sabato 10 dicembre 2016

Iceland Forms Anti-Establishment Government

Iceland Forms Anti-Establishment Government

Iceland has differed from the rest of Europe and the US by allowing bankers to be prosecuted as criminals. Now it seems the purge of the political class has begun.

By Baxter Dmitry,
Iceland’s anti-establishment Pirate Party have been invited to form government and have been handed a mandate to begin instituting some of their progressive policies.
Icelandic President Guðni Jóhannesson made the announcement on Friday, over one month after the general election, after meeting with head Pirate Birgitta Jónsdóttir.
I met with the leaders of all parties and asked their opinion on who should lead those talks. After that I summoned Birgitta Jónsdóttir and handed her the mandate,” he said.
The extraordinary victory for the Pirates is the latest example of an outsider gatecrashing the establishment, as voters around the world continue to reject traditional politics as unfit for purpose in the 21st century.
Founded in 2012 by former hackers, WikiLeaks collaborators, and activists, the Pirate Party won their first seat in the Althingi parliament one year later – and since then their popularity has exploded.
We have managed to catch and capture the spirit of change with so many young people in Iceland,” said Jonsdottir, who describes herself as a “poetician.”
We are very much about modernizing our system, so that people don’t fall through the cracks all the time.”
Support for the movement surged to 43% in an April poll after the Panama Papers revealed that former Prime Minister Sigmundur David Gunnlaugsson held secret investments in offshore accounts — which led to some of the largest protests the country has ever seen.
Named the “Saucepan revolution” due to the making a racket in the streets with pots and pans, the massive protests removed the Prime Minister from office and kickstarted a societal change.
Elite mafia
Jonsdottir likens Iceland to Sicily in that it has been controlled by a mafia-like handful of elite families. But Icelanders have a deep distrust of the elite, and since the financial crash in 2008 and the Panama Papers revelations last year, the society has vowed enough is enough.
Iceland has differed from the rest of Europe and the US by allowing bankers to be prosecuted as criminals, rather than treating them as a protected species. Top bankers were thrown in jail earlier this month after a long running case related to the 2008 crash. Now it seems the purge of the political class has begun.
What will Pirates in parliament actually mean?
The Pirates are against state surveillance in any form, and Edward Snowden is a national hero in Iceland. A resolution has been put forward to grant him citizenship of the wind-swept North Atlantic island.
Are they worried granting a haven to the NSA whistleblower might rile Iceland’s NATO ally in Washington?
Yeah, well we have done things that don’t make other nations happy before,” she said. “Sometimes it’s a case of what’s doing what is right versus what is easy.”
The backlash against their bankers knows no bounds. Resentment runs deep, and adopting Bitcoin as the official currency will curtail the ability of banks to scam the people. The cryptocurrency is free, safe, is not inflationary, and a central government will never be able to take it off you.
The Pirates want to adopt the “Portuguese solution“. 15 years ago the Portuguese government did something that the United States and most countries around the world would find entirely alien. After many years of waging a fierce war on drugs, they decided to flip their strategy entirely. By decriminalizing all drugs, and treating addicts rather than punishing them, Portugal has drastically reduced the drug abuse in their country.
We do not define ourselves as left or right but rather as a party that focuses on the systems,” Jónsdóttir has said. “In other words, we consider ourselves hackers—so to speak—of our current outdated systems of government.”
Did the Pirate Party campaign pushing any major legislation of its own? No, not really, because, according to Fortune magazine, “the official party stance on some of Iceland’s biggest political questions is unclear, in part, because its members believe in deferring to the wishes of voters.” That’s called direct democracy. For the first time in their lives, Icelanders have voted a government into power who will not betray their promises
There is a widespread hatred of central authority in Iceland, and the Pirates, with their anti-establishment beliefs and jaunty black-flag logo, are poised to take advantage of the dissident mood. They seem the perfect fit for a self-reliant country with a strong anti-authoritarian streak.
This is a society that is very loosely organized in many ways,” said Asgeir Jonsson, a University of Iceland economist. “We don’t have an army, we never had a king. We hate all central authority.
Baxter Dmitry is a writer at Your News Wire. He is passionate about motor sports, military history, and the truth. Baxter has traveled to over 80 countries and has (according to him) won arguments in every single one.

