venerdì 11 maggio 2012


by Barry Chamish

     It has been barely a fortnight since I reported the release of Hagai Amir after 16.5 years imprisonment for conspiring to murder Yitzhak Rabin. Remember my headline?

     Whether he wants to or not, Hagai Amir got the ball rolling. First, my article was translated into Hebrew. In the first 2 days, 600+ readers viewed it and the torrent continues. Tell your Hebrew reading friends to visit:

      Then, my old compatriot and friend Michael Raz made national headlines:

Ex-Investigator: Yigal Amir Innocent

Yigal Amir did not actually kill former Prime Minister Yitzchak Rabin, a former senior police investigator has claimed. In a new book, Michael Raz says Rabin was actually shot and killed in the back of his car. His driver was replaced one day before the assassination, Raz claims.
Amir was framed, Raz told Zman Netanya.

     In the wake of Hagai, an attorney, Y.G., wrote his mailing list, recalling a charge I made 15 years ago: 

Some details of the clumsy cover-up that I didn't know. It confirms that Rabin was murdered by the Shabak but adds detail that a physician know but I didn't. He confirms the rumor the Yigal Amir, from a religious Yemenite family, was willing to take the rap for Rabin's murder in preference to being outed as a pedophile. 

     Now, the murder has been re-opened by another professional but my attorney/source can't name him. No problem, I know who he is, but as he wrote to me:

 The scientific analysis is not mine. It is that of a doctor whose name I cannot give you without his permission.

     So, I will keep the writer's identity under cover, for now. I will just say, yes he is a medical doctor. I now disappear and present his analysis. I agree with most of it:

What do you suppose are the odds of  the Shabak just happening to arrive at the scene to find Amir in flagrante delicto, in the act of ... ah ... inter-generational relations? I would guess about the same as being on the scene and actually watching when one of the Kahalani brothers approached a parked taxi, put a pistol to the Arab driver's head and pulled the trigger and the pistol misfired. Twice. In brief: Setup City! 

How did they know Amir was a pedophile? He had been a Mossad agent and possibly a Shabak agent as well. Israeli intelligence knew everything about what makes him tick.
One of the lessons learned from the Yom Kippur War in 1973 was the urgent need to improve shooting in the infantry. One of the major problems (neurologically speaking) was that troops didn't train with blanks (KADUREI SRAK): like in kindergarten they would PRETEND to shoot a rifle and say bang bang (EISH ! EISH !). In 1975, an American dentist from Hartford CT came on Aliya. Instead of filling cavities and doing root canals, Dr. Eugene Sockett, a major gun faddist, got a rank of major (RAV SEREN) in the army and was made head of the shooting section of the Training Command (ROSH MADOR KLIYA: MA'HAD). Eugene caused a revolution in the way shooting was taught [ask oldtimers about MITVACH EUGENE]. (Incidentally in October 1975, I actually worked with him 1 day. Pretty funny: only in Israel do you have 2 American medical personnel teaching shooting, but I digress). One of the innovations he introduced was the use of Blanks (blank cartridges) in training. Every army on earth from Outer Mongolia to Lower Slobovia [tm] knew that blanks are DANGEROUS. Eugene ASSUMED that the geniuses in Tzva Hagana l'HONOLULU [tm] were aware that blanks were dangerous. Only they weren't. The rest is history. One has to be aware that only in the past 8 years (!!) have medical articles on MEDLINE prior to 1966 been indexed. May God forgive me for saying this but had a soldier been killed the whole situation would have been different. Nor were medical officers (!!) ever informed about the dangers of blanks. If doctors in this meshuggene country didn't know, obviously the SHABAK which wanted to fake an assassination attempt by that pedophile rapist Yigal Amir weren't aware. 

The Shabak really ought to do its homework:

The moral of the story is that the next time you plan a fake assassination
attempt using blank cartridges, do your homework and access MEDLINE over the
net  // or and use the keywords
BLANK CARTRIDGE. You can seriously injure and even kill someone using blank cartridges
(Hebrew: KADUREI SRAK). There's even a paper by an Israeli vascular surgeon
(Berlatsky Y et al. Abdominal injuries due to blank cartridges. INJURY

I don't blame you for not knowing about the dangers of blank cartridges.
The topic is never mentioned in the medical officer's course in the army.
Over the past 12 years, I have interviewed over 50 security guards at the
Jewish Agency [whose training is that of security officers guarding
government ministers and is under the auspices of the Shabak]. Not one
ever heard of the danger of blank cartridges; they said they even train
this way ! Even Asaf, who taught sharpshooting in the army didn't know.

