domenica 2 settembre 2012


                                                              A BLINDING MIGRON HEADACHE
                                                                          by Barry Chamish

       In a few days, the Jewish community of Migron will be demolished. And how do the Jews react? Same as always before a destruction. They write, and write, and write and send futile opinions in bold letters like:
There is something about the case of Migron that should send a shudder down the spine of every Israeli who values liberty!
The real threat to the Jewish state does not come from a small band of pioneers in Migron bravely trying to reclaim our ancestral homeland.It comes from a government that is willing to subvert our property rights and freedom.The road to tyranny begins in Migron. Our responsibility is to ensure that is where it ends.
Migron residents will be tossed from their homes because AG Yehuda Weinstein and associates believe they are above the law.
      But the predictable delusions lead to the pathetic on-line petition which I will not publicize fearing I might lead someone to sign it. Remember this:

        Then we understood why the petition is only in English. Anyone who signs the petition will find his name entered in the passport control computers. As the day of disengagement nears, anyone who signed that petition will be returned home as a radical troublemaker. Already, over 1600 committed Jews and lovers of Israel have been identified. They are now lost to the cause.
        Come to Israel and join the fight. Just don't announce it or you'll never see the outside of the airport.

    In 2005, that is what I wrote about the Wallerstein petition to save Gush Katif in my book, Bye Bye Gaza
    Adding: Once there were three primary protest groups in Israel. There was The Yesha Council, which was nothing more than a tool of the government. Those who know my writing will recall Council head Benzi Liberman testifying at the trial of Avigdor Lieberman that he worked with the police to keep protesters far from Gush Katif. And who will ever forget his partner Pinchas Wallerstein ordering protesters to sap their energy by sleeping outside the Knesset in tents in the midst of Jerusalem's January snowstorms?
    And here we are in 2012, and here it is; another petition to save another in a long line of doomed Jewish communities. And as always, no one organizing the petition will actually go to Migron to stand and fight. No, they're too cowardly for that. It's as if they don't know how the power game actually works. Name another time an Israeli petition has actually succeeded. So who will the petition be sent to: the court, the police, the army? In all cases, any petition but especially one with the expected biblical allusions, is placed unopened in an automatic paper shredder. Or simply, who cares what you think?
    Worse, soldiers from Migron's neighboring communities are so blindsided that they will aid in Migron's destruction even though their homes are in line for subsequent demolition. The government has promised to rebuild Migron's homes and amazingly some residents think the offer is serious, forgetting that the government's Gush Katif compensation never arrived. And how will the refugees react to instant homelessness? With pride, of course.
    While I was dodging army barricades and sneaking into Gush Katif to get the real story out, on the very eve of the destruction where were you petition signers? Why wasting your time at a protest rally in Tel Aviv. WHY WEREN'T YOU IN GAZA? After the evacuation was complete, the residents found themselves in leaky trailer "homes" awaiting compensation that never arrived. The government didn't have the spare cash to rehouse the victims, so it let them wallow in subhuman housing, watching as their families fell apart. I met one such Gush Katif refugee couple after the "evacuation" and they glowingly announced that they were from the remnants of Gush Katif. I wiped the supercilious smiles off their faces with one question: WHY DIDN'T YOU FIGHT TO THE DEATH FOR YOUR HOMES?
      And then I wrote:

The Nazis knew how to keep the Jews deluded until the end. They hired kapos to run local Jewish councils. The kapos fed the Jews false hope until they were gathered and shipped away. Of course, that could never happen in Israel? But it did. The new nazis of Israel ran the kapos of the Yesha Council, and the Jews followed them into the ghettos of Kfar Maimon and Ofakim where they were safely trapped behind enemy lines.
     The new kapos with names like Wallerstein and Aviner pretended to be leading a rebellion, but they were really collaborating with the authorities. They pretended to back civil disobedience so long as no one was hurt or any damage caused. And that's just what the authorities asked them to do.
     However, the task was made so much easier by the religious leaders who instilled a sense of fatalism, laziness and superstition among their congregants. Well over 200,000 prayed at the Western Wall five days before the rape of Gush Katif. Almost a quarter of a million G-d-fearing Jews prayed for the salvation of Gush Katif at the grounds of Judaism's holiest site.
     They all wasted their breath. Their prayers weren't answered. G-d was not interested in Gush Katif.
     And why should He be? Why should He have anything to do with a people who won't fight for His land and their homes? Why should He have anything to do with a people who forego responsibility because they believe, actually believe, that a miracle is going to bail them out? Or that the moshiach will come and sort things out for them?    
     Well, no miracle saved Gush Katif, and still no signs of the moshiach.
     If I was the moshiach I sure wouldn't want anything to do with this sorry lot. The depths of their delusion is beyond easy comprehension but let us look at one example.
     TWO days after the enemy felled Gush Katif, I saw a group of young men handing out pamphlets to save the place, in a Modiin shopping center. I asked them, "What are you doing? It's over." One replied, "It is not over. We can still sway public opinion."
     Briefly stunned, I retorted, "This crappy public abandoned you. You are finished."
     Reality returned and the young man asked, "So what can we do?"
     There is only one out. "Find a sympathetic army officer or two and take over the Knesset."
     I wasn't kidding. But they laughed. And they will laugh and laugh until they have nothing left to find funny anymore.
     And that's what the protesters were up to for the past year. They were gathering by the tens of thousands outside the Knesset laughing and dancing to tuneless Arieh Zilber songs. They danced their homes away. No one actually thought to pass out a thousand wirecutters, an equal number of Mace cans, and stage a sit-in inside the Knesset. Nah, they were too busy being Sioux Ghost Dancers to actually take action. Why bother with action anyway when a last second miracle is on the way?
     Two days before the fascist troops moved into Gush Katif, there was a rally where more than
200,000 people showed up. Where was it? In Tel Aviv. Not near the Gush Katif prisoners? Of course not. 200,000 could have actually overwhelmed the forces and made withdrawal unfeasible. And that was not what the kapos of the Yesha Council wanted.
     And guess what question I heard a hundred times from a hundred people that night? "Do you think the withdrawal will go through?" They still hadn't caught on.
     After the deluge, a friend of mine told me she had spent the day helping the Gush Katif refugees, bringing them food and setting up their computers. I asked her, "Are you nuts? You're not helping them, you're helping the 'government' of Israel. They got them into this mess, now they can get them out of it. Learn from the Arabs already. Do not rehabilitate the refugees. If you do, within a short time you'll solve their plight and the authorities will be free to make more thousands homeless."
     But more to the point: Screw You Gush Katif. You Let Us All Down
     The night before the troops advanced, what did Gush Katif do? Put up barricades for a showdown?
Raze all properties so the mafia of the CFR and Israeli 'government' would not rob you of your life's work? Prepare helmets and Mace to fight the fascists? Chain yourself to your properties?
      Nah. You danced.
      The fathers of Gush Katif weren't prepared to defend their homes. No sir. They sent their teenage children to the battle front. And from now on those brave wonderful kids will lose all respect for their cowardly fathers. Not a life was lost for the Gush, not a soul injured. The Jews walked into the cattle cars with their hands up.
      Because of the Gush Katif cakewalk, Adolph Sharon will send his shock troops of the New World Order through all of Yesha, and that means Jerusalem too, at a blitzkrieg pace. Shame on Gush Katif.
      Shame on Gush Katif.
      And shame on the leaders of the protests, the Feiglins, the Matars et al for being too dumb to know who they were fighting. For playing the 'government's' game by the 'government's' rules. Shame on them all for leading their followers straight into the authorities' traps. Shame on them for organizing futile seminars, hopeless rallies and political dreams instead of studying and understanding the enemy, then confronting him on even terms. And that goes double for the writers and "intellectuals" who reacted to the onslaught with bad information and worse advice.
      I gave a lecture to a large crowd in Jerusalem on Aug. 18. Before it began, I was advised not to say, 'I told you so.' I restrained myself because I failed just like everyone else. The difference is, I worked almost entirely alone. I didn't have large financiers putting up my yeshiva, buying my ambulances or dedicating my community center.
      For all of you who did so in Gush Katif...
      You lost all your money, suckers. Every penny is gone. Your contributions will soon be houses for terrorists and resorts for crooks. AND you deserved to lose it because you didn't invest one nickel in self-defence.
      I tried to organize a protest last week. In it, current and former IDF soldiers would meet and burn our uniforms. No statement could be stronger today. By endangering loyalty to the IDF, people might see that they are being personally endangered by the consequences of these pullouts. I got precisely
6 people to agree to join me. Meanwhile, I received a lot more letters telling me not to blame the soldiers. They were only following orders.
      Remember the good old days when Jews scoffed at Germans who claimed they were only following orders? This army could have stood down, but it behaved as good nazis do and obeyed immoral orders. Things were so absurd that soldiers living in Gush Katif voluntarily turned over their weapons to the army. Worse yet, soldiers whose families live in Yesha helped clear out Gush Katif. At least the nazis didn't "disengage" whole German towns.
       The Jews of Yesha let the 'government' shut down its radio station,  Arutz Sheva, without a whimper. What remains is a weekly newsmagazine called B'Sheva. It has been pushing the Yesha Council/miracle line for a year. After the demise of their beloved Gush Katif, what was their analysis?
The headline read, "The Rip in Israeli Society Begins."
       The delusions just won't stop. There is no rip. You guys lost. Your community will be rendered tiny and harmless, your children will mostly join in Sabbatean Israeli society, while some will seek refuge among the haredim. But you are through. You are about to fall like dominoes because you let yourselves lose.
        And it's way too late for you to figure out how.

     Now reread but replace Gush Katif with Migron.


      If you want to see the Gush Katif fiasco, go to:

      Exciting news. I am a feature player in a new 3 hour long DVD called Clear And Present Danger. While I was visiting Atlanta, director Steve Stavro filmed me discussing the Vatican and its relationship to Israel. Somehow I fit into the film, which is a serious expose of the Vatican sect, the Jesuits. The most compelling and disturbing sections are the convincing arguments that American Presidents such as Adams, Jefferson, Monroe, Lincoln and Kennedy were all murdered by the Jesuits. I will send you a copy for $25 plus postage, meaning $28 for America, $30 for out of the US.
      And I'll add a DVD of my own free: Choose Who Murdered Yitzhak Rabin from either Salt Lake City or Atlanta, or in Hebrew along with a separate lecture called Save Israel (Hatzeelu Et Yisrael) where my Vatican research is explained in our original tongue. Or you may choose my DVD, The Vatican's Crusade Against Jerusalem, filmed in Jerusalem.
      It was work like this which got me my part in the film:

                                                                       SO LONG HEBRON, HELLO MY ROMAN HOME
                                                                                          by Barry Chamish

Shimon Peres loves a trip to Rome to visit The Colosseum, The Forum, the great cafes but most of all, he loves to visit his boss, the Pope. After he poisoned Ariel Sharon into a comatose zombie, he took over the Number Two spot in his party, Kadima. And just six days after Kadima took over the Israeli government, he flew to Rome to visit the holy padre, or as he calls him, papa.

Now, as the new Presidente of Israel, his first diplomatic trip abroad will be to Rome to get his last marching orders from the big don, Papa.

So long Israel, hello our Vatican home.

The foreign forces want Hebron busted for good and the "settlers" are handing it to them on a papal platter with barely a whimper. I can't look at the slow end of Israel anymore. If the "settlers" want to give up their homes, well what's it our business anymore? Give them their wish. No no one rushed to Hebron to save their religion, homes and lives. The settlers let still another of their last remaining homes fall like Gush Katif and Northern Samaria.

So, let them fall. Hello, my Roman adobe. Be it ever so humble, there's no place like Rome.


Do all roads lead Peres to Rome?

Beit Hanassi would neither confirm nor deny on Sunday a Maariv report that President Shimon Peres plans to make his first trip abroad as president in September and visit Rome.

The report said that Peres planned to spend four days in Italy, during which he would hold talks with President Giorgio Napolitano and Prime Minister Romano Prodi, as well as with Pope Benedict XVI.

If Peres were to go to Rome, he would likely participate in an international conference that Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak and Arab League Secretary General Amr Moussa are also expected to attend.[/url ]

Despite a heavily crowded calendar, President Shimon Peres will travel to Rome on September 5, Beit Hanassi confirmed on Monday. Peres, who used to travel abroad as often as two or three times in a single week, has not left the country since assuming the presidency.

Peres will remain in Italy till September 9, during which time he will meet with the Pope, the Italian prime minister, and Italian Jewish leaders. 

In the course of his visit Peres will address a mega-meeting of the Jewish community in the Great Synagogue of Rome. According to Beit Hanassi, the event will be a celebration of Italian Jewry's good wishes on the eve of Rosh Hashana for the State of Israel.


WE have reached a milestone in my signed and numbered manuscript, 1971. Number 61 of the 100 first editions was purchased by M.M. of Atlanta. Over half of recipients have sent glowing reviews. "Yes, I was working on a clever thank you card, and should have told you I got it.  Looks like a hoot, I really appreciate the inscription (#44)!  J.D." Get the MS, remember half are now gone, or remain, depending on your viewpoint.

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Barry Chamish
POB 840157
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