sabato 10 dicembre 2016

Iceland Forms Anti-Establishment Government

Iceland Forms Anti-Establishment Government

Iceland has differed from the rest of Europe and the US by allowing bankers to be prosecuted as criminals. Now it seems the purge of the political class has begun.

By Baxter Dmitry,
Iceland’s anti-establishment Pirate Party have been invited to form government and have been handed a mandate to begin instituting some of their progressive policies.
Icelandic President Guðni Jóhannesson made the announcement on Friday, over one month after the general election, after meeting with head Pirate Birgitta Jónsdóttir.
I met with the leaders of all parties and asked their opinion on who should lead those talks. After that I summoned Birgitta Jónsdóttir and handed her the mandate,” he said.
The extraordinary victory for the Pirates is the latest example of an outsider gatecrashing the establishment, as voters around the world continue to reject traditional politics as unfit for purpose in the 21st century.
Founded in 2012 by former hackers, WikiLeaks collaborators, and activists, the Pirate Party won their first seat in the Althingi parliament one year later – and since then their popularity has exploded.
We have managed to catch and capture the spirit of change with so many young people in Iceland,” said Jonsdottir, who describes herself as a “poetician.”
We are very much about modernizing our system, so that people don’t fall through the cracks all the time.”
Support for the movement surged to 43% in an April poll after the Panama Papers revealed that former Prime Minister Sigmundur David Gunnlaugsson held secret investments in offshore accounts — which led to some of the largest protests the country has ever seen.
Named the “Saucepan revolution” due to the making a racket in the streets with pots and pans, the massive protests removed the Prime Minister from office and kickstarted a societal change.
Elite mafia
Jonsdottir likens Iceland to Sicily in that it has been controlled by a mafia-like handful of elite families. But Icelanders have a deep distrust of the elite, and since the financial crash in 2008 and the Panama Papers revelations last year, the society has vowed enough is enough.
Iceland has differed from the rest of Europe and the US by allowing bankers to be prosecuted as criminals, rather than treating them as a protected species. Top bankers were thrown in jail earlier this month after a long running case related to the 2008 crash. Now it seems the purge of the political class has begun.
What will Pirates in parliament actually mean?
The Pirates are against state surveillance in any form, and Edward Snowden is a national hero in Iceland. A resolution has been put forward to grant him citizenship of the wind-swept North Atlantic island.
Are they worried granting a haven to the NSA whistleblower might rile Iceland’s NATO ally in Washington?
Yeah, well we have done things that don’t make other nations happy before,” she said. “Sometimes it’s a case of what’s doing what is right versus what is easy.”
The backlash against their bankers knows no bounds. Resentment runs deep, and adopting Bitcoin as the official currency will curtail the ability of banks to scam the people. The cryptocurrency is free, safe, is not inflationary, and a central government will never be able to take it off you.
The Pirates want to adopt the “Portuguese solution“. 15 years ago the Portuguese government did something that the United States and most countries around the world would find entirely alien. After many years of waging a fierce war on drugs, they decided to flip their strategy entirely. By decriminalizing all drugs, and treating addicts rather than punishing them, Portugal has drastically reduced the drug abuse in their country.
We do not define ourselves as left or right but rather as a party that focuses on the systems,” Jónsdóttir has said. “In other words, we consider ourselves hackers—so to speak—of our current outdated systems of government.”
Did the Pirate Party campaign pushing any major legislation of its own? No, not really, because, according to Fortune magazine, “the official party stance on some of Iceland’s biggest political questions is unclear, in part, because its members believe in deferring to the wishes of voters.” That’s called direct democracy. For the first time in their lives, Icelanders have voted a government into power who will not betray their promises
There is a widespread hatred of central authority in Iceland, and the Pirates, with their anti-establishment beliefs and jaunty black-flag logo, are poised to take advantage of the dissident mood. They seem the perfect fit for a self-reliant country with a strong anti-authoritarian streak.
This is a society that is very loosely organized in many ways,” said Asgeir Jonsson, a University of Iceland economist. “We don’t have an army, we never had a king. We hate all central authority.
Baxter Dmitry is a writer at Your News Wire. He is passionate about motor sports, military history, and the truth. Baxter has traveled to over 80 countries and has (according to him) won arguments in every single one.

domenica 4 dicembre 2016

Fukushima shows the seedy side of the Secret Services

Fukushima shows the seedy side of the Secret Services. Dr C. Busby- A case history