domenica 4 dicembre 2016

Fukushima shows the seedy side of the Secret Services

Fukushima shows the seedy side of the Secret Services. Dr C. Busby- A case history

“…I think that the MOD is very concerned about his legal arguments against the ICRP dose model and the evidence he uncovered that shows the ICRP dose model was corrupted in 1973 when the control group from the Hiroshima study was replaced and caused the allowable dose limits to increase so that nuclear chemical process`s such as decommissioning and nuclear bomb manufacture could go ahead. It may also have implications to nuclear related medicine use etc. And of course it is not just the UK but the USA military that has much to lose….”
Published on
Statement of Fact by Shaun McGee aka arclight 3rd December 2016
I am writing this Statement of Fact partly because of the new UK Criminal Investigatory Bill that has been enacted in the UK.
The triggers for this statement are manifold but I wish to concentrate this statement on the situation concerning Dr Chris Busby because of recent attacks and doubts as to the veracity and honesty as to his character.
First to give some context I would like to go back to 2011 and the Fukushima nuclear disaster. I do this because a colleague @AAClearinghouse and I were discussing Dr Chris Busby via Twitter and I was asked to explain in greater detail the Wikileaks STRATFor files connection with Dr Busby.
In these released internal documents it was revealed that STRATfor internal security files were discussing the UK anti nuclear movement after the Fukushima nuclear disaster. In the email in question I found that they were worried about the strength of the UK anti nuclear movement and that they should keep a close eye on the activists involved with this movement. One could assume that this corporation was sharing information with the police and security services within the UK. I might also posit that some actions would result from this to defuse the reported strength of this movement and lessen the impact of anti nuclear activities.
Of course a posit is just a hypothesis and not a fact and so some evidence would need to be found to corroborate it.
So where is this evidence?
As a researcher and blogger to some of the bigger online anti nuclear platforms I had the benefit of an overview on this situation. Because of my overview and areas of research I drew the attention of the Police/security services sometime in 2011 and suspected that I was placed on a domestic extremist list. Over the following 2 years I had many incidents occur where eventually it got to the point that I had to leave the UK and go to my families home country of Ireland leaving behind my home, friends, family and work. This is just a summary of my situation.
After the revelations of Snowden and Assange it became clear to most that my experiences that I had documented over the years were less likely the ramblings of paranoia and more likely the truth. Adding this to the Wikileaks STRATFor email, in fact it was becoming clear that my experiences were part of a more comprehensive operation in the UK and actually beyond the UK also.
There were very high profile attacks on Dr Busby as well by George Monbiot and The guardian Newspaper (The same newspaper that was threatened by the UK Government with closure if it did not conform). The claims made by Mr Monbiot were rebuffed but the Guardian did not give Dr Busby a fair chance to rebuff this on their newspaper which left the wider public with the impression that he had not rebuffed Monbiots claims. And it did not stop there.
One of the ways I did research was to engage the many pro nuclear posters on the Guardian, Japan Times etc and it became clear fairly quickly that there was a co-ordinated social media campaign by highly specialised nuclear health technicians from both the UK and the USA (depending on the time zone and time of day). Indeed I even had personal correspondence with some of the more high profile ones and learnt a lot about nuclear energy and politics from them. The specialists also targeted journalists such as John Simpson who did a report on Depleted Uranium health effects in Fallujah but John Simpson was reported to have said in a later interview that even though these specialists had put alot of pressure on him trying to convince him that no such health effects could exist he reported it anyway, believing what he saw with his own eyes on the ground. George Monbiot may have had similar pressure put on him if he was not directly working for one of the myriad UK based security companies. In fact John Snow said that that report was one of his finest achievements in his long and exemplary career.
The public attacks on Chris Busby are well documented over the past 5 years or so and have sidelined one of the greatest minds in the anti nuclear movement. Other great minds have been also targeted and the anti nuclear movement in the UK (Pre Corbyn) were unable to gather much more than a couple of hundred people for protests with no supporting media coverage to increase the damage done to the anti nuclear community.