By the way, it's not nice to blackmail pedophile Yigal Amir caught
on a morals charge "in flagrante delicto" to carry out your dirty work
and shoot blank cartridges. Aren't closing police files and blackmail
criminal offenses in Israel ?

Amir, from a religious family, was willing to take a murder rap rather than
having anyone in his immediate family know his dark secret. How low can you
stoop ?

The second moral of the story: don't panic when you see pneumothorax (as per
the hospital records I have of Yitzchak Rabin z"l). The pneumothorax was
caused by blank cartridge trauma injuring T8-T9 dermatome inducing paralysis
of the upper abdominal muscles, and this pneumothorax was quite severe in
Rabin, a heavy chain smoker. (see: Maries H, Joyau FG. [Transient acute
respiratory failure and thoracic epidural anesthesia] Ann Fr Anesth
Reanim 1989;8:140-142).

Had there been a medic available: Treatment is simple: insert a needle into
the pleural cavity allowing the air to escape and the dyspnea stops right away.
You should have considered the possibility of pneumothorax before you had
someone shoot blank cartridges 36 cm from the crown of the head and 7 cm from
the midline under the medial border of the scapula (as per the autopsy report
I have). You panicked and thought he was dying. Your plans got screwed up.
It was no longer a staged assassination attempt; you idiots thought he was
actually dying. That's why it took Humpty Damti (tm) 22 minutes to drive
to the hospital rather than making in less than 75 seconds.

Third moral of the story: again do your homework. Bullet entrance wounds
have a cruciate or circular appearance whereas exit wounds are irregular
in shape with everted edges and tearing. The only time exit wounds look
like entrance wounds is when the exit wound is *shored* or abutted by a
firm support such as a door, furniture, or building materials. Then, an
exit wound may take on the appearance of an entrance wound such as a
CIRCULAR (Hebrew: "agalgal") defect with an abraded margin. Again, even
in shored gunshot wounds, there is always some degree of abrasion. The
next time you shoot someone (in the car) from the FRONT, use shoring
(thick cardboard will do fine) and make sure there's some abrasion.
At least don't have Dr. Hiss, the Chief Forensic Pathologist write in
his autopsy report (pg. 6, paragraph 2: "B'Tzad KIDMI shel hachultza,
b'dash ha'smali, b'shlish hatachton u'k 7 cm. m'hashulayim smola, nimtza
NEKEV AGALGAL b'koter k-6 mm.".

The next time Yoram Rubin shoots someone from the front, use shoring and don't
aim for the spinal column. Had he done that, you would never have been
caught in your web of lies. And by the way, shooting someone in a car
is dangerous: you could have blown up the gas tank ! BTW Dr. Hiss outed
himself in that Channel 2 documentary about the Rabin murder when he stupidly
showed the chest X-ray. Too bad the idiot didn't know one cam digitally enlarge
the photo and see the BULLET THAT WAS SHOT AT RABIN **TOWARD** HIS

Don't you know that Dr. Larry Farwell's  brain wave polygraph
(lie detector) has been approved
of in Israel by the police, Praklitut, Attorney General's office (Josh
Schoffman at Yoetz haMishpati l'Memshala), Judge Advocate General in the
army (Aluf Mishneh Chani Kaspi in the Praklitut haTzvait), Investigative
branch of military police (METZACH and Rosh Mador Tishul at METZACH), and
even by the Chief Scientist of the Shabak ? And that this brain wave
polygraph can be used (like in US State and Federal courts) in CRIMINAL
cases ? BTW isn't it illegal for the Shabak to order the Praklitut
haTzvait and METZACH to close military police investigations against
pedophiles ?

Second question: who gave the order to murder ? That takes you people 21
minutes to decide what to do ? On the one hand, you knew Amir shot blanks
which are "harmless". On the other hand, you imbeciles thought Rabin, now
unconscious in the car, was dying. Since you geniuses videotaped the
staged assassination attempt [blanks being shot in Rabin's back] and there
were many witnesses, and you forcibly prevented Magen David Adom doctors
who were in the ambulance 10 feet away from treating the "wounded" Rabin,
how do you explain to the doctors in the emergency room at Ichilov Hospital
(where you arrived twenty-two (22) minutes later) from what Rabin died from ?
You can't say heart attack since you geniuses had witnesses and a videotape
of Amir "shooting" Rabin point blank in his back. It's CATCH-22 time: you have
no choice but to shoot Yitzchak Rabin IN THE CAR on the way to Ichilov.

Fourth moral of the story: make damn sure you destroy all incriminating
evidence (like handwritten hospital trauma reports having such phrases
as: "petza ha'yetzia l'kivun D5-6 IM RISUK SHEL HACHULYA") which of course
disappeared in the typed up version (SIKUM HA'MAHALACH HA'KLINI) even
though the doctored version still had the phrase: "krishei dam b'chelek
ha'achori shel ha'pleura sham nimtze'u gam shivrei tzela V'CHULYA b'gova
m'shuar shel D5". You also forgot to destroy the actual operative report
which had such phrases as:"...movil l'eyzor amud hashidra thoracit (D5-6
l'erech) sham nimosh RISUK ETZEM".

And you dummies forgot to destroy the GILYON NITUACH which states:
"GSW [gun shot wounds] to chest and abdomen" and "spinal shock". This
[ENTRANCE WOUND from chest] plus "petza ha'yetzia [EXIT WOUND] l'kivun
D5-6 IM RISUK SHEL HACHULYA" shows definitively that Rabin was shot from
the FRONT toward the chest with the bullet exiting toward the spinal cord.

There are too many people out there who have copies of: the emergency room
report, the GILYON NITUACH, the handwritten operative report during the
procedure, the handwritten operative report following the surgical
intervention, the *doctored* typed up version of the operative report,
the lab tests, and the autopsy report. These documents are even available
by fax, snail mail or over the Internet. Most important of all: you
forgot to destroy the pelvic X-rays which showed that the subject didn't
have a penile prosthesis [spinal shock causes penile erection]. And you
forgot about the Internet ! A simple search on the net shows that HOLLOWPOINT
ammo is used by the Shabak counterpart, the US Secret Service. And you forgot
to destroy the police crime lab report showing NO gunpowder residue on Yigal Amir's hands.

At least you had the brains to do 3 things: a) steal the X-ray (which
shows the shattered spine), b) forcibly prevent the doctor and
paramedic standing at the ambulance at Kikar Malchei Yisrael 3 meters from
where Rabin was "shot" from taking over and starting to "treat" the
"wounded Rabin", and c) forcibly prevent a senior police officer from
confiscating Amir's gun as evidence. The "gun" you returned a day later

But you forgot to destroy the media tapes. Never have a live TV interview
with the Minister of Health Dr. Sneh and Dr. Barbash the then head of
Ichilov Hospital telling the entire world how Rabin z"l had his spinal
cord severed. They didn't know that you clowns had an "amateur photographer"
taking "home videos" of the "assassination". And always check with a basic
text in spine surgery (I heartily recommend Austin THE SPINAL CORD: BASIC
ASPECTS AND SURGICAL CONDITION) or any elementary text in physiology or
neuroanatomy. There you'll find that severing the spinal cord causes
IMMEDIATE loss of postural control, with immediate collapse. The "injured"
person doesn't continue walking another 2 meters smiling.

You also forgot to destroy the official police report indicating that
Yigal Amir was arrested and in police custody at 21:30 that evening.
Official Shamgar Report and trial report definitively indicate that
Rabin was shot at 21:40.

You also forgot to destroy the official hospital reports showing that
the Shabak guard Rubin was NOT AT ALL injured (except for the gunshot
wound that very slightly grazed his lower arm when HE shot someone).
Incidentally, isn't perjury a criminal offense in Israel? Yoram Rubin
swore under oath that he was injured by Amir's bullet. I've never heard
of iodine being placed on such a "serious" gunshot wound [the treatment
that Rubin received at Ichilov was washing off the "wound" and placing
a bandage over the "wound"]. BTW who paid for his THREE DAY stay at the
hospital?  Isn't $1000 (what it cost the Shabak) a little expensive ?

You people have got to get your act together. Homework people, homework.

       Folks, Hagai Amir was released and Yitzhak Rabin was resuscitated. He just won't die, like Shimon Peres intended.


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