“…I think that the MOD is very concerned about his legal arguments against the ICRP dose model and the evidence he uncovered that shows the ICRP dose model was corrupted in 1973 when the control group from the Hiroshima study was replaced and caused the allowable dose limits to increase so that nuclear chemical process`s such as decommissioning and nuclear bomb manufacture could go ahead. It may also have implications to nuclear related medicine use etc. And of course it is not just the UK but the USA military that has much to lose….”
Published on
Statement of Fact by Shaun McGee aka arclight 3rd December 2016
I am writing this Statement of Fact partly because of the new UK Criminal Investigatory Bill that has been enacted in the UK.
The triggers for this statement are manifold but I wish to concentrate this statement on the situation concerning Dr Chris Busby because of recent attacks and doubts as to the veracity and honesty as to his character.
First to give some context I would like to go back to 2011 and the Fukushima nuclear disaster. I do this because a colleague @AAClearinghouse and I were discussing Dr Chris Busby via Twitter and I was asked to explain in greater detail the Wikileaks STRATFor files connection with Dr Busby.
In these released internal documents it was revealed that STRATfor internal security files were discussing the UK anti nuclear movement after the Fukushima nuclear disaster. In the email in question I found that they were worried about the strength of the UK anti nuclear movement and that they should keep a close eye on the activists involved with this movement. One could assume that this corporation was sharing information with the police and security services within the UK. I might also posit that some actions would result from this to defuse the reported strength of this movement and lessen the impact of anti nuclear activities.
Of course a posit is just a hypothesis and not a fact and so some evidence would need to be found to corroborate it.
So where is this evidence?
As a researcher and blogger to some of the bigger online anti nuclear platforms I had the benefit of an overview on this situation. Because of my overview and areas of research I drew the attention of the Police/security services sometime in 2011 and suspected that I was placed on a domestic extremist list. Over the following 2 years I had many incidents occur where eventually it got to the point that I had to leave the UK and go to my families home country of Ireland leaving behind my home, friends, family and work. This is just a summary of my situation.
After the revelations of Snowden and Assange it became clear to most that my experiences that I had documented over the years were less likely the ramblings of paranoia and more likely the truth. Adding this to the Wikileaks STRATFor email, in fact it was becoming clear that my experiences were part of a more comprehensive operation in the UK and actually beyond the UK also.
There were very high profile attacks on Dr Busby as well by George Monbiot and The guardian Newspaper (The same newspaper that was threatened by the UK Government with closure if it did not conform). The claims made by Mr Monbiot were rebuffed but the Guardian did not give Dr Busby a fair chance to rebuff this on their newspaper which left the wider public with the impression that he had not rebuffed Monbiots claims. And it did not stop there.
One of the ways I did research was to engage the many pro nuclear posters on the Guardian, Japan Times etc and it became clear fairly quickly that there was a co-ordinated social media campaign by highly specialised nuclear health technicians from both the UK and the USA (depending on the time zone and time of day). Indeed I even had personal correspondence with some of the more high profile ones and learnt a lot about nuclear energy and politics from them. The specialists also targeted journalists such as John Simpson who did a report on Depleted Uranium health effects in Fallujah but John Simpson was reported to have said in a later interview that even though these specialists had put alot of pressure on him trying to convince him that no such health effects could exist he reported it anyway, believing what he saw with his own eyes on the ground. George Monbiot may have had similar pressure put on him if he was not directly working for one of the myriad UK based security companies. In fact John Snow said that that report was one of his finest achievements in his long and exemplary career.
The public attacks on Chris Busby are well documented over the past 5 years or so and have sidelined one of the greatest minds in the anti nuclear movement. Other great minds have been also targeted and the anti nuclear movement in the UK (Pre Corbyn) were unable to gather much more than a couple of hundred people for protests with no supporting media coverage to increase the damage done to the anti nuclear community.
So why did they target Dr Busby?
I think that the MOD is very concerned about his legal arguments against the ICRP dose model and the evidence he uncovered that shows the ICRP dose model was corrupted in 1973 when the control group from the Hiroshima study was replaced and caused the allowable dose limits to increase so that nuclear chemical process`s such as decommissioning and nuclear bomb manufacture could go ahead. It may also have implications to nuclear related medicine use etc. And of course it is not just the UK but the USA military that has much to lose
And how did they target Dr Busby?
I have listed some of that above but now i would like to make a personal statement concerning the short time I have spent with him and the experiences i have witnessed. My first interactions with Dr Busby began as a blogger after the Fukushima disaster. I noticed the attacks on Dr Busby and dug into the claims and heard his rebuff on the LLRC website. After assessing all the data I found Monbiots claim lacking veracity. I decided with a colleague called missmilkytheclown on YouTube to promote his videos. Quite quickly we released that sharing and promoting his videos were problematic. We had so many problems uploading his videos that it became quite clear to us that someone somewhere did not appreciate our efforts. We carried on and spent many hours on a project instead of minutes. Computer hacking , internet being switched off, email interception and as I explained many pro nuclear commenter’s connected to the specialist nuclear health group I wrote about earlier in this article (Google Roger Helbig as an example of such a specialist)
Some personal observations with Dr Busby I observed
To expand on the evidence a bit that i have already outlined I will talk about the 200 Japanese anti nuclear activists living in the UK. I have documented one such attack on an encrypted email server here;
Also, I had a personal friend from this group that I helped transle articles from Japanese to English. I should mention that many Japanese who translated information into English were similarly targeted such as Tokyobrowntabby to name but one (based in Japan) and my co translator friend was also targeted in the UK using cyber attacks (deleting email accounts, blocking internet access and warned verbally by an ex MI5 employee to stop her research, which after many more cyber incidents she conceded to the request).
Image source to Tokyobrowntabby`s work;
I might point out that during this time I was under heavy cyber attack with internet and mobile phone disconnections. When I was staying at Dr Busby`s home, after being made homeless by the Security Services I made the decision to leave the UK as my position there was untenable.
Dr Busby kindly offered to give me some money to aid my move and the he was waiting for some money to hit his account from the sale of part of his home (to pay his debts because of the drop in income due to the campaign against him). He had a little money left and he was going to give some of this to me because he could see the situation I was in. The money transfer was interrupted within the banking system (that was supposed to be secure I thought) and there is a Bank Manager and solicitor in Wales that witnessed this unique incident as did I). The money eventually reappeared after many queries were made.
I could go on, but for the sake of brevity i will finish with this brief statement of fact;
Earlier his year (2016) I went to help Dr Busby move from his home for a week whilst he was preparing for the British Nuclear Test Veterans case.
I witnessed the disruption of evidence that was destined for the High court (2 attempts at sending an email from different people were blocked and never reached the High Court) and at the same time my Irish mobile phone was disconnected at the UK end but was reconnected just before I returned to Ireland.
Other people that I suspect or know were targeted to some degree or other with were UK based independent nuclear experts working for NGO`s, Richard Bramhall (Of the Bradwell governmental steering committee who was still in talks on behalf of the group with DECC even though they had already released its final findings quietly on the UK government public website), NETPOL who was working on the Pitchford Inquiry here, Naomi Wolf (Author) on her Facebook account and Mari Takenouchi (email interfered with) Independent Japanese Journalist.
Written by Shaun McGee aka Arclight
December 3, 2016

lunedì 3 ottobre 2016

EU Commission: Secret Report on Neelie Kroes

Conflitto interessi commissari: solo la punta dell’iceberg

di Nicoletta Forcheri - 29/09/2016
Conflitto interessi commissari: solo la punta dell’iceberg

Neelie Kroes.jpg
Neelie Kroes in 2010, retarded Dutch politician

L’ex commissaria Neelie Kroes è da qualche giorno alla ribalta su numerose testate perché qualcuno si è svegliato – con il caso dei Bahamas Papers, 176000 tra società, fondi e trust offshore di comodo  nel paradiso fiscale – e avrebbe scoperto UN conflitto di interessi con la sua carica da commissario europeo (due mandati 2004-2010 Concorrenza e 2010-1014, Agenda digitale)?  Solo uno?
E’ emerso infatti dalla scandalo Bahamas offshore che faceva parte del consiglio di amministrazione di Mint Holdings Ltd, un fondo sovrano degli Emirati Arabi contemporaneamente alla sua carica di commissario, con il ruolo di acquisire le attività “sane” di Enron per 7 miliardi di dollari.
Ora, non esiste solo un vincolo di mandato post carica commissario, come si è saputo per lo scandalo dell’ex presidente della Commissione europea Barroso beccato in Goldman Sachs, ma esiste pure, come è logico che sia, un codice di condotta per i commissari europei  durante il loro mandato che prevede che:

“durante il mandato i membri della Commissione non possono esercitare nessun’altra attività professionale, retribuita o no.”

Pertanto, come gli altri commissari, la Kroes, che è membro del Bilderberg,  fece una dichiarazione di interessi nel 2004, all’inizio del suo mandato, al Parlamento europeo, dichiarando cariche e ruoli “precedenti” in ben 60 società, fondazioni e  altri organi accademici, comprendenti Volvo, McDonald’s, società per la difesa e gli aeroporti, la società ferroviaria Thales e gruppi finanziari (1). Tutte le partecipazioni e gli interessi finanziari che ricopriva li mise in un trust, che già questo è un escamotage a prova di intelligenza di bambino…
Ma non basta, fatto sta, che è di questi giorni la notizia che NON menzionò Mint Holdings.

Ma non è tutto, perché io mi chiedo invece QUANDO verrà fuori che NON dichiarò altri due importantissimi ruoli come scrissi in un articolo del 2010 (Il Conflitto di interessi fatto sistema in Europa):1. Lucent Technologies Nederland BV, ERGO ALCATEL, membro del consiglio di vigilanza dal 1999, società che fornisce servizi nel settore delle comunicazioni. Pensate, un commissario per la digitalizzazione della società, negli organi di amministrazione di Alcatel!2. Segretario generale della Fondazione della NCM Holding (Nederlands Credietverzekering Maatschappij, Società olandese di credito assicurativo), che poi è la Atradius NV (rif. ), società assicurativa, finanziaria, di ricupero crediti, cauzioni, trading in “debito”.
Queste notizie erano in bella vista sul sito del parlamento olandese qua,  solo che nel frattempo qualcuno ha tolto le due cariche citate, e sono dovuta andare a ripescare la dichiarazione originale con un sito specializzato (web archive):
(per sicurezza ne ho fatto uno screenshot, visto che spesso sparisce tutto anche da quel web…)

Se l’ho trovato io, come mai le autorità preposte, gli addetti, i magistrati, i deputati, nessuno si è mai accorto di niente in tempo utile? E come mai queste cose emergono sempre fuori tempo massimo quando oramai i danni sono fatti?
Che si sappia, questa è soltanto la punta dell’iceberg, e non solo della commissaria Kroes bensì di un sistema ombra sistematicamente corrotto, corrompente, evasore e in conflitto di interessi con il bene dei “cittadini” sottostanti, provocato da una tecnica di emissione monetaria – quella corrente – di cui la parte occultata viene incassata integra nel sistema delle isole in incognito e da lì corrompe sistematicamente il resto del mondo. Chi controlla la moneta, può questo ed altro, e chi controlla la moneta controlla come minimo la Commissione europea, per non parlare di governi, media, magistrati, organizzazioni internazionali e multinazionali, che possiede.

Avevo così riassunto la sua dichiarazione di interessi nell’articolo 
. l’aviazione olandese (Dutch Aviation Platform (NLO) e KLM Assurances),
. l’acqua (Bezinningropep Water: lobby su questioni di gestione dell’acqua, Overlegorgaan Waterbeheer en Nordzee angelegenheden),
. varie società private di investimento (NSK, BV),
. varie lobby internazionali (di cui Foundation International Human Resources Development VNO),
. l’edilizia (società edilizie e immobiliari),
. interessi farmaceutici (Wolrd Cancer Research Fund Netherlands),
. interessi assicurativi (MCM),
. interessi bancari (NIB Capital),
. servizi ambientali,
. trasporti  navali internazionali (Port Support international BV) [=grande distribuzione e globalizzazione],
. trasporti ferroviari (Thales Netherlands Groep BN  e Nederlands Sporwegen NV) [grande distribuzione e globalizzazione],
. trading di metalli,

senza contare la Volvo…
. le comunicazioni (New Skies Satellites NN)

domenica 11 settembre 2016

Why are we being so fucking stupid?

April 16, 2013

Understanding Organizational Stupidity

Shintaro Kago
Is it morning in America again, or is the bubble that is the American economy about to pop (again), this time perhaps tipping it into full-blown collapse in five stages with symphonic accompaniment and fireworks? A country blowing itself up is quite a sight to behold, and it makes us wonder about lots of things. For instance, it makes us wonder whether the people who are doing the blowing up happen to be criminals. (Sure, they may be in a manner of speaking—as a moral judgment passed on the powerful by the powerless—but since none of them are likely to see the inside of a jail cell or even a courtroom any time soon, the point is moot. Let's be sure to hunt them down once they try to run and hide, though.) But at a much more basic and fundamental level, a better question to ask is this one:

