GOING TO BE INVESTIGATED, GILLON."
            Now look at Feiglin's reaction to Gillon. Does he mention that a proven murderer has a lot of nerve showing himself in public for any reason, let alone to call his government inciters? Of course not. He takes the dishonest route blaming Gillon for a milder, politically safer, decision to support the pullout from Gaza: Deputy Speaker of the Knesset, MK Moshe Feiglin (Likud) responded to the comments former Shin Bet Chief, Carmi Gillon made against Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu and his government."Israel is headed today by a bunch of pyromaniacs and is being led by an egomaniac to its final destruction," Gillon said, at a leftist demonstration against the Jewish State Law outside the Prime Minister’s residence in Jerusalem. The demonstration, organized by Peace Now, was attended by thousands, and included speakers from the left-wing Meretz and Labor parties as well as the outspoken Gillon. 
“The Jewish State Law will eat the body of the entire nation like a cancer. The continuation of the radical and messianist policy on the Temple Mount will bring about a Gog and Magog war against the Jewish people," he continued. 
Feiglin, speaking on the program "Orly and Guy," said that Gillon was "one of the people who signed to have Tel Aviv bombed for two months [during Operation Protective Edge].""He helped to remove IDF soldiers from out of the Strip, and from there [Gaza] fired on Tel Aviv," Feiglin added. "People need to learn to shut up a bit," the MK continued. "You made a colossal mistake, and inserted Israel into a disaster we've never gotten out of," Feiglin said, referring to the disengagement from Gaza in 2005. "It is a little strange that these people never say sorry, but I expected them to ask for forgiveness instead of giving us marks."

Feiglin called Gillon "one of the pillars of the Oslo Accords" which resulted in Israel "being taken out of Gaza" and "Hamas promptly shelling us." 
Getting angry, Feiglin exclaimed, "At least sit quietly at home, you who have led us to this disaster. But instead you're leading demonstrations and calling us pyromaniacs? After all, he set the entire country on fire!" Gillon, who headed the Shin Bet at the time of the assassination of former Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin, resigned from his position in 1996, after the Shamgar Commission, who investigated the assassination, criticized his conduct in their official report. 

        Too many people criticize me for being anti-Israel because I believe in honesty and fear we will inevitably drown in the lies of our leaders. To them I
reply, "Are you nuts? You're guaranteeing our demise by allowing murderers the run of Israel."
         For his supporters, a hint of why Feiglin deserted you lies in the open attack on the leader of his former party, Netanyahu, by a vicious psychopath,
who in a just world would be rotting behind bars, Carmi Gillon.
My book Who Murdered Yitzhak Rabin?

My DVD online in Hebrew:

In English: 


 Hear my radio show: /

I have a series of DVDs and CDs that I normally sell for
a set price.
You can have any one for just $10 in the US,
signed and dedicated to you personally. Or take all 8
for just $50. Outside the US, add $3.
each or $60. for all of them.But please write me at or to order.


Who Murdered Yitzhak Rabin; The Vatican's Crusade Against
Jerusalem; Shabtai Tzvi, Labor Zionism And The Holocaust;
The Dirty War Against The Settlers; Take Back Israel;
Return Of The Giants; Vatican Update;
120 Radio Shows; Stopping The Next Holocaust; Interview for Italian TV:
And in Hebrew, Who Murdered Rabin + Save Israel

Contributions at Paypal:
or by writing:
Barry Chamish
POB 840157
Saint Augustine, FL  32080

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