So why did they target Dr Busby?
I think that the MOD is very concerned about his legal arguments against the ICRP dose model and the evidence he uncovered that shows the ICRP dose model was corrupted in 1973 when the control group from the Hiroshima study was replaced and caused the allowable dose limits to increase so that nuclear chemical process`s such as decommissioning and nuclear bomb manufacture could go ahead. It may also have implications to nuclear related medicine use etc. And of course it is not just the UK but the USA military that has much to lose
And how did they target Dr Busby?
I have listed some of that above but now i would like to make a personal statement concerning the short time I have spent with him and the experiences i have witnessed. My first interactions with Dr Busby began as a blogger after the Fukushima disaster. I noticed the attacks on Dr Busby and dug into the claims and heard his rebuff on the LLRC website. After assessing all the data I found Monbiots claim lacking veracity. I decided with a colleague called missmilkytheclown on YouTube to promote his videos. Quite quickly we released that sharing and promoting his videos were problematic. We had so many problems uploading his videos that it became quite clear to us that someone somewhere did not appreciate our efforts. We carried on and spent many hours on a project instead of minutes. Computer hacking , internet being switched off, email interception and as I explained many pro nuclear commenter’s connected to the specialist nuclear health group I wrote about earlier in this article (Google Roger Helbig as an example of such a specialist)
Some personal observations with Dr Busby I observed
To expand on the evidence a bit that i have already outlined I will talk about the 200 Japanese anti nuclear activists living in the UK. I have documented one such attack on an encrypted email server here;
Also, I had a personal friend from this group that I helped transle articles from Japanese to English. I should mention that many Japanese who translated information into English were similarly targeted such as Tokyobrowntabby to name but one (based in Japan) and my co translator friend was also targeted in the UK using cyber attacks (deleting email accounts, blocking internet access and warned verbally by an ex MI5 employee to stop her research, which after many more cyber incidents she conceded to the request).
Image source to Tokyobrowntabby`s work;
I might point out that during this time I was under heavy cyber attack with internet and mobile phone disconnections. When I was staying at Dr Busby`s home, after being made homeless by the Security Services I made the decision to leave the UK as my position there was untenable.
Dr Busby kindly offered to give me some money to aid my move and the he was waiting for some money to hit his account from the sale of part of his home (to pay his debts because of the drop in income due to the campaign against him). He had a little money left and he was going to give some of this to me because he could see the situation I was in. The money transfer was interrupted within the banking system (that was supposed to be secure I thought) and there is a Bank Manager and solicitor in Wales that witnessed this unique incident as did I). The money eventually reappeared after many queries were made.
I could go on, but for the sake of brevity i will finish with this brief statement of fact;
Earlier his year (2016) I went to help Dr Busby move from his home for a week whilst he was preparing for the British Nuclear Test Veterans case.
I witnessed the disruption of evidence that was destined for the High court (2 attempts at sending an email from different people were blocked and never reached the High Court) and at the same time my Irish mobile phone was disconnected at the UK end but was reconnected just before I returned to Ireland.
Other people that I suspect or know were targeted to some degree or other with were UK based independent nuclear experts working for NGO`s, Richard Bramhall (Of the Bradwell governmental steering committee who was still in talks on behalf of the group with DECC even though they had already released its final findings quietly on the UK government public website), NETPOL who was working on the Pitchford Inquiry here, Naomi Wolf (Author) on her Facebook account and Mari Takenouchi (email interfered with) Independent Japanese Journalist.
Written by Shaun McGee aka Arclight
December 3, 2016

I golpe della CIA, il dossier JFK e la chiusura del Dipartimento dell'Istruzione

  ☕️ CAMBIAMENTI DI REGIME ☙ Venerdì 21 marzo 2025 ☙ NOTIZIE C&C 🦠 ☕️ REGIME CHANGES ☙ Friday, March 21, 2025 ☙ C&C NEWS 🦠 Esplodo...