“Why are we being so fucking stupid?”
What do I mean when I use the term “fucking stupid”? I do not mean it as a term of abuse but as a precise, if unflattering, diagnosis. Here is as good a definition as any, excerpted from American Eulogy by Jim Quinn:
If you had told someone on September 10, 2001 that ten years later America would be running $1.5 trillion annual deficits, fighting two wars of choice in countries that despise our presence, and had not only not addressed the $100 [trillion] of unfunded welfare liabilities but added billions more with Medicare D and Obamacare, they would have thought you were a crazy doomster predicting the end of the world. They would have put you away in a padded cell if you had further predicted that politicians would cut taxes three separate times, that the Wall Street banks that leveraged themselves 40 to 1 and destroyed the financial system [would be] handed $2 trillion of taxpayer funds so they could pay themselves multi-million dollar bonuses, and that the Federal Reserve would triple its balance sheet to $2.45 trillion by running its printing presses at hyper-speed and handing the money to those same Wall Street Mega-Banks.
Well, the evidence is in, and that crazy doomster in his padded cell has turned out to be amazingly prescient, so perhaps we should listen to him. And what would that crazy doomster have to say now? I would venture to guess that it would be something along these lines:
There is no reason to think that those who failed to take corrective action up until now, but remain in control, will ever do so. But it should be perfectly obvious that this situation cannot continue ad infinitum. And, as a matter of general principle, things that can't go on forever—don't.
Back to the question of stupidity: Why are we (as a country) being so fucking stupid? This question has puzzled me for some time. It appears that the problem of stupidity is quite pervasive: look at any large human organization, and you will find that it is ruled by stupidity. I was not the first to stumble across the conjecture that the intelligence of a hierarchically organized group of people is inversely proportional to its size, but so far the mechanism that makes it so has eluded me. Clearly, there is something amiss with hierarchically organized groups, something that causes all of them to eventually collapse, but what exactly is it? To try to get at this question, last year I spent quite a while researching anarchy, and wrote a series of articles on it (Part I, Part II, Part III). I discovered that vast hierarchies do not occur in nature, which is anarchic and self-organizing, with no chains of command and no entities in supreme command. I discovered that anarchic organizations can go on forever while hierarchical ones inevitably end in collapse. I examined some of the recent breakthroughs in complexity theory, which uncovered the laws governing the different scaling factors in natural (anarchically organized, efficient, stable) systems and unnatural (hierarchically organized, inefficient, collapse-prone) ones.
But nowhere did I find a principled, rigorous explanation for the fatal flaw embedded in the very nature of hierarchical systems. I did have a very strong hunch, though, backed by much anecdotal evidence, that it comes down to stupidity. In anarchic societies whose members cooperate freely, intelligence is additive; in hierarchical organizations structured around a chain of command, intelligence is subtractive. The lowest grunts or peons are expected to carry out orders unquestioningly. Their critical faculties are 100% impaired; if not, they are subjected to disciplinary action. The supreme chief executive officer may be of moderately impaired intelligence, since it is indicative of a significant character flaw to want such a job in the first place. (Kurt Vonnegut put it best: “Only nut cases want to be president.”) But beyond that, the supreme leader must act in such a way as to keep the grunts and peons in line, resulting in further intellectual impairment, which is compounded across all of the intervening ranks, with each link in the chain of command contributing a bit of its own stupidity to the organizational stupidity stack.
I never ascended the ranks of middle management, probably due to my tendency to speak out at meetings and throw around terms such as “nonsensical,” “idiotic,” “brainless,” “self-defeating” and “fucking stupid.” If shushed up by superiors, I would resort to cracking jokes, which were funny and even harder to ignore. Neither my critical faculties, nor my sense of humor, are easily repressed. I was thrown at a lot of special projects where the upside of being able to think independently was not negated by the downside of being unwilling to follow (stupid) orders. To me hierarchy = stupidity in an apparent, palpable way. But in explaining to others why this must be so, I had so far been unable to go beyond speaking in generalities and telling stories.
And so I was happy when I recently came across an article which goes beyond such “hand-waving analysis” and answers this question with some precision. Mats Alvesson and André Spicer, writing in Journal of Management Studies (49:7 November 2012) present “A Stupidity-Based Theory of Organizations” in which they define a key term: functional stupidity. It is functional in that it is required in order for hierarchically structured organizations to avoid disintegration or, at the very least, to function without a great deal of internal friction. It is stupid in that it is a form intellectual impairment: “Functional stupidity refers to an absence of reflexivity, a refusal to use intellectual capacities in other than myopic ways, and avoidance of justifications.” Alvesson and Spicer go on to define the various “...forms of stupidity management that repress or marginalize doubt and block communicative action” and to diagram the information flows which are instrumental to generating and maintaining sufficient levels stupidity within organizations. What follows is my summary of their theory. Before I start, I would like to mention that although the authors' analysis is limited in scope to corporate entities, I believe that it extends quite naturally to other hierarchically organized bureaucratic systems, such as governments.
Alvesson and Spicer use as their jumping-off point the major leitmotif of contemporary management theory, which is that “smartness,” variously defined as “knowledge, information, competence, wisdom, resources, capabilities, talent, and learning” has emerged as the main business asset and the key to competitiveness—a shift seen as inevitable as industrial economies go from being resource-based to being knowledge-based. By the way, this is a questionable assumption; do you know how many millions of tons of hydrocarbons went into making the smartphone? But this leitmotif is pervasive, and exemplified by management guru quips such as “creativity creates its own prerogative.” The authors point out that there is also a vast body of research on the irrationality of organizations and the limits to organizational intelligence stemming from “unconscious elements, group-think, and rigid adherence to wishful thinking.” There is also no shortage of research into organizational ignorance which explores the mechanisms behind “bounded-rationality, skilled incompetence, garbage-can decision making, foolishness, mindlessness, and (denied) ignorance.” But what they are getting at is qualitatively different from such run-of-the-mill stupidity. Functional stupidity is neither delusional nor irrational nor ignorant: organizations restrict smartness in rational and informed ways which serve explicit organizational interests. It is, if you will, a sort of “enlightened stupidity”:
Functional stupidity is organizationally-supported lack of reflexivity, substantive reasoning, and justification (my italics). It entails a refusal to use intellectual resources outside a narrow and “safe” terrain. It can provide a sense of certainty that allows organizations to function smoothly. This can save the organization and its members from the frictions provoked by doubt and reflection. Functional stupidity contributes to maintaining and strengthening organizational order. It can also motivate people, help them to cultivate their careers, and subordinate them to socially acceptable forms of management and leadership. Such positive outcomes can further reinforce functional stupidity.
The terms I italicized are important, so let's define each one:
Reflexivity refers to the ability and willingness to question rules, routines and norms rather than follow them unquestioningly. Is your corporation acting morally? Well it doesn't matter, because “what is right in the corporation is what the guy above you wants from you.” The effects of this attitude tend to get amplified as information travels (or, in this case, fails to travel) down the chain of command: your immediate superior might be a corrupt bastard, but your supreme leader cannot possibly be a war criminal.
Justification refers to the ability and willingness to offer reasons and explanations for one's own actions, and to assess the sincerity, legitimacy, and truthfulness of reasons and explanations offered by others. In an open society that has freedom of expression, we justify our actions in order to gain the cooperation of others, while in organizational settings we can simply issue orders, and the only justification ever needed is “because the boss-man said so.”
Substantive reasoning refers to the ability and willingness to go beyond the “small set of concerns that are defined by a specific organizational, professional, or work logic.” For example, economists tend to compress a wide range of phenomena into a few numbers, not bothering to think what these numbers actually represent. Organizational and professional settings discourage people from straying from the confines of their specializations and job descriptions, in essence reducing their cognitive abilities to those of idiot-savants.
Functional stupidity can arise spontaneously, because there are many subjective factors which motivate people within organizations to narrow their thinking to the point of achieving it. A certain amount of closed-mindedness can be helpful in furthering your career. It helps you present yourself as a reliable organizational person—one who would never even question the validity of the organizational or occupational paradigm, never mind stray from it. At the other extreme, your refusal to stray beyond a narrow focus may be prompted by feelings of anxiety, insecurity, and fear of jeopardizing your position. And while, just as you would expect, functional stupidity produces negative outcomes for the organization as a whole, it provides for smooth social functioning within the organization itself by suppressing dangerous or uncomfortable questions and by avoiding the awkwardness of calling into question the judgment of your superiors.
But such subjective factors are dwarfed by certain stupidity-generating features of organizations. At their highest level, organizations tend to focus on purely symbolic issues such as “strong corporate cultures and identities, corporate branding, and charismatic leadership.” Corporate (and other) leaders try to project an identical internal and external image of the organization, which may have little to do with reality. This is only possible through stupidity management—the process by which “various actors (including managers and senior executives as well as external figures such as consultants, business gurus, and marketers) exercise power to block communication. The result is that adherence to managerial edicts is encouraged, and criticism or reflection on them is discouraged.”
As the people within the organization internalize this message, they begin to engage in stupidity self-management: they cut short their internal conversations, refusing to ask themselves troubling questions, and focusing instead on a positive, coherent view of their environment and their role within it. But stupidity self-management can also fail when the mismatch between the message and reality becomes too difficult to ignore, ruining morale. The suppressed reality (“The king is naked!”) can spread as a whisper, resulting in passive-aggressive behavior and deliberate foot-dragging all the way to sabotage, defections and resignations.
The functions of stupidity management are to project an image, to encourage stupidity self-management in defense of that image, and to block communication whenever anyone lapses into reflexivity or substantive reasoning, or demands justification. Communication is blocked through the exercise of managerial power. The authors discuss four major ways in which managers routinely exercise their power in defense of functional stupidity: direct suppression, setting the agenda, ideological manipulation, and fetishizing leadership. Of these, direct suppression is by far the simplest: the manager signals to the subordinate that further discussion will not be appreciated, threatening or carrying out disciplinary action if the signaling doesn't work. Setting the agenda is a more subtle technique; for instance, a typical ploy is to require that all criticisms be accompanied by “constructive suggestions,” placing beyond the pale all problems that do not have immediate solutions (which are the vast majority). Ideological manipulation is more subtle yet; one common technique is to emphasize action, at the expense of deliberation, as expressed by the corporate cliché “stop thinking about it and start doing it!” Finally, fetishizing leadership involves splitting each group into leaders and followers, where the leaders seek to make their mark, whatever it takes, and to get promoted quickly. To do so successfully, they must suppress the critical faculties of those around them, compelling them to act as obedient followers.
Functional stupidity is self-reinforcing. Stupidity self-management, reinforced using the four managerial techniques listed above, produces a fragile, blinkered sort of certainty. By refusing to look in certain directions, people are able to pretend that what is there does not exist. But reality tends to intrude on their field of perception sooner or later, and then the reaction is to retreat into functional stupidity even further: those who can ignore reality the longest are rewarded and promoted, setting an example for others.
But the spell can also be broken when the artificial reality bubble protected by the imaginary film of functional stupidity is punctured by a particularly contradictory outcome. For an individual, the prospect of unemployment or the end to one's career can produce such a sudden realization: “How could I have been so stupid?” Similarly, entire organizations can be shaken out of their stupor by a painful fiasco that subjects them to a barrage of public criticism. Public hearings in which industry leaders are forced to appear before government committees and answer uncomfortable questions can sometimes serve as stupidity-busting events. A particularly daunting challenge is to pop the functional stupidity bubble of an entire nation, since there is no public forum at which objective outsiders can force national leaders to take part in a substantive discussion. Bearing witness to the fast-approaching end of the nation as a going concern may be of help here. How could we have been so fucking stupid? Well, now you know.

Truthdigger of the Week: Former British Ambassador and Whistleblower Craig Murray

Truthdigger of the Week: Former British Ambassador and Whistleblower Craig Murray

Posted on Sep 10, 2016
By Emma Niles

  Craig Murray giving a speech in defense of WikiLeaks in 2013. (Screen shot via YouTube)

Every week the Truthdig editorial staff selects a Truthdigger of the Week, a group or person worthy of recognition for speaking truth to power, breaking the story or blowing the whistle. It is not a lifetime achievement award. Rather, we’re looking for newsmakers whose actions in a given week are worth celebrating.

Craig Murray, a former British ambassador to Uzbekistan, has dealt with his fair share of consequences due to his politics, but a recent hitch in his travel plans served to remind the whistleblower and activist that his political history may still be following him.
This week, Murray was denied entry into the United States via the U.S. Visa Waiver Program. The program is intended to enable “most citizens or nationals of participating countries to travel to the United States for tourism or business for stays of 90 days or less without first obtaining a visa.” Murray is set to chair the presentation of this year’s Sam Adams Award for integrity in intelligence, which takes place Sept. 25, to CIA-torture whistleblower John Kiriakou.

Despite visiting the U.S. under this visa waiver program many times in the past, Murray was told his travel was “not authorized” when he applied for entry this time around. In a blog post Monday, Murray wrote:
I have been refused entry clearance to the USA to chair the presentation of the Sam Adams Award to CIA torture whistleblower John Kiriakou and to speak at the World Beyond War conference in Washington DC. Like millions of British passport holders I have frequently visited the USA before and never been refused entry clearance under the visa waiver programme.
I shall apply for a visa via the State Department as suggested but I must be on a list to be refused under the ESTA system, and in any event it is most unlikely to be completed before the conference.
It is worth noting that despite the highly critical things I have published about Putin, about civil liberties in Russia and the annexation of the Crimea, I have never been refused entry to Russia. The only two countries that have ever refused me entry clearance are Uzbekistan and the USA. What does that tell you?
I have no criminal record, no connection to drugs or terrorism, have a return ticket, hotel booking and sufficient funds. I have a passport from a visa waiver country and have visited the USA frequently before during 38 years and never overstayed. The only possible grounds for this refusal of entry clearance are things I have written against neo-liberalism, attacks on civil liberties and neo-conservative foreign policy. People at the conference in Washington will now not be able to hear me speak.
Plainly ideas can be dangerous. So much for the land of the free!
Murray’s political history lends a crucial context to the controversy. In 2004, he was dismissed from his position as the British ambassador to Uzbekistan after undergoing a widely publicized disciplinary investigation for his comments on the country’s human rights failure. In 2002, Nick Cohen of The Guardian stated that one of Murray’s speeches “broke with all the established principles of Foreign Office diplomacy.” The Guardian later covered a second incident in which one of Murray’s speeches sparked controversy:
In October 2002, Murray made a speech to his fellow diplomats and Uzbekistani officials at a human rights conference in Tashkent in which he became the first western official for four years to state publicly that “Uzbekistan is not a functioning democracy”, and to highlight the “prevalence of torture in Uzbekistani prisons” in a system where “brutality is inherent”. Highlighting a case in which two men were boiled to death, he added: “All of us know that this is not an isolated incident.”
As weeks passed, the speech received more negative attention, yet Murray continued to send honest accounts of Uzbekistan’s human rights abuses to his London superiors—dispatches that ultimately went public and may have been the catalyst for his dismissal. “Mr. Murray said officials had been trying to force him out for a year because of his dispatches back to London,” the BBC reported in October 2004. It continued:
In one he claimed MI6 had used information passed on to it by the CIA but originally obtained in Uzbek torture cells—something strongly denied by the Foreign Office.
In the leaked telegram, printed in the Financial Times, he wrote that the use of information gained by torture was “morally, practically and legally wrong.”…
He added: “This sends a very strong signal that since the start of the war on terrorism, anyone who even internally questions what’s happening from a liberal standpoint is going to seriously damage their employment prospects.”
“People come to me very often after being tortured,” he told The Guardian’s Nick Paton Walsh in 2004, shortly before his dismissal. “Normally this includes homosexual and heterosexual rape of close relatives in front of the victim; rape with objects such as broken bottles; asphyxiation; pulling out of fingernails; smashing of limbs with blunt objects; and use of boiling liquids including complete immersion of the body. This is not uncommon. Thousands of people a year suffer from this torture at the hands of the authorities.”
His subsequent removal from his position left more than a dent in his resume. “I had a period under psychiatric care as an in-patient for depression,” he told Walsh. “I’ve gone through the break-up of my marriage. In November, I suffered a pulmonary embolism and very nearly died. … An aura of controversy is not one that is useful to the diplomatic corps.”
In the years since his turbulent expulsion from the British diplomatic service, Murray published several books and immersed himself in political activism. In 2006, for example, he again made headlines for publishing classified memos from his time in Britain’s government on his website. “U.S. plays down human rights situation in Uzbekistan,” he wrote in one memo. “A dangerous policy: increasing repression combined with poverty will promote Islamic terrorism.”
Now, he is again in the spotlight, accusing the U.S. government of denying him entry due to his politics. After Murray broke this news on his own blog, others in the intelligence community began to rally around him.
“Craig Murray is a legendary figure among national security whistleblowers,” John Kiriakou told Truthdig. “He blew the whistle on the government of Uzbekistan’s torture program, and he paid for it with his career. He has since devoted himself to the causes of human rights and civil liberties. That he is being denied entry into the United States tells me that Secretary of State John Kerry is afraid of ideas. He is afraid of those who stand up for what is right.”
Members of the Sam Adams Associates for Integrity in Intelligence issued a statement in which they called Murray’s visa denial “shocking and appalling,” before questioning “which agency’s long arms have reached out to disrupt our ceremony and to try to silence Craig.” It continues:
Whatever they intend, it will be bound to backfire, since it only makes the US government look like some sort of monolithic repressive apparatus out to mimic the world’s worst despotic regimes. Ambassador Murray notes in his blog that Uzbekistan — whose government apparatchiks are notorious for torturing its citizens — is the only other country to have barred his entry. Even Russia – which Ambassador Murray criticizes freely – allows him to travel there trouble-free. What are the implications for US democratic values?
Meanwhile, the organization behind the No War 2016 conference, where Murray is scheduled to speak, has created a petition in support of his admittance to the U.S. “This attempt to prevent a truth-teller from speaking in support of nonviolence is absolutely shameful,” said David Swanson, director of World Beyond War, which is sponsoring the conference. “This is not a policy created to represent any view of the U.S. public, and we are not going to stand for it.”
Peter Van Buren, a former United States foreign service employee turned whistleblower, recently explained why somebody like Murray would be denied entry through this program. “What we’ve got is likely a potential 3B violation or potential violation, which means terrorism,” he told The Real News Network. “You don’t have to be a terrorist to fall under this category. You can just be placed on one of these watch lists by one of the dozens of American intelligence agencies and organizations that are allowed to nominate names—and they do love their Orwellian vocabulary—to the list.”
Could this be the case? Murray has since shared more detail on his denial to the U.S. via Twitter:
Despite the disruption to his travel plans, Murray has continued to share his political opinions in the days since revealing the visa waiver refusal. He has provided critical analysis of the current political transition in Uzbekistan. “ I am happy to say I do not believe the corrupt system in Uzbekistan will last much longer,” he concludes. Another recent blog post criticizes the “underreporting” of U.K. Prime Minister Theresa May’s quoting of a “sexist, racist and anti-disabled” Twitter account.
It is unclear whether Murray will be able to secure the necessary visa waiver in time for his scheduled appearances in the U.S. later this month. Despite this, it’s clear that he will continue to shed light on underreported and politically subversive topics, as he has bravely done for decades. For this reason, Craig Murray is our Truthdigger of the Week.

martedì 23 agosto 2016

NED, the Legal Window of the CIA

NED, the Legal Window of the CIA

For 30 years, the National Endowment for Democracy (NED) has been sub-contracting the legal part of illegal CIA operations. Without rousing suspicions, it has put in place the biggest network of corruption in the world, bribing trade unions and management syndicates , political parties both on both the Right and Left so that they defend the interests of the United States instead of their members. In this article, Thierry Meyssan describes the extent of this system.
| Damascus (Syria)
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In 2006, Kremlin denounced the proliferation of foreign associations in Russia, some of which would have participated in a secret plan, orchestrated by the National Endowment for Democracy (NED), to destabilise the country. To prevent a “colour revolution”, Vladislav Surkov drew up strict regulation over these non-governmental organizations (NGOs). In the West, this administrative framework was described as a “fresh assault on freedom of association by Putin the “Dictator” and his adviser”.
This policy has been followed by other States who in their turn, have been labelled by the international press as “dictators”.
The US government guarantees that it is working towards “promoting democracy all over the world”. It claims that the US Congress can subsidize NED and that NED can, in turn and wholly independently, help directly or indirectly, associations, political parties or trade unions, working in this sense anywhere in the world. The NGOs being, as their name suggests, “non-governmental” can take political initiatives that ambassadors could not assume without violating the sovereignty of the States that receive them. The crux of the matter lies here: NED and the network of NGOs that it finances: are they initiatives of civil society unjustly repressed by the Kremlin or covers of the US Secret Services caught red-handed in interference?
In order to respond to this question, we are going to return to the origins and function of NED. But our first step must be to analyze the meaning of this official US project: “exporting democracy”.
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The puritans that founded the United States wanted to create a “radiant city” whose light would illuminate the whole world. They considered themselves the missionaries of a political model.

What Democracy?

The US, as a people, subscribes to the ideology of their founding fathers. They think of themselves as a colony that has come from Europe to establish a city obeying God. They see their country as “a light on the mountain” in the words of Saint Mathew, adopted for two centuries by most of their presidents in their political speeches. The US would be a model nation, shining on top of a hill, illuminating the entire world. And all other people in the world would hope to emulate this model to reach their well-being.
For the people of United States, this very naïve belief implies without more that their country is an exemplary democracy and that they have a messianic duty to superimpose it on the rest of the world. While Saint Mathew envisaged propagating faith exclusively through the example of a righteous life, the founding fathers of the United States thought of illumination and propagating their faith in terms of regime change. The English puritans beheaded Charles I before fleeing to the Netherlands and the Americas, then the patriots of the New World rejected the authority of King George III of England, proclaiming the independence of the United States.
Impregnated by this national mythology, the people of the United States do not perceive their government’s foreign policy as a form of imperialism. In their eyes, it is all the more legitimate to topple a government that has the ambition to take the form of a model which is different from theirs and thus evil. In the same way, they are persuaded that due to the messianic mission that has been thrust upon them, they have arrived to impose democracy by force in the countries that they have occupied. For example, at school they learn that GIs brought democracy to Germany. They do not know that history indicates quite the opposite: their government helped Hitler to topple the Republic of Weimar and set up a military regime to fight the Soviets. This irrational ideology prevents them from challenging the nature of their institutions and the absurd concept of a “forced democracy”.
Now, according to President Abraham Lincoln’s formula, “democracy is the government of the people, by the people for the people”.
From this point of view, the United States is not a democracy but a hybrid system where executive power is returned to the oligarchy, while the people limit its arbitrary exercise through legislative and judicial powers that can check it. Indeed, while the people elect Congress and some judges, it is the states of the federation that elect executive power and the latter appoints the high judges. Although citizens have been called to determine their choice of president, their vote on this matter only operates as a ratification, as the Supreme Court pointed out in 2000, in Gore v. Bush. The US Constitution does not recognize that the people are sovereign, because power is divided between them and a federation of states, in other words, between the leaders of the community.
As an aside, we observe that in contrast, the Russian Federation’s Constitution is democratic – on paper at least. It declares: “the holder of sovereignty and the sole source of power in the Russian Federation is its multinational people.” (Title I, Ch. 1, art.3).
This intellectual context explains that the US supports its government when it announces that it wants “to export democracy”, even if, its own constitution signals that it is not one. But it is difficult to see how it could export something it does not possess and does not wish to have at home.
For the last thirty years, this contradiction has been supported by NED and given specific form through destabilizing a number of States. With a smile that a clean conscience blesses upon them, thousands of activists and gullible NGOs have violated the people’s sovereignty.
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A Pluralist and Independent Foundation

In his famous speech on 8 June 1982 before the British Parliament, President Reagan denounces the USSR as “the empire of evil” and proposes to come to the aid of dissidents over there and elsewhere. He declared: “We need to create the necessary infrastructure for democracy: freedom of the press, trade unions, political parties and universities. This will allow people the freedom to choose the best path for them to develop their culture and to resolve their disputes peacefully”. On this consensual basis of the struggle against tyranny, a commission of bipartisan reflection sponsored the establishment of NED at Washington. This was established by Congress in November 1983 and immediately financed.
The Foundation subsidizes four independent structures that redistribute money abroad, making it available to associations, trade unions and members of the ruling class, and parties on the right and left. They are:
- Free Trade Union Institute (FTUI), today renamed American Centre for International Labour Solidarity (ACILS), managed by the trade union AFL-CIO;
- Centre for International Private Enterprise (CIPE), managed by the US Chamber of Commerce;
- International Republican Institute (IRI), run by the Republican Party;
- National Democratic Institute for International Affairs (NDI), run by the Democratic Party.
Presented in this manner, NED and its four tentacles appear to be anchored in civil society, reflecting social diversity and political pluralism. Funded by the US people, through Congress, they would have worked to a universal ideal. They would be completely independent of the Presidential Administration. And their transparent action could not be a mask for secret operations serving undeclared national interests.
The reality is completely different.
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In 1982, Ronald Reagan established NED in partnership with the United Kingdom and Australia to topple the “Empire of Evil”.

A Drama produced by the CIA, MI6 and ASIS

Ronald Reagan’s speech in London took place in the aftermath of scandals surrounding revelations by Congressional Committees enquiring into the CIA’s dirty-trick coups. Congress then forbids the Agency to organize further coups d’etat to win markets. Meanwhile, in the White House, the National Security Council (NSC) looks to put in place other tools to circumvent this prohibition.
The Commission of Bipartisan Reflection was established prior to Ronald Reagan’s speech, although it only officially received a mandate from the White House afterwards. This means it is not responding to grandiloquent presidential ambitions but precedes them. Therefore, Reagan’s speech is only rhetorical dressing of decisions already taken in principle, and meant to be implemented by the Bipartisan Commission.
The Chair of the Bipartisan Commission was the US Special Representative for Trade, who indicates that she did not envisage promoting democracy but, according to current terminology, “market democracy”. This strange concept is in keeping with the US model: an economic and financial oligarchy imposes its political choices through the markets and a federal state, while parliamentarians and judges elected by the people protect individuals from arbitrary government.
Three of NED’s four peripheral organizations were formed for the occasion. However, there was no need to establish the fourth, a trade union (ACILS). This was set up at the end of the Second World War even though it changed its name in 1978 when its subordination to the CIA was unmasked. From this we can extract the conclusion that the CIPE, IRI and NDI were not born spontaneously but were engineered into being by the CIA.
Furthermore, although NED is an association under US law, it is not a tool of the CIA alone, but an instrument shared with British services (which is why Reagan announced its creation in London) and the Australian services. This key point is often glossed over without comment. However, it is validated by messages of congratulations by Prime Ministers Tony Blair and John Howard during the 20th anniversary of the so-called “NGO”. NED and its tentacles are organs of an Anglo-Saxon military pact linking London, Washington and Canberra; the same goes for Echelon, the electronic interception network. This provision can be required not only by the CIA but also by the British MI6 and the Australian ASIS.
To conceal this reality, NED has stimulated among its allies the creation of similar organizations that work with it. In 1988, Canada is fitted out with a centre Droits & Démocratie, which has a special focus first on Haiti, then Afghanistan. In 1991, the United Kingdom established the Westminster Foundation for Democracy (WFD). The functioning of this public body is modelled on NED: its administration is entrusted to political parties (eight delegates: three for the Conservative Party; three for the Labour Party; and one for the Liberal Party and one for the other parties represented in Parliament). WFD has done a lot of work in Eastern Europe. Indeed in 2001, the European Union is equipped with a European Instrument for Democracy and Human Rights (EIDHR), which arouses less suspicion than its counterparts. This office is EuropAid, led by a high official as powerful as he is unknown: the Dutchman, Jacobus Richelle.

Presidential Directive 77

When US parliamentarians voted for the establishment of NED on 22 November 1983, they did not know that it already existed in secret pursuant to a Presidential Directive dated 14 January.
This document, only declassified two decades later, organizes “public diplomacy” a politically correct expression to designate propaganda. It establishes at the White House working groups within the National Security Council. One of these is tasked with leading NED.
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Henry Kissinger, administrator of the NED. A “representative of civil society”?
Consequently, the Board of Directors of the Foundation is only a transmission belt of the NSC. To maintain appearances, it has been agreed that, as a general rule, CIA agents and former agents could not be appointed to the board of directors.
Things are nonetheless no more transparent. Most high officials that have played a central role in the National Security Council have been NED directors. Such are the examples of Henry Kissinger, Franck Carlucci, Zbigniew Brzezinski, or even Paul Wolfowitz; personalities that will not remain in history as idealists of democracy, but as cynical strategists of violence.
The Foundation’s budget cannot be interpreted in isolation because it receives instructions from the NSC to lead action as part of vast inter-agency operations. It merits mention that funds are released from the International Aid Agency (USAID), without being recorded in NED’s balance sheet, simply for “non-governmentalizing”. Furthermore, the Foundation receives money indirectly money the CIA, after it has been laundered by private intermediaries such as the Smith Richardson Foundation, the John M. Olin Foundation or even the Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation.
To evaluate the extent of this programme, we would need to combine the NED’s budget with the corresponding sub-budgets of the Department of State, USAID, the CIA and the Department of Defense. Today, such an estimation is impossible.
Nonetheless, certain elements we know give us an idea of its importance. During the last five years, the United States has spent more than one billion dollars on associations and parties in Libya, a small state of 4 million inhabitants. Overall, half of this manna was released publicly by the State Department, USAID and NED; the other half had been secretly paid by the CIA and the Department of Defence. This example allows us to extrapolate the US’s general budget for institutional corruption that amounts to tens of billions of dollars annually. Furthermore, the equivalent programme of the European Union that is entirely public and provides for the integration of US actions, is 7 billion euro per year.
Ultimately, NED’s legal structure and volume of its official budget are only baits. In essence, it is not an independent organization for legal actions previously entrusted to the CIA, but it is a window through which the NSC gives the orders to carry out legal elements of illegal operations.

The Trotskyite Strategy

When it was being set up (1984), NED was chaired by Allen Weinstein, then by John Richardson for four years (1984-88), finally by Carl Gershman (from 1998).
These three men have three things in common:
- They are Jewish;
- They were active in the Trotsky party, Social Democrats USA; and
- They have worked at Freedom House.
There is a logic in this: hatred of Stalinism led some Trotskyites to join the CIA to fight the Soviets. They brought with them the theory of global power, by transposing it to the “colour revolutions” and to “democratisation”. They have simply displaced the Trotsky vulgate by applying it to the cultural battle analysed by Antonio Gramsci: power is exercised psychologically rather than by force. To govern the masses, the elite has to first inculcate an ideology that programmes their acceptance of the power that dominates it.

The American Centre for the Solidarity of Workers (ACILS)

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Known also as Solidarity Centre, ACILS, a trade union branch of NED, is easily its principal channel. It distributes more than half the Foundation’s donations. It has replaced the previous organizations that served during the Cold War to organize non-communist trade unions in the world, from Vietnam to Angola, by-passing France and Chile.
The fact trade unions were chosen to cover this CIA programme is a rare perversity. Far from the Marxist slogan, “Proletariats from all countries – unite”, ACILS brings together US working class trade unions in an imperialism that crushes workers in other countries.
This subsidiary was led by Irving Brown, a flamboyant personality, from 1948 until his death in 1989.
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In 1981, Irving Brown places Jean-Claude Mailly as an assistant to André Bergeron, the Secretary General of the Force Ouvrière (FO). The latter will acknowledge financing its activities thanks to the CIA. In 2004, Mailly becomes the Secretary General of the FO.
Some authors swear that Brown was the son of a white Russian, a companion of Alexander Kerensky. What we know for sure, is that he was an OSS agent, (i.e. an agent of the US intelligence service during the Second World War); and he participated in establishing the CIA and NATO’s Gladio network. However, he refused to lead it, preferring to focus on his area of expertise, trade unions. He was based at Rome, then Paris and never at Washington. So he had a significant impact on Italian and French public life. At the end of his life, he also boasts that he did not stop directing the French trade union, Force Ouvrière behind the scenes, and that he pulled the strings of the Student trade union UNI (where the following are active: Nicolas Sarkozy and his ministers François Fillon, Xavier Darcos, Hervé Morin and Michèle Alliot-Marie, as well as the President of the National Assembly, Bernard Accoyer and the President of the majoritarian parliamentary group, Jean-François Copé), and to have personally formed on the left, members of a Trotsky-ite break away group which included Jean-Christophe Cambadelis and the future Prime Minister Lionel Jospin.
At the end of the nineties, members of the confederation AFL-CIO requested accounts of ACILS’s actual activity, while its criminal character had been fully documented in a number of countries. One could have thought that things would have changed after this great outpouring. Nothing of the sort occurs. In 2002 and 2004, ACILS has participated actively in a failed coup d’Etat in Venezuela to oust President Hugo Chavez and in a successful one in Haiti in toppling Jean-Bertrand Aristide.
Today, ACILS is directed by John Sweeney, the former president of the confederation AFL-CIO, which itself also originates from the Trotskyite Party - Social Democrats USA.

The Centre for International Private Enterprise (CIPE)

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CIPE focuses on the dissemination of liberal capitalist ideology and the struggle against corruption.
The first success of CIPE: transforming in 1987 the European Management Forum (a club of CEOs of big European companies) into the World Economic Forum (the club of transnational ruling class). The big annual meeting of the world’s economic and political who’s who in the Davos Swiss ski resort contributed to creating a class membership that transcended national identity. CIPE makes sure that it does not have any structural ties with the Davos Forum, and it is not possible – for the moment - to prove that the World Economic Forum is an instrument of the CIA. On the contrary, the heads of Davos would have much difficulty explaining why certain political leaders have chosen their Economic Forum as the locus for acts of the highest importance if there were not operations planned by the US NSC. For example:
- 1988: it is at Davos – not the UN - that Greece and Turkey made peace.
- 1989: it is at Davos that the two Koreas on the one hand held their first summit at the ministerial level and the two Germany’s on the other hand held their first summit on the reunification.
- 1992: it is again at Davos that Frederik de Klerk and the freed Nelson Mandela come together to present their common project for South Africa for the first time abroad.
- 1994: still more improbable, it is at Davos, after the Oslo Accord, that Shimon Peres and Yasser Arafat come to negotiate and sign its application to Gaza and Jericho.
The connection between Washington and the Forum is notoriously through Susan K. Reardon, former director of the Association of Professional Employees of the Department of State, having become director of the Foundation of the US Chamber of Commerce which manages CIPE.
The other success of the Centre for International Private Business is Transparency International. This “NGO” was officially established by Michael J. Hershman, an officer of US military intelligence. He is furthermore, a CIPE director and today Head of Recruitment of FBI informants as well as Managing Director of the private intelligence service Fairfax Group.
Transparency International is first and foremost a cover for economic intelligence activities by the CIA. It is also a media tool to compel states to change their legislation to guarantee open markets.
To mask the origin of Transparency International, the CIPE makes and appeal to the savoir-faire of the former press officer of the World Bank, the neo-conservative Frank Vogl. The latter had put in place a Committee of individuals that have contributed to creating the impression that it is an association born of civil society. This window-dressing committee is led by Peter Eigen, former World Bank Director in East Africa. In 2004 and 2009, his wife was the SPD candidate for the Presidency of the German Federal Republic.
Transparency International’s work serves US interests and cannot be relied upon. Thus in 2008, this pseudo NGO denounced that PDVSA, Venezuela’s public oil company, was corrupt; and on the basis of false information, placed it last in its global rankings of public companies. The goal was evidently to sabotage the reputation of a company that constitutes the economic foundation of the anti – imperialist policy of President Hugo Chavez. Caught in the act of poisoning, Transparency International refused to respond to questions from the Latin American press and to correct its report. Furthermore, it is astonishing when we recall that Pedro Carmona, the CIPE correspondent at Venezuela, had been briefly put in power by the USA, during a failed coup d’Etat in 2002 to oust Hugo Chavez.
To some extent, focussing attention on economic corruption enables Transparency International to mask NED’s activities: corrupting the ruling elite for Anglo-Saxon advantage.

