lunedì 13 febbraio 2023

A new "virus" is on the way: the Tritium Japonensis produced in Fukushima

A new "virus" is on the way: the Tritium Japonensis produced in Fukushima
By Marco Saba, February 13, 2023 (Italian here)

To the eleven million tons annually of radioactive waste leaked into the environment, one million tons of water contaminated with radioactive Tritium from Japan's Fukushima nuclear power plant must be added this year.


I explain more fully below the logical sense of this article.


 For at least 80 years, the activities of some humans have led to planned radioactive contamination over the entire planet, which is cumulative as the effects of radiation on human health accumulate over time. Contamination of the environment and the food chain is mainly due to waste from radioactive ore mines, fallout from nuclear power plants, atomic tests (Hiroshima, Nagasaki and after) and nuclear disasters (Santa Susana, Chernobyl, Fukushima etc.). The governments primarily responsible are the permanent members of the UN Security Council, the victors of World War II - the United States, France, the United Kingdom, Russia and China - who have veto power over positions and decisions taken by all members of the UN assembly. Italy - in complete constitutional contradiction (Article 11 Constitution) is a member of the United Nations while being discriminated against as an "enemy of war" (Enemy Clause). Not everyone will have heard or known about the "enemy state" clauses that still exist in the UN Charter. The clauses, incorporated into the charter by the victorious Allied powers when the organization was created in 1945, establish discriminatory arrangements against former enemy states of World War II.  


Italian participation in the United Nations, obtained perhaps in exchange for the permanent headquarters of the FAO in Rome, has serious repercussions with regard to two crucial UN agencies, both linked to nuclear interests: the WHO, World Health Organization, and the IAEA (IAEA, in English), International Atomic Energy Agency. These two agencies signed an agreement that research on the effects of nuclear power on human health should take place under the supervision of the IAEA (WHA 12-40). I remember when Rosy Bindi, then Minister of Health, was questioned about the nefarious results of this agreement, she said it must have been a good agreement since all the major UN agencies had themselves signed it. In fact, the ILO, the UN labor organization, signed it in San Francisco in 1957 and it was ratified on November 21, 1958. The signatory in San Francisco for Italy was CGIL life director Giuseppe di Vittorio. These "cooperation" agreements between U.N. agencies and the IAEA have governed misinformation about the effects of nuclear power on human health in the decades since, until today.


The story begins in 1951 when the Epidemic Intelligence Service, an intelligence agency with the express purpose of hijacking from the health effects of nuclear power to the hypothetical existence of viruses, is founded in the U.S. And indeed there are the subsequent hearings in the U.S. Congress where the EIS, through its "experts," contradicts the testimony of family members of victims near nuclear power plants (downwinders) by attributing to viruses the health effects found in the victims themselves. Even in Italy of the EIS there is a metastasis of it - in Rome. To understand how polluted the environment of the heroes of vaccination is from the very beginning, one need only read the valuable biography of Pasteur published by Princeton University in the United States: The Private Science of Louis Pasteur.


The main purpose of the atomic terror sponsored by the superpowers, all complicit in this branch, is to threaten the population, which, since World War II, has been the main target of wars. The violence of the "law enforcement agencies" against rebellions in the streets of the sovereign people is paradigmatic of the anti-democratic approach of the atomic threat at the governmental "kill-western" level. Since the production of the supreme weapon, the nuclear bomb, depends on a branch of the 'bankrupt arms industry, the nuclear industry, would not be sustainable if it were not in the hands of bankers who create accountingly illegal money out of thin air. In particular, the Rothschilds are the largest private monopoly in uranium production  ("Private investors need to see clear and consistent policy support for nuclear power as a tool to address climate change if they are to play a role in raising the large amount of capital needed for new construction projects, Stephen Vaughan, vice president of Energy & Power at Rothschild & Co, said yesterday [2021] during the World Nuclear Association's Strategic eForum on Sustainable Finance. In particular, taxonomies need to support investment in nuclear power."). Clearly, the power of money creation needs to be taken away from these sociopathic predators.


At the dawn of the Wuhan "virus" operation, I suggested following the radiation trail based on a study of radioactive contamination of the resident population (A radiation pandemic during a political pandemonium - Nov. 24, 2020). I was also honored with a video interview by VISION TV (Marco Saba: "Investigating possible connections between pandemic and radioactive pollution"). Unfollowed.

The problem is that we are facing a concentration of tabü: the nuclear tabü, the monetary tabü, and the tabü of dominant agreements among supranational elites. It is an old system that is collapsing without any willingness to responsibly deal with the consequences. The terminal system just tries to distract the population as much as possible: from World War III to San Remo. It is the period of the orgy of special effects that blinds humanity to prevent its inevitable progress on pain of extinction. Weapons of mass distraction. So the vaccine mythology is born to accredit the virus theory (if there is a vaccine, it means the virus exists...) and all research funds are devoted to support this science fiction landscape. The two most common diseases of deaths are cardiorespiratory disease and cancer, both of which can be traced to radioactive intoxication, and are redirected to hypothetical viruses. And if that is not enough, since "vaccines" kill, they can always be used to justify - ex post, that is, after the fact - the nuclear massacre. It was all the fault of the vaccines ! Instead, "vaccines" are just a tragic concause, a scapegoat for the political class and their bankers. Sacrificing pharmaceutical companies is well worth a mass !

(Henry IV uttered the famous expression "Paris is worth a mass," indicating with such words that "it is worth sacrificing oneself to achieve a high purpose," that is, to renounce his Protestant faith in favor of the Catholic faith in order to conquer the kingdom of France).

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