sabato 6 luglio 2013


                                                                                                        ISRAEL - CURSE OF THE JEWS
                                                                                                                      by Barry Chamish

            In mid-June, 2013, the Israeli President Shimon Peres, threw himself a lavish tax-payer funded birthday bash. In the midst of the festivities, the Rabbi he effectively murdered, Uzi Meshulum, passed away. To him I say, Zichron L'Brecha, Rest In Peace. For a time, I knew him quite well: 

           In 1995, my revelations about the Rabin murder had made headlines in Israel and the leaders of the Yemenite Children's movement asked me to investigate their cause. Their movement's leader, Rabbi Uzi Meshulum was arrested and they feared for his life.
           Who could blame them? Meshulum's arrest had already caused one murder. To get the rabbi into prison, the Israeli authorities surrounded his home and placed him and several dozen of his congregants under siege. Nearly 2000 police and Shabak officers arrived at his home in Yehud and they were backed up by helicopters and dogs. But it was the snipers who were assigned to wipe out the rabbi, his family and his congregation.
            One unarmed congregant, Shlomi Asoulin was shot by a sniper. He was taken to police lines where he was allowed to bleed to death. Then Rabbi Meshulum's house was shot up. I counted fifty bullet holes in his living room walls and then stopped. I got the message. The state tried to mass-execute him, his wife, children and young followers.
            In 1996, Rabbi Meshulum asked to meet me. I travelled with his wife to Sharon Prison, walked through a maze of sinking corridors until I reached his compound. We shook hands, and he had a powerful grip. We spoke of many things but I wanted to know the big truth from the source: why hadn't he united the kidnapped children with their biological parents? He then blasted the music on his portable tape machine and explained that he didn't have the heart to tell the parents that the majority of their children were dead, murdered in atomic experiments, most shipped first to America in cages. Then he revealed the reason for his repression: the founder of the Israeli atomic research program was Shimon Peres and if the truth came out, he would be exposed for his role in the atrocities.
            He told me why he wanted this meeting. The Shifris family had assumed control of his movement and he was now certain that they were Shabak infiltrators destroying his movement from within. He wanted me to take over as spokesman.
            I accepted, but Ora Shifris would have nothing to do with it. The Yemenite people are innately modest and mild-mannered. I had my advocates but none could find the wherewithal to stand up to the feisty Ashkenazi lady who had shanghaied their fight for justice.
            Besides Ora, the Shifris family boasted her husband and son, both Hebrew University academicians. The imprisoned followers of Rabbi Meshulum included the son, who was suspected of being a snitch even while incarcerated.
            But, give the family credit for a remarkable show. It was Ora who showed me the photos of the cages in which the Yemenite infants were flown to America. And it was she who showed me the scarred bodies of the survivors of the experiments which she claimed took place at the Biological Institute in Ness Tziona.
            In 1998, Rabbi Meshulum was released a vegetable. Depending on who tells it, he was given a lobotomy, or injected with mind-crippling drugs. Either way, he was now a zombi. His campaign for truth was over. 

        Earlier this year, Bar Ilan University held a conference on the 4500 missing Yemenite infants. If your server picks up Hebrew, read the minutes of the conference. If not, or possibly you don't even read Hebrew, allow me to translate: "The featured speaker, Dr. Dov Levitan, will expose the efforts of President Shimon Peres to prevent an official investigation of the Yemenite children issue." Of course he did. He didn't want to be unveiled as a mass murderer of innocent Jewish children.

הנואם העיקרי יהיה ד"ר דב לויטן שצפוי לדבר על הניסיון של הנשיא
שמעון פרס למנוע את החקירה
     Israel wanted an atomic bomb and Atomic Energy Commissioner Peres would get them it. And he had a powerful payoff for the Americans who could provide the secrets: A whole people to use as guinea pigs. Not just the Yemenite children but all Sephardic children.
    The Ringworm Children -  Watch the film at if you don't, won't, or can't believe me. To get American nuclear technology, the chairman of Israel's Atomic Energy Commission in the early '50s, Shimon Peres, concocted an atrocity where every single Sephardic child, 115,000 in total, had his brain blasted with massive amounts of x-rays just to gauge the effect. 6,000 died within a year, thousands were crippled for the rest of their lives.

     Now imagine you're a Jew from the Middle East who hasn't even heard of Labor Zionism. Suddenly your country persecutes Jews and it's too dangerous to stay there anymore. But for some reason, your leader allows Israeli planes to land in his country to take you away to the foreign nation of Israel. Why did he? Perhaps because he seized all your assets with impunity. That was the bargain made with the devil. When you disembarked without Hebrew your new Jewish leaders took advantage of your lack of worldliness by kidnapping your babies and telling you, too bad they died. Tough luck darkie.
     But at least, you're alive. Crippled, disabled but alive. But that's better than Europe's Jews suffered at the connivances of Labor Zionism. They're mostly dead:

The Transfer Agreement - The Labor Zionists cut a deal called The Transfer Agreement in which the Nazis agreed to ban all German Jewish parties but Labor Zionism in return for a massive no boycott of the Nazis after. Read the excellent book by Edwin Black before you mock the accusation. Without Labor Zionism, there would not have been the Holocaust as we know it.
       Look what the head of Labor Zionists and thus world Jewry, Chaim Weizmann, said before the Holocaust began:
"I told the British Royal Commission, Weizmann is quoted (on pages 19-20) by Hecht as telling the Zionist Congress in 1937,
that the hopes of Europe's six million Jews were centered on emigration. I was asked "Can you bring six million Jews to Palestine?" I replied, "No" ... The old ones will pass... they were dust, economic and moral dust in a cruel world...
       Or, so sorry. Only those Jews who disembark in Palestine get to survive. The other 4 million, they're of no use to us and thus are "dust."
             In 1933, while Jabotinsky led a worldwide economic boycott of Nazi
Germany, Ben Gurion sent his buddy Arlozoroff to Germany to broker a deal
known as The Transfer Agreement. ( from Edwin Black's book by the same title). In
return for the Nazis expelling their Jews to Palestine, Ben Gurion and his
coterie agreed to use their assets to support the Nazi regime in the face
of the international boycott.

      Before 1933, maybe 2% of German Jews were Zionist. From 1934 the only legal German Jewish organization was Labor Zionism. They had camps to train lawyers, doctors, professors et al to be farmers. Then the new blue-eyed seed stock Jews were shipped to kibbutzim in Israel for a life of hedonism, soldiering and fun in the sun. 80,000 made it out before the borders of Palestine were closed and the Holocaust began in efficient earnest.
      Israel is founded on myths and legends. Without the curse of Israel the Sephardim would not have been uprooted and their children used as lab rats. The Ashkenazim could have effectively fought Naziism, the Holocaust could have been resisted or even stopped. What has to be understood, no matter how it flies in the face of your reality, is that Israel's Labor Zionist founders, Weizmann, Ben Gurion, Dayan, Golda Meir, Peres, all of them, were antisemitic thugs. They intended to wipe out the Jewish religion and start a new Judaism, but they failed. The Oslo "Peace" Accord was just another in a long hit list against religious Judaism. And as damaging as it was, Israel has adopted traditional Judaism and clearly rejected the Labor Zionist "dream."
      And now Israel faces a real threat of a new Holocaust...any day now. From a source I've accepted as knowledgeable:

 Some few know what is coming in the days ahead, some others don't . . . . .  Many "prefer" not to accept things as they are, so dream up what ever they want to justify their preferences and desires ie.self delusional. The current state of muslim preparedness is that they have about 65,000 multiple rockets with launchers, plus rockets that don't work with launchers.  Each launcher takes about 40 minutes to setup to fire after its previous firing of several rockets each.  Thus Israel could be subject to over 100,000 incoming muslim rockets per hour, up to their total inventory of about 200,000.  The Israel military has been saying that they can not deal with more than 50,000 incoming rockets.

     Ask yourself; given a choice, what Jew would chose Israel over No Holocaust? The damnation that is Israel is on the precipice of another ghastly Holocaust. If the Shi'ites of Syria and Lebanon have nothing to lose, they may try changing directions in their conflict by blowing Israel to smithereens. And Israel's Labor Zionists realizing their experiment has failed, will take care of themselves while watching the other Jews perish.



My Rabin lecture in Hebrew: Some people, I'm told, had to copy and paste this to open it:

We are not going entirely unnoticed. Have a look at another site affected by my last article: Unhappy 90th to Israeli President Shimon Peres.

Happy 90th Birthday, Shimon Peres!

OMG! Babs came to Shimeleh's Birthday Bash!
Mike Myers as "Linda Richman" on SNL, fawning over Babs
*Creative text inserted by Esser Agaroth (2¢)
"Singer [Streisand] criticizes ultra-Orthodox attitudes to women before scheduled performance at Israeli president's 90th birthday gala."

Shimon Peres's Birthday extravaganza wasn't political, eh?

That was just one of Babs quips, thus far during her tour of Israel. One friend commented that, "See? Every Jewish celebrity likes Israel, deep down inside."

To which I responded, "Barbra Streisand loves Shimon Peres. That's hardly the same thing."

I even heard that Sharon Stone, also in attendance, is involved with a "peace" organization which insists that Arabs recognize Israel's right to exist.

How nice of her! (eyes rolling) But, no, she did not cross nor uncross here legs. Rabbi David Stav, FORMER candidate for Israeli Chief Rabbi apparently made a point of not being on stage with her at the same time (Jameel @ The Muqata). What he was doing there, fawning over Peres in the first place, that's what I would like to know!

Nevertheless, co-dependents may commence slobbering over Sharon Stone now.

So, basically, if you throw in a not-so-hidden political agenda (carving up Eretz Yisra'el, throwing huge pieces to the dogs, and encouraging the assimilation of Jews into Western, secular "progressive," elitist culture). then you have one big Hollywood party, transported to Israel. With or without the cocaine supplied in the second soap dish in the bathrooms, I cannot say.

Of course, that's just gross speculation on my part. And, I am sure that I have absolutely no proof whatsoever that this is the case (eyes turned upwards).

So, much for the a-political, symbolic role of Israel's President! Actually, that went out the window when Peres was first elected to the position. The fact that most every Israeli is in deep denial about it, only makes the situation all the more,...disturbing.

"Loser?" Interesting choice of words, don't you think? Peres has been referred as such more than a handful of times. Actually, it is said that the previous Gerer Rebbe cursed Shimon Peres with the following:

"He will always find water, but never be able to drink it."
Peres then proceeded to lose his next three (or more?) elections. How was the curse was broken? I do not know, but perhaps former President Moshe Katzav, who narrowly beat Peres for the Presidency in 2000, 63-57, and was forced out of office before the end of his term, due to accusations of sexual misconduct and worse, may be able to tell us. Just a suggestion...

Wikipedia: In 2003, on a visit to Italy, he [President Katzav] demanded that the Vatican restore treasures allegedly brought to Rome after the fall of Jerusalem in 70 AD.

I guess he fell on the wrong side, from those who are chummy-chummy with The Vatican (A-hem!), or rather, the right side. But, that couldn't have anything to do with his being deposed, could it? Hmm...

But, I digress...

If you want the best low down on Shimon Peres's Birthday Partée, then read Varda Epstein's account, When You Don't Like The Birthday Boy (Times Of Israel).

...Why don’t I like Shimon Peres, you might ask? It’s this: he has Jewish blood on his hands....

That was just a snippet. But, I am sure you can see why I encourage you read the entire piece.

And what has Shimon Peres been up to lately?