The International Republican Institute (IRI) and the National Democratic Institute for International Affairs (NDI)

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The goal of IRI is to corrupt the parties of the Right, while the NDI deals with left wing parties. The first is chaired by John McCain, the second by Madeleine Albright. So these two personalities should not be considered ordinary politicians, a leader of the opposition and a retired dean. Rather, as active leaders of the NSC programmes.
To contextualize the principal political parties in the world, IRI and NDI have renounced their control over l’Internationale libérale and l’Internationale socialiste. They have thus created rival organizations: the International Democratic Union (IDU) and the Alliance for Democrats (AD). The first is chaired by the Australian, John Howard. The Russian, Leonid Gozman of Just cause (Правое дело) is its vice-president. The second is led by the Italian Gianni Vernetti and co-chaired by the Frenchman, François Bayrou.
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IRI and NDI are also supported also by political foundations linking them to big political parties in Europe (six in Germany, two in France, one in the Netherlands and another one in Sweden). Furthermore, some operations have been sub-contracted to mysterious private companies such as Democracy International Inc which has organized the recent rigged elections in Afghanistan.
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Tom McMahon: former vice head of Rahm Emanuel and currently head of NDI. He came to France to organise the primaries of the Socialist Party.
All this leaves a bitter taste. The US has corrupted most of the big political parties and trade unions all over the world. For sure, the “democracy” that they promote consists in discussing local questions in each country – hardly ever societal questions such as women’s rights or gay rights – and it is aligned with Washington on all international issues. The electoral campaigns have become shows where NED picks the cast by providing the necessary financial means to some and not to others. Even the notion of variation has lost meaning since NED promotes alternatively one camp or another provided it follows the same foreign and defense policy.
Today, in the European Union and elsewhere, one laments the crisis of democracy. Those responsible for this are clearly NED and the US. And how do we classify a regime such as the US regime where the Leader of the Opposition, John McCain, is in fact a leader of the National Security Council? Surely not as a democracy.

The Balance of the System

Over time, USAID, NED, their satellite institutions and their intermediary foundations have produced an unwieldy and greedy bureaucracy. Each year, when Congress votes on the NED’s budget, animated debates arise on the inefficiency of this tentacular system and rumours that funds have been appropriated to benefit US politicians in charge of administering them.
To achieve sound management, a number of studies have been commissioned to quantify the impact of these financial flows. Experts have compared the sums allocated in each state and the democratic ranking of these states by Freedom House. Then they calculated how much they needed to spend (in dollars) per inhabitant to improve the democratic ranking of a State by a point.
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Tomicah Tillemann, adviser to Hillary Clinton for civil society and emerging democracies, supervises NED’s apparatus in the State Department.
Of course, all this is only an attempt at self-justification. The idea of establishing a democratic mark is not scientific. In some ways, it is totalitarian, for it assumes that there is only one form of democratic institutions. In other ways, it is infantile for it established a list of disparate criteria which it will measure with fictional coefficients to transform a social complexity into a single figure.
Furthermore, the vast majority of these studies conclude that it is a failure: although the number of democracies in the world has increased, there would be no link between democratic progress and regression on the one hand and the sums spent by the NSC on the other. On the contrary, it confirms that the real objectives have nothing to do with those indicated. However, those running USAID cite a study by Vanderbilt University, according to which only the NED operations co-financed by USAID have been effective because USAID manages its budget rigorously. Thus it is not surprising that this individual study has been financed by …. USAID.
Be that as it may, in 2003, on its twentieth anniversary, NED drew up a political account of its action, evidencing that it has financed more than 6,000 political and social organizations in the world, a figure that has not stopped increasing from that time. NED claims to have single-handedly set up the trade union Solidarnoc in Poland, Charter 77 in Czechoslovakia and Otpor in Serbia. It was pleased that it had created from scratch Radio B92 or the daily Oslobodjenje in the former Yugoslavia and a series of new independent media in the “liberated” Iraq.
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In December 2011, Egyptian authorities search the offices of the NDI and IRI in Cairo. The documents that were seized are most important to understand US interference since the "nest of spies" was removed from Teheran in 1979. Charged with spying, the NED leaders are tried. Here: Robert Becker (Director of NDI, Cairo) at the opening of the trial. The documents prove that NED is wholly responsible for and manipulated the pseudo revolution that took place in Tahrir Square. This resulted in more than 4,000 deaths to hoist the Muslim Brotherhood to power.

Changing Cover

After experiencing global success, the rhetoric of democratization no longer convinces. By using it in all circumstances, President George W. Bush has depleted it of meaning. Noone can seriously claim that the subsidies paid by NED will make international terrorism go away. The claim that the US troops have toppled Saddam Hussein to offer democracy to Iraqis, cannot be asserted more persuasively.
Furthermore, citizens all over the world that fight for democracy have become distrustful. They now understand that the aid offered by NED and its tentacles is in fact aimed at manipulating and snaring their country. This is why they are increasingly refusing the contributions “with no strings or sticks attached” offered to them.
Also, US heads from different channels of corruption have tried to silence the system once again. After the CIA dirty tricks and the transparency of NED, they envisage creating a new structure that would replace a discredited package. It would not be managed by trade unions, management and the two big parties, but by multinationals on the model of the Asia Foundation.
In the eighties, the press revealed that this organization was a CIA cover to fight communism in Asia. It was then reformed and its management was entrusted to multinationals. (Boeing, Chevron, Coca-Cola, Levis Strauss etc…). This re-styling was enough to give the impression that it was non- governmental and respectable – a structure that never stopped serving the CIA. After the dissolution of Russia, it was replicated: the Eurasia Foundation, whose mandate extends covert action to the New Asian states.
Another issue that sparks debate is if the contributions for “promoting democracy” would have to take the exclusive form of contracts to carry out specific projects or subsidies with no duty to reach targets. The first option offers better legal cover but the second is a much more efficient tool of corruption.
Given this panorama, the requirement laid down by Vladimir Putin and Vladisl Surkov to regulate the funding of NGOs in Russia is legitimate even if the bureaucracy they have set up for doing so is outrageous and difficult to satisfy. The instrument of NED, put in place under the authority of the US NSC not only fails to support attempts at democracy all over the world but poisons them.
Anoosha Boralessa
Оdnako (Russia)

I golpe della CIA, il dossier JFK e la chiusura del Dipartimento dell'Istruzione

  ☕️ CAMBIAMENTI DI REGIME ☙ Venerdì 21 marzo 2025 ☙ NOTIZIE C&C 🦠 ☕️ REGIME CHANGES ☙ Friday, March 21, 2025 ☙ C&C NEWS 🦠 Esplodo...