domenica 29 maggio 2022

Exclusive: Video from the staff of the Azov battalion near Mariupol

Anti-mirror on the ground
Exclusive: Video from the staff of the Azov battalion near Mariupol.
A colleague who was with me on the ground in Mariupol has posted a video of our visit to the headquarters of the Azov Battalion.
May 21, 2022 4:53 pm

I have already reported on the recent trip to Mariupol where we have been on Wednesday the 18th of May, you can find the full report here. After we have been in Mariupol, we have been on the way to Donetsk still in the small village of Yurevka, where the Azov battalion has had its headquarters in a former sanatorium. The Russian army has gathered there on one floor what they found in the complex of Nazi paraphernalia.

The ideology of the Azov Regiment and other similar formations, like Nazi ideology, resembles a religion. Here you can read the beliefs of the Azov Regiment, which hardly differ from those of the SS. The SS also indoctrinated and radicalized its members with "land and blood", with "loyalty to the death", from "life as an eternal struggle" and so on.

The "10 Commandments" of the Azov battalion are also very similar to the mythical teachings of the SS, except that the SS referred to alleged "traditions of the Germanic tribes," while Azov is about the "Vladimir Trident" and the "spirit of the eternal element that saved you from the Tartar storm and brought you to the edge of two worlds to create new life." What both ideologies have in common is the hatred they preach and the desire to expand one's own country at the expense of neighboring states. In Azov, commandment 10 is explicitly about expanding the "space of the Ukrainian state." This is the same as the "Lebensraum" that the Nazis wanted to conquer for the German people.

My American colleague John Mark Dougan filmed extensively in the "exhibition" and I show his videos here. Afterwards I will say a few words about John, because in one of the videos he also talks extensively about weapons and cartridges, which he knows quite a bit about because of his past.

EXCLUSIVE! AZOV Battalion Mariupol Headquarters Walkthrough PT 1!

EXCLUSIVE! Pt 2 AZOV Battalion Mariupol Headquarters Walkthrough!

John Mark Dougan

John was a US Marine and became a police officer in Florida after his time in the American military. There he became disturbed by the rampant corruption in the state's police apparatus and began not only asking questions, but also posting scandals on the web, and built a website where whistleblowers could anonymously contact... John is also linked to the alleged hacking of the U.S. Democrats' computer during the Clinton v. Trump election campaign in 2016 because information was leaked to him about it. In addition, he has come across irregularities in the maintenance of voter records in Florida and has also published those. All of this, however, did not lead to investigations of those responsible, but did lead to the FBI storming and searching John's home with 45 agents.

As a result, he was put on the no-fly list and could no longer leave the U.S. legally, so in 2016 he made his way to Canada by very adventurous means and from there flew to Moscow, where he applied for asylum because he faces 95 years in prison in the United States. You can read the story as John tells it here, and what the American mainstream has made of it here.

John brings a very deep knowledge of military weapons because of his past, which is why he is able to talk in such detail in the video about the ammunition found in Azov Staff. And ammunition was all over the place there, the incredible amount of ammunition that was there on the other floors that we walked past surprised even the Russian soldiers.

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