mercoledì 8 luglio 2020

Father Santucci: Dear Pope, a universal Jubilee of debts is necessary

Father Santucci: Dear Pope, a universal Jubilee of debts is necessarySource:
Published: 08/07/2020 17:16

"Dear Pope Francis, who writes to you is a brother of yours, a few years older than you. My life has always been in contact with those people whom you rightly like to call 'the rejects'. By now I am old, but for some years I have been following with interest the group created around the icon of Our Lady of Debtors. I really appreciate the work they are doing to identify and cure the cancer of the millennium: the debt, originated by private money sequences, in the hands of unscrupulous bankers. Thus begins the public appeal addressed to Pope Francis by Jesuit Father Ernesto Santucci, author of the book "Lo Scarto" (The people abandoned).

"Starting from the testament of the theologian Jacques Maritain (  and the permanent crisis of a society where today there is only one euro in circulation for every six euro of debt, between public and private - explains Father Santucci - the need for an old-fashioned Jubilee, a universal jubilee of all debts, as suggested long ago by many economists including Professor Michael Hudson, comes to mind. This jubilee is made even more necessary by the pandemic crisis which, even if it forces us to masquerade ourselves, offers us an opportunity for deeper reflection. The real malaise that oppresses us is due to the fact that society has a terrible cancer: the terminal stage of capitalism when people replace the trinity with the God for money, the only one that apparently allows them to fully enjoy their civil rights (food, clothes, home, bills, etc.)".

For the Jesuit, therefore, if one wants to "try an alternative, one must first of all think about removing the anguish of precariousness due to debt, a debt that is morally and mathematically unquenchable, which puts man against man, without hope of common victory. And I say morally because in the light of the studies of the group of Our Lady of Debtors, it has been revealed that banks create money from nothing without accounting for it, and for this reason they continually mimic being on the verge of bankruptcy by invoking perennial aid from an unsuspecting or complicit State. The world is therefore divided in two, between the real ruined and those who simulate ruin to obtain further concessions, the banker-dictators".

Further on, in his appeal to Pope Bergoglio, Father Santucci adds: "The Church is at a crossroads: either it is part of the solution or remains part of the problem. A drastic alternative, before the coming advent of central bank money, is to create a Christian currency to give the Caesar of Frankfurt the euro that is his, and to give the people of God a currency free from usury debt (today it would cost very little to realize it, especially if one is still believed). But if this solution is too bold, or too courageous, at least choose the path of the debt jubilee. It doesn't matter how much action it will take in the immediate future, the important thing would be to announce it already! Frankly, to do nothing would be to facilitate the demonic taking of the bankers who are squeezing the planet of all its resources, without obtaining, for the damage they do, an equivalent benefit".

Finally, the Jesuit concludes: "I appeal to His Wisdom to consider the best opportunity and take the initiative. I believe that his intervention in this regard will be very useful to the cause. May the Holy Spirit enlighten his words. Many poor people, slaves of usury, will be able to return to serenity and peace. Bless me. I cordially greet your brother in Christ Father Ernesto Santucci S.J.".

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