martedì 31 dicembre 2024

Elon Musk semina il panico nella colonia di Germania

Una cinciarella di nome X

Elon Musk ha detto “AfD” e in Germania scoppia il panico

di Alexander Wallasch (Commenti: 2)

Alice Weidel probabilmente non riesce a credere alla sua fortuna.© Fonte: Pixabay/Maiconfz,, Montaggio: Wallasch

Uno dei successi di Musk è quello di aver provocato una reazione eccessiva e rivelatrice della politica consolidata e dei media filogovernativi in ​​Germania. La sovranità interpretativa, difesa con le unghie e con i denti, è stata colpita duramente.

È il momento dell'AfD. Almeno considerando la campagna di diffamazione che dura da oltre un decennio ed è unica nel panorama politico della Repubblica Federale.

L’AfD attualmente ha tutti i motivi per festeggiare. Elon Musk, che agisce come un nobile cavaliere della libertà di espressione, ha dipinto il Santo Graal di blu intenso e ha strappato la maschera dai volti di coloro che detengono il potere nella politica e nei media in Germania.

Ironia della storia: la Frazione estremista dell'Armata Rossa (RAF) una volta giustificò il suo terrore volendo strappare la maschera dai volti dei governanti per smascherare uno stato presumibilmente repressivo e violento. In realtà è logico: ciò che la sinistra ha cercato di fare con il terrore, i conservatori riescono contro uno stato di sinistra radicale con l'insistenza di un miliardario sperimentale sulla libertà di espressione - Howard Hughes indossa i calzini di Robin Hood - o qualcosa del genere.

Dieci anni di esclusione, diffamazione, discredito e denuncia: il 3D contro l'AfD, per intenderci. Ora sembra una litania, quasi ci si abitua: Oh, il malvagio AfD ha Höcke e tutto e “merda di uccelli della storia”.

Ma questo riguarda le persone. Ai diretti interessati. E di milioni di elettori che non esprimono più pubblicamente rivendicazioni politiche legittime e fondamentalmente conservatrici perché altrimenti dovrebbero aspettarsi l’esclusione, la perdita di posti di lavoro e la violenza estremista di sinistra se continuano a impegnarsi a favore dello Stato nazionale tedesco, come previsto dalla Costituzione. in realtà richiede che ogni politico lo faccia!

Chi dice “Germania” una volta di troppo si vedrà prima strappare la bandiera dalle mani e poi colpire in bocca da una rete di delinquenti sovvenzionati dallo Stato. Le reazioni della politica consolidata e dei media a Elon Musk e al suo impegno per l’AfD stanno diventando ogni giorno più isteriche ed esagerate. C'è il timore che le campagne contro l'AfD siano state ribaltate da Musk in vista delle elezioni federali.

L’aggressore di Magdeburgo potrebbe ancora essere dipinto, in modo folle, come un sostenitore dell’AfD. Ma i cittadini provavano ancora un sentimento di disagio. Tutti hanno visto che le vittime erano tutte tedesche e che il mercatino di Natale ha un incrollabile simbolismo cristiano. L'intervento di Elon Musk ha ridistribuito le carte.

Opportunamente, sono le reazioni eccessive dell’establishment a rappresentare la goccia che fa traboccare il vaso per l’AfD. I doppi standard nella valutazione dell’espressione politica sono diventati troppo evidenti.

L’ingerenza della politica e dei media tedeschi nella campagna elettorale statunitense è stata massiccia. Lo ricordano numerosi commenti politici e prime pagine dei cosiddetti principali media vicini al governo. Finora si ritenevano detentori della sovranità interpretativa. E poi è arrivato Elon Musk e ha chiesto quasi ingenuamente: Ma perché?

I dibattiti politici non si fermano più ai confini nazionali. I discorsi sull’ingerenza negli affari tedeschi, soprattutto da parte di coloro che non pongono più la Germania al centro del loro pensiero, rendono particolarmente chiara l’implausibilità.

È abbastanza chiaro: se Musk si fosse schierato contro l'AfD o a favore di Merz o Habeck, non ci sarebbero state proteste e la gente si sarebbe felicemente crogiolata nell'attenzione internazionale. Il leader del FDP ed ex ministro delle finanze Christian Lindner si è persino lasciato convincere a chiedere un'udienza con Elon Musk tramite X in inglese. Ma Musk ha semplicemente ignorato Lindner.

Nientemeno che il cancelliere Olaf Scholz ha sostenuto Kamala Harris in agosto quando ha manifestato “grande rispetto” per la candidata presidenziale americana e ha detto: “La conosco bene. Sarebbe sicuramente un ottimo presidente ”.

Non è stato diverso per Robert Habeck, che anche lui qualche mese prima delle elezioni americane aveva dichiarato di voler andare nella stessa direzione di Kamala Harris. Si ispira al "fatto che l'umore nel paese può cambiare rapidamente, anche in meglio".

Christian Lindner ha dichiarato nel luglio 2023 riguardo al duello Trump contro Harris che Trump stava sfidando la diplomazia tedesca più di Harris. “L’istruzione morale non gli sarebbe arrivata”. Il che, al contrario, rende chiaro che tali istruzioni e interferenze esistono.

Mentre i politici tedeschi hanno criticato Trump per le sue politiche migratorie e commerciali, molte voci tedesche nella campagna elettorale statunitense sono arrivate al punto di descriverlo come una minaccia per la democrazia. Se questa non è un’ingerenza negli affari interni di altri paesi, cos’è?

Si può discutere se tale interferenza sia legittima o meno. Ma ciò che non funziona è abbandonare la parità di trattamento consentendo a una persona di fare ciò che agli altri non dovrebbe essere permesso di fare. La politica istituzionale e i suoi media si sono abituati a poter diffamare l’AfD a piacimento. La notizia bomba di Elon Musk ci ha colto impreparati. Si è trattato addirittura di una bomba atomica vista la vicinanza alle elezioni federali.

Ci si può chiedere se questa potente partigianeria sia stata saggia da parte di Elon Musk. Chiunque abbia una piattaforma così influente ha il certo obbligo di rimanere neutrale. Ma il treno è partito da tempo, Musk è un attore politico, è il più stretto confidente di Donald Trump. E Musk, come tutti gli altri, ha diritto alla propria opinione e posizione politica, purché il suo portale non sopprima esplicitamente altre opinioni.

Ma gli oppositori di Musk e dell’AfD faranno meglio a non farlo notare! Perché questo li rende incredibili. Soprattutto al mainstream tedesco si consiglia di stare silenziosi come un topo. In Germania l’influenza politicamente auspicata sulla libertà di espressione è aumentata da tempo: gli uffici di informazione e i controllori di Internet come Correctiv, Bertelsmann Avarto e Co hanno una stretta mortale sulla libertà di espressione.

L'AfD era stato precedentemente etichettato come estremista di destra dall'Ufficio federale per la protezione della Costituzione, politicamente attivo. L'Ufficio federale per la protezione della Costituzione guidato da Thomas Haldenwang lavora in stretta collaborazione con le autorità di protezione costituzionale dei Länder federali Recentemente nuovi media sgradevoli come sono stati diffamati dall'Ufficio bavarese per la protezione della Costituzione. come le staffe di Mosca. L'Ufficio per la Tutela della Costituzione ha dovuto chiedere scusa dopo le proteste, i testi sono stati riscritti e le conseguenti ulteriori diffamazioni sono rimaste su Wikipedia.

Vale la pena notare: Elon Musk ha fatto campagna per un partito di opposizione tedesco e non per un partito di governo o per l’Unione filogovernativa! Uno dei successi di Musk è quello di aver provocato una reazione eccessiva e rivelatrice della politica consolidata e dei media filogovernativi in ​​Germania. La sovranità interpretativa, difesa con le unghie e con i denti, è stata colpita duramente.

Le contraddizioni stanno diventando sempre più evidenti: i firewall che per molti anni sono stati costruiti contro l’opposizione con l’obiettivo di reprimere le questioni che muovono le persone stanno cadendo.

Il movimento antidemocratico guidato dall'ideologia verde dell'Unione, dell'SPD e del BSW ha subito un duro colpo ed è rimasto senza vestiti. Tutto grazie a un miliardario che ha sviluppato un piacere ladro nel detenere il potere pestando i piedi ai potenti, una sorta di anti-Gates in calzettoni di pelle.

lunedì 30 dicembre 2024

Elon Musk Secret: PROJECT "Fool-me-twice" and "Operation Mars"

 Elon Musk Secret: PROJECT "Fool-me-twice" and "Operation Mars"

" Project Fool-me-twice" is an example of a global-scale psychological warfare operation , combining information manipulation, technology exploitation and strategic narratives. 

Let's analyze it in detail:

Project Fool-me-twice

Date of first conception: 2001 at the Mars Society
Operational start date: 2016
Funding sources:
- Private Investments : In 2015, SpaceX raised $1 billion from Google and Fidelity in exchange for 8.33% of the company, valuing SpaceX at around $12 billion - Government Contracts : SpaceX has benefited significantly from contracts with NASA and other government agencies . It received around $3.1 billion from NASA for the development of the Dragon capsule and the Commercial Crew program . Significant contracts from the Pentagon and the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) for various projects, including building satellites and broadband services via Starlink . - Venture Capital : SpaceX is a private, privately held company and also relies on outside venture capital to fund its projects. This approach allows Musk to maintain control over the company without having to face pressure from public shareholders - Commercial Mission Revenue : Revenue from launching commercial satellites and transporting cargo to the International Space Station (ISS) is essential to supporting the costs of missions to Mars.

Strategic objective:

Strengthen the credibility of past space missions (especially lunar ones) through further ambitious narrative (colonