sabato 9 agosto 2014

                                                                          WHY THE SUFFERING OF GAZA?
                                                                                   by Barry Chamish                    

On July 20, ten days after Operation Protective Edge was launched against Gaza, the Defence Minister who threw the Jews out of Gaza in '05 had this to say:

The ongoing defensive operation in Gaza has renewed discussion of the 2005 Disengagement, Israel’s unilateral withdrawal from the region. On Sunday, Channel 2 reporters questioned MK Shaul Mofaz (Kadima), asking what he thinks today about the Disengagement. Mofaz oversaw the withdrawal as the then-Defense Minister.
Mofaz argued that despite recent events, he still believes the Disengagement was a good idea.
Speaking from the entrance to Soroka hospital, where he was visiting soldiers wounded in Operation Protective Edge, Mofaz  claimed that the unilateral withdrawal from Gaza saved “hundreds” of lives.

The sad irony is, at the current count, over a thousand Arabs and Jews have been killed in the current "operation," with many more to come. What Mofaz failed to mention is that his son Yaron just happened to be in Amsterdam on July 17 photographing the Air Malaysia jet before it was blown out of the sky, apparently by pro-Russian rebels in the Ukraine.

The issue is, this isn't the only final image of MH17... A man by the name of Yaron Mofaz (Reuters), who is a former employee of ISRAIR, one of Israel's largest airlines based out of Tel Aviv, Israel, and the son of the former Israeli Minister of Defense Shaul Mofaz (Current Opposition Leader) just so happened to also snap a shot of MH17 that day in Amsterdam. Not only did he happen to snap a shot of this (at the time) uneventful aircraft; he also happened to take his picture at almost the exact same time and in almost the exact same position as passenger/victim Cor Pan took his "final" shot.

Yaron Mofaz (Reuters) Image:
link to]
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In-case you didn't notice Cor Pan's Image & Yaron Mofaz's Image are in fact DIFFERENT IMAGES (99% similar, but if you really look you will notice the differences).
-slightly different angles (try overlapping to see for yourself).
-slightly different time (see shadow for example)
-look to the right of the tail above the plane on both images.
-look at the cables below the plane in both images.
...(there are more differences but you get the point)...

Also the MSM is intermixing the 2 versions of the image as if they are the same image, which they are not. Here is an example of a single MSM source using both versions of the image for some reason.
Cor Pan's Version: [
link to]
Yaron Mofaz Version: [
link to]

So with this in mind, my questions are...
1. Why is Yaron Mofaz the son of Shaul Mofaz current Israel Opposition Leader & Former Minster of Defense,(who was not a passenger on the plane like Cor is said to be and is still alive today) taking a picture of MH17 in Amsterdam for Reuters just prior to the plane taking off and being "shot" down mid flight, becoming international news?
2. Why is Yaron Mofaz's image almost identical in time/position to the "said to be confirmed" victim Cor Pan's famous last shot of MH17?
3. Why is the media passing both images off as if they are the same image, when they are in fact not?

Shaul Mofaz

Ministerial roles
2002–2006: Minister of Defense
2006–2009: Deputy Prime Minister
2006–2009: Minister of Transportation
2012: Vice Prime Minister
2012: Minister without Portfolio

Other roles
1998–2002: Chief of Staff of the IDF
2012: Leader of the Opposition
2012–2013: Leader of the Opposition

One could say, so what? So Yaron took a "lucky" photo at a dreadful but historic moment. Why believe that there was a money deal between Israel and pro-Russian rebels with anti-aircraft missiles to divert attention from the war over Gaza? Except while his father was making Jews homeless in Gaza:

Shlomo Mofaz was appointed the new Defence Minister only after his was indoctrinated for several months in Washington. He learned the NWO ropes at Martin Indyk's notorious "think" tank, The Washington Center For Near East Studies.
Jeff O’Connell, a former head of the Central Intelligence Agency’s Tel Aviv station, is to return here immediately after the publication of the so-called road map for Middle East peace to monitor its implementation, sources in Jerusalem said Monday. According to these sources, O’Connell will be accompanied by a high-ranking State Department official.

The CIA has reportedly set up a special department to supervise and monitor the implementation of the road map. In the past, the CIA has had a small team in the region to monitor Palestinian Authority reforms, and Prime Minister Ariel Sharon has given his okay to a small US-led monitoring team for the road map as well, the sources said.

The climax of the manipulation were the announcements of the leaders of the Right that they favored withdrawal. Within two days of each other, Chief of Staff Mofaz ordered the removal of three outposts to begin with, and PM Sharon declared his unilateral withdrawal plan.

...His uncle was setting up the Jews of Hebron for a massacre they didn't commit. First read about the "Baruch Goldstein" massacre:

The highlights include:

 I said to the teenaged religious girl, "Why do you think your father told Miriam Goldstein that her husband was praying at the Cave Of The Patriarchs where the massacre took place, when his wife said he had stopped praying there?"
       "He told me he was trying to console her. He really didn't know."
       "Why did your father forget her second call to him?"
       "He was busy, so he forgot."
       "He's manning the phones at 4 AM and you think he was too busy to remember the call?      Do you know that Goldstein met a high-ranking intelligence officer named Shlomo Mofaz, brother of our Chief-Of-Staff on the day before the massacre?"
       "I know Shlomo, what about it?"
       "I don't know but maybe your father does. Ask him."
A former Hebron resident, a lively lady, added information on the Shabak frameup of Baruch Goldstein, the innocent patsy for the Hebron massacre of 1994.
    "You should know that Baruch didn't go straight into Yitzhak Hall and shoot it up. First he stopped in Avraham Hall and told the Jewish worshipers there that he had met with a high-ranking IDF officer, Shlomo Mofaz the day before and he told him to prepare for an Arab massacre of Hebron's Jews. After that he left the hall and supposedly went on a shooting rampage.
    "The whole thing didn't make sense then and today it looks even more like Baruch was manipulated by Mofaz. If the IDF knew about an impending massacre, then it would have sent in troops to stop it, not warn Baruch that it was coming. More and more it looks like Mofaz was the mastermind of the massacre and Baruch the stooge."

A former Hebron resident, a lively lady, added information on the
Shabak frameup of Baruch Goldstein, the innocent patsy for the Hebron
massacre of 1994.
     "You should know that Baruch didn't go straight into Yitzhak Hall and
shoot it up. First he stopped in Avraham Hall and told the Jewish
worshipers there that he had met with a high-ranking IDF officer, Shlomo
Mofaz the day before and he told him to prepare for an Arab massacre of
Hebron's Jews. After that he left the hall and supposedly went on a
shooting rampage.
     "The whole thing didn't make sense then and today it looks even more
like Baruch was manipulated by Mofaz. If the IDF knew about an impending
massacre, then it would have sent in troops to stop it, not warn Baruch
that it was coming. More and more it looks like Mofaz was the mastermind of
the massacre and Baruch the stooge."

The current conflict was initiated by the highly suspicious deaths of three Israeli teenagers, and plenty of Israelis of Israelis from the Right know the truth in their hearts:

What if the hours' delay in reporting the kidnapped boys' disappearance was NOT a royal foul-up? Why would there even be a policy in place where the person who took the emergency call had to run it up some chain of command? What if they were anticipating something like this and the delay was all part of some master plan? What if the Arabs are right about some of this? Maybe "Jews" did kidnap the kids. Maybe the kidnapping was a ploy to enable the government to take out Hamas operations in Judea and Shomron; to eliminate the PA "unity government," as the Arabs are claiming. Why did the government keep reiterating that phrase "we're operating under the assumption that the boys are still alive?" (Because they already knew they were dead.)
But why fret over a few settlers killed when the resulting war will cause such vicious worldwide anti-semitism that they'll be replaced by masses of new immigrants running from ugly assaults into the waiting arms of left-wing, peace loving Labor Zionists?
The Mofaz clan was always on the front lines of bloodshed. Shlomo organized the Hebron massacre of '94, Shaul oversaw the Jews of Gaza deported in '05, and Yaron was there to witness the take-off of the bloody end to an Air Malaysia flight, diverting attention from the war directly caused by his father's removal of Jews from Gaza... And most vehemently supported by the right-wing, settler Israelis vilified by a massacre arranged by Shlomo. The circle is complete.
If only the Arabs of Gaza and the settlers of Judea and Samaria understood that they share the same enemy. And suffer equally.

I have an exclusive e-mail list. You pay a little and get constant relevant updates. I rarely write or advocate any of them. It's the raw background that eventually makes sense. My readers have been remarkably loyal. To join, write me at

The book you'll want to read, the black and white version, is:

Bye Bye Gaza

I survive by selling my books, my 10 DVDs, including The Secret War Against The Settlers, and through your kind contributions:

Barry Chamish
POB 840157
Saint Augustine, FL  32080


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