lunedì 13 settembre 2010

Your Royal Excellency, Queen Nicoletta



Prepare formal notes on 8 ½” x 11” paper. For the first page, use embossed

white-seal blue-embossed “Embassy of the United States of America” letterhead. For

succeeding pages, use white bond paper. Use a 1 ½ inch margin on the left, and at

least 1 inch on the right. Leave at least 1 inch at the bottom.

Use the complimentary diplomatic close, “Accept, Excellency, the renewed

assurance of my highest consideration,” as the last paragraph.

(seal or icon

Here; use letterhead)



14 September, 2010

Her Majesty, the Queen of Nicoletta Island, Nicolettonia, and surrounding territories:

Your Royal Excellency, Queen Nicoletta,


Your Excellency, Lady N. Forcheri:

I have the honor of addressing you with our concerns about recent developments between our two nations. Our Envoy Extraordinary, Sir M. Saba, is prepared to address the unfortunate incident wherein the digital extremity of a former diplomatic representative (who has since been declared persona non grata and has departed from our mission in Lombardia) had an unexpected collision with the right side of your Representative’s cranial region.

Through the Good Offices of the European Telephone and Wireless Communications Services, we have conducted initial Rapprochement. I refer to the exchanging of our preliminary Memorandums of Understanding concerning the incident, and to the Letter of credence which has been transmitted in advance of our introduction of Sir M. Saba, Envoy Extraordinary. These have provided the Modus Vivendi for our operations to date.

I appreciate this opportunity, now, to arrange a Compromis d’arbitrage. In amplification, we sincerely regret the eloignement which has estranged relations between our sovereign states. Marcoland urgently seeks to re-establish full diplomatic interactions with Nicoletta Island, Focheriterra, and full Archipelago of Nicolettonia-- and all the fair and pulcritudinous citizenry of said sovereignty and territories.

Therefore, on behalf of our respective peoples, I hope that diplomatic negotiations can progress from our current détente to a resumption of full, peaceful and fruitful relations between our two nations. Sir M. Saba carries a document attesting that he has Full Powers to conduct any arrangements necessary to draw up all necessary treaties and conclude this matter.

It is the Voeu of the collected sovereignties of Maroland, Sabastan, and all coastal and peninsular neighbors of Forcheriterra, Nicoletta Island and the Archipelago that full Open Door relations resume between the Heads of State, and the citizenry of Marcoland and Nicolettonia. And it is with appropriate acknowledgement of the advance work of the Regional non-governmental authorities, Charitable Organizations, our Envoys, and your own special Envoys in these matters, that I express my gratitude that you have withdrawn your Ultimatum of full and final cessation of all interactions between our peoples.

Accept, Excellency, the renewed assurances of my highest consideration.

For the Secretary of State, Marcoland:

(Pen signature)


(non-paper on wireless communications)

(white paper on incidental injuries received in the field)

(pro memoria concerning resumption of romantic protocols)

Addressed Respectfully to

Her Excellency

Nitta Forcheri,

Ambassador of Nicoletta Island,

On behalf of Her Royal Highness, Queen Nicoletta

Sovereign Majesty, Nicolettonia Archipelago and territories

P/RGM:MSaba:po 09/14/2010 Clearance: P/IAPO:JMDoe

(phone) ext: 5555

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