Franciscans Honor Shimon Peres  (Veterans Today)
Israeli President Shimon Peres visited Italy for 3 days in early May, 2013. His visit was a predictable betrayal of the Jews, beginning with his new Franciscan “peace” award:”

Barry Chamish

...The mayor of Assisi, where hundreds of Franciscan monks live, will present its first-ever Medal of Honor for Peace to President Peres for his “unique contribution to dialogue and the cause of peace.” At the ceremony he will receive the Medal of Honor for Peace and will be greeted by “hundreds of Franciscan monks” at the central Basilica, according to an official statement.

Those who know Peres acknowledge his, honestly, psychopathic need for medals and awards, to the point of bribing the Nobel committee for a prize:

Hmm... Oslo Accords? Nobel Peace Prize awarded in Oslo?
A possible connection?
Last week, Yoav Yitzhak, in the wide circulation newspaper Maariv, revealed that Peres gave Terje Larsen, the UN Middle East representative, $100,000 to secure him a Nobel Prize. This week, David Bedein, writing in Makor Rishon, applied the coup de grace. He interviewed a member of the Nobel Prize Committee, Kaare Kristiansen, who not just confirmed the bribe but described Larsen’s pressure on the committee in full detail.

But accepting made up accolades from the Franciscans is utterly insulting to anyone with a modicum of understanding of recent Jewish history....

President Peres receives a gift from Pope Francis I
(avodah zarah blacked out)
The Vatican, April, 2013
...No sooner had Bergoglio taken office, than Peres invited the new pope to visit Israel, asking him to contribute to peace as a spiritual, rather than a political, leader. He’ll be a welcome guest in the Holy Land, as a man of inspiration who can add to the attempt to bring peace in a stormy area,” Peres said.”All people here, without exception, without difference of religion or nationality, will welcome the newly elected pope...” (All people? I guess that doesn't count me, or any other sane Torah-observant, non-co-dependent Jew. Maybe Peres cant show the Poop his new "seat," along with the various other pieces of Jerusalem he now possesses.)

Now why would Peres offer such a deceitful invitation? Could it be because:

Peres Raises ‘World Capital’ Solution for Jerusalem JERUSALEM (Reuters) – Shimon Peres, the head of Israel’s opposition Labor Party, has suggested resolving Israeli-Palestinian conflict over Jerusalem by putting its holy sites under U.N. stewardship, a spokesman said Tuesday.

His plan calls for declaring a holy area of sites sacred to Jews, Christians and Muslims in Jerusalem’s old walled city as a “world capital,” with the U.N. Secretary-General serving as mayor. (What did I tell you? Carving up pieces?)

To those who understand the perfidy of the Israeli President, they recall his royal welcome to the previous Nazi pope:

Israeli President Shimon Peres appears to be hypnotizing Pope Benedict XVI.
Francis’s predecessor Benedict XVI visited the Holy Land and met Peres in 2009. CARDINAL RATZINGER WAS THE “PREFECT OF THE CONGREGATION”, THAT IS, THE CHIEF INQUISITOR.

Ratzinger = Rat + Singer
In a remarkable coverup, the fact that nazi youth member Yosef Ratzinger voluntarily joined the Wehrmacht and willingly risked his life for Hitler, somehow escaped the notice of the truly dumbed-down Israeli people, except for an outraged Dr. Daisy Stern...

My only regret regarding this article is that I cannot post all of it. I highly recommend clicking on the Veterans Today link to read it in its entirety.

Peres with pal, terrorist and murderer of Jews, Arafat
Peres to Claim ‘Overwhelming Majority’ Favor 1949 Border (Arutz 7)
President Peres reportedly plans to tell Arab leaders that most Israelis favor a return to 1949-1967 borders.

If this is not the big fat lie that it certainly appears to be, then someone was playing around with the statistics, and including Arabs in the group he calls "Israelis." Fortunately, one MK appears to have at least a margin of sanity....

Minister Landau: 1967 borders are 'Auschwitz borders' (YNET)
During Cabinet meeting focusing on Kerry's efforts to jump start peace talks, tourism minister repeats Abba Eban's famous statement regarding possible Israeli withdrawal from West Bank. Minister Peretz: Any peace deal would involve land swaps (Is Peretz really still around? Oy!)

Hmm...may more than one MK has the ability to access some sanity. He is also one of the MK's who has bothered to read Israel's Basic Law, including the part about the Israeli President being a predominantly SYMBOLIC role....

Steinitz: Peres is Not a Spokesman for the Government (Arutz 7)
President Peres does not represent the Israeli government's views when he calls to resume peace talks, notes Minister Yuval Steinitz.
Of course, Shimon Peres doesn't really believe in peace; he believes in "piece."
Shimon Peres does not believe in anything close to this, quite the opposite in fact.

Ask these people, and their families, about the Oslo [Death] Accords:

Click the image to see the faces of all those killed since Oslo.
And, who could forget this infamous video, after losing re-election as Prime Minister to Binyamin Netanyahu in the 1996?

Sorry, no video. It has mysteriously disappeared. How 'bout that? If anyone finds this clip, please contact me. It is truly a classic!

Anyway, I found the quote on Binyamin Netanyahu's Hebrew Wikipedia page (conspicuously absent from Shimon Peres's Wikipedia page). The incident went down, something like this:

Losing against Netanyahu, Shimon Peres responds to a journalist's question after the elections: 
Journalist: "Who lost?"
Peres: "The Israelis."
Jounalist: "[So], who won?"
Peres: "The Jews"
So, in other words, in Shimon Peres's mind, there is a difference between "Israelis" and "Jews."

I guess that means that there are those who have a long, or even very long, way to go to being indoctrinated into the "carving up Eretz Yisra'el, throwing huge pieces to the dogs, and assimilating into Western, secular, "progressive," elitist culture," and those who have a very short way to go, if they aren't already there.


My Rabin lecture in Hebrew: Some people, I'm told, had to copy and paste this to open it:

Here is what one Dutch Christian got from my new book, The Stinger Not The Stung. From my point of view... Not intentional but I'm glad you're reading me. Just write to me, I'll send the book for the same price that lulu charges to send to you, but mine will be warmly and personally signed.

  Dear friend Barry ... 'The Stinger Not the Stung' ...
    I got the book saturday, and speedily to look in!
    I think you have right, right and right!!
    I am a gentile and an believer in the Messiah Jesjoea (Jesus)
    He tells the true ... but the Church the untrue!!
    I have friends in Holland, Jews people also they believe in Jesjoea,
    and that is a very good relationship, both THE BODY OF MESSIAH.
    The land of Israel ... Jerusalem and Judea and Samaria, the Biblical
    heart of Israel, there lived the Fathers and mothers of Israel, and there
    are mountains of Israel (Ezech 35, 36, 37, 38 and 39 Gog and Magog).
    The prophets of Israel has spoken of the promises of G'd, the heavenly
    Kingdom on earth ... I believe the TENACH and the New Testament;
    and the Apocalyps ... the Revelation of Jesjoea Messiah.
    The Leaders of Israel, the prime-ministers and so on, they don't know
    how the handle with this promised of G'd to Abraham, Isaak and Jacob.
    Personal might and all controversials with Foreign Policies, Vatican,
    the United States and so on ... you write in your very good book!!
Heck, I'll send all my books signed and dedicated personally to you for lulu's cost. Look up the books and then contact me.

Start with:
Bye Bye Gaza

Then work your way through the rest.

You might enjoy my exclusive e-mail list. I keep you informed of all hidden, obscure news for a minor cost. My readers swear by the service. Get on for a free month by writing me at:   After that...if you liked pay a bit.

And if you believe, at long last, that I am the only writer telling close to the whole truth, it's time to say so with a contribution!

Barry Chamish
POB 840157
Saint Augustine, FL  32080


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