mercoledì 5 febbraio 2014


by Barry Chamish
    In the first month of '14, two events occurred that united the struggle within the Jewish people and explained the horror we have to live with, which is no less seminal to our history than the Roman decimation of Israel 2000 years ago.
    And no Jew uttered even a peep of understanding. And this ignorance will cost us mightily.
    First, a remarkable document was uncovered and its discovery led to incredible efforts to excuse its significance. For Hebrew readers (hoping it arrives to you in its initial form), it read:

בבי"ס שדה כפר עציון נערך מחקר העוסק ברכישת הקרקעות של חברת 'אל ההר' בגוש עציון בשנות ה-30.
לתדהמתם, התגלה מכתב של ש' גלזר, מנציגי החברה ובו הוא מבקש מהרייכסקנצלר, אדולף היטלר, למכור ליהודי גרמניה,קרקעות בפלשתינה ולאשר את הגירתם ארצה.
בתמורה לכך, התחייב גלזר, להעביר לחשבון בנק בגרמניה 100,000 לירות לרכישת תוצרת ייצוא מגרמניה לפלשתינה.
"הנני מרשה לעצמי, אדוני הרייכסקנצלר הנכבד" כותב גלזר במכתבו, "לשטוח בפניך את ההצעה הבאה של חברתי: אני מבקש את אישורך הנכבד לאפשר ולמכור אדמה ליהודים גרמנים, ומבקשך לאשר את הגירתם הבלתי-נמענת".
עוד הוסיף גלזר במכתב, כי "בתמורה נתבקשתי והוסמכתי להפקיד בשם החברה בבנק הגרמני סכום של עד 100,000 לירות פלשתינאיות לשם קניית תוצרת יצוא גרמנית לפלשתינה".
במכתב מציין גלזר כי הוא מתכנן להגיע לברלין ב-15 במאי ולהתחיל בפעילותו ומבקש מהיטלר להיפגש ולהכיר לו את פעילות החברה. עד כה, לא נמצא מסמך מגרמניה המביע נכונות להיפגש עם גלזר.
לדברי מנהל בי"ס שדה כפר עציון, ירון רוזנטל, "ההתיישבות בגוש עציון לאורך ההיסטוריה, מקפלת בתוכה רבדים רבים ומגוונים. אנו רואים שאנשיו של הולצמן (בעל חברת "אל ההר", גואל אדמות גוש עציון - יב"א), ניסו למצוא כל דרך יצירתית להברחת יהודים מגרמניה לפני המלחמה ולגאולת קרקעות בארץ ישראל

       For those unable to read it, trust my translation:

       An investigation of Jewish land purchases in the '30s by the To The Hill organization has been undertaken by the Kfar Etzion field school. To the great shock of the researchers, a letter from Shai Glaser, on the organization board, to Adolph Hitler was uncovered. It read: To The Honored Reichsfuhrer Adolph Hitler, my organization asks you to transfer German Jews to Palestine without interference. In exchange for transferring these export items, we have deposited 100,000 liras in the Bank of Germany. I' will be arriving in Germany on May 15 and hope to meet with you to confirm the purchase.

       The stunned researchers offered the usual deluded excuse: It was tough times and we had to use any strategy to save Jews from the Nazis. This baloney sweeps under the carpet that the Labor Zionists were working with our vicious enemies while concoting reasons to expel religious and right wing Jews from leadership in our unofficial parliament, the Jewish agency.

By 1934, the majority of German Jews got the message and turned to the only Jewish organization allowed by the Nazis, the Labour Zionists. For confirmation of the conspiracy between them and Hitler's thugs read The Transfer Agreement by Edwin Black, Perfidy by Ben Hecht or The Scared And The Doomed by Jacob Nurenberger. The deal cut worked like this. The German Jews would first be indoctrinated into Bolshevism in Labour Zionism camps and then, with British approval, transferred to Palestine. Most were there by the time the British issued the White Paper banning further Jewish immigration. The Labour Zionists got the Jews they wanted, and let the millions of religious Jews perish in Europe without any struggle for their survival.

      When the Holocaust ended, the Labor Zionists found a new ally in Israel, the British. They connived to round up opposition Jews and either have them uted by the British or sent to their camps in Africa. And this war of the Jews, which the descendants of the dead rarely acknowledge, continues unabated today. Here is a contemporary example of the Israeli authorities at war with the Jewish people:

Rabbi Hillel Reines, a resident of Yitzhar in Samaria, spoke to Arutz Sheva on Friday morning about his son-in-law Yehuda Landsberg, who was arrested at the beginning of the week over suspicions of involvement in "price tag" vandalism. Yehuda has not been seen since the arrest, and his family has not been allowed to see or talk with him. His father-in-law posits that he may be being held at the Shabak (Internal Security) headquarters near Petach Tikvah.

      Pushing the "debate" over price tag vandalism is the head of the Shabak during the Rabin murder, Carmi Gillon. He was in on the assassination with Israel's current president Shimon Peres. For the whole picture read my study,  Who Murdered Yitzhak Rabin:

Quien Mato A Yitzhak Rabin

 Carmi Gillon criticizes authorities' handling of 'price tag' perpetrators, says any progress in peace talks will bring forth terrorist acts
Gillon, who was director of Shin Bet during the Rabin administration, said he believed the issue of the "price tag" acts "falls between the cracks, between police and the Shin Bet.""We can't let the 'price tag' issue disappear from our agenda. The political system and the police are helpless in the face of this very dangerous phenomenon."Gillon said that the fact that "price tag" vandals were not dubbed a terrorist group is an oversight of the Shin Bet, among other organizations. "We can catch them, but the question remains if we can try them," Gillon said, "When you call it a terrorist organization there is a lot more room for action."I think we don't act firmly enough against rabbis who practice incitement."Shortly after the Rabin assassination, Gillon commissioned an inquiry as to the security failure, as the government appointed an official committee, the Shamgar Commission, to investigate. During the commission's hearings Gillon resigned after he was deemed responsible for the security oversight.

     While in Shabak custody, alienated from everyone including his family, Reines received or was appointed a Shabak lawyer:

Attorney Itamar Ben-Gvir spoke of the assault and accusations of "price tag," arguing "people doing 'price tag' don't go in the middle of the day, don't go about without means of defense, and don't do it in a group."

      Ben Gvir's Shabak employment has been witnessed by thousands yet Reines and his compatriots allow him to infiltrate the settler movement unopposed:

Matar had enough righteousness to gather 2300 demonstrators to confront the army in Gush Katif (Gaza) before the withdrawal. What an embarassment that would have been were it not for Ben Gvir. He and his gang showed up and got the violence going with a sign visible in the nearby Arab town reading, "Muhammed Is A Pig." If you don't get the provocation, imagine a sign outside your door reading, "Jesus Is A Pig." Predictably the violence started, the army stepped in and to prevent the brutality from spreading, threw out all 2300 protesters, sending hundreds of teenage girls to detention camps for months.

      The Labor and its left wing allies have been thoroughly expunged from Israel's politics, gathering on its best day, perhaps 20% support. But it controls Israel's financial industry and its media. To cover up its vicious and murderous war against the religious and right wing Jews, it needs a vital ally. And inexplicably they have it: their victims.



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  My latest book is The Stinger Not The Stung:

And if you saw and liked then you can start with:

Bye Bye Gaza

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Barry Chamish
POB 840157
Saint Augustine, FL  32080


My Rabin lecture in Hebrew: Some people, I'm told, had to copy and paste this to open it:

My radio show is found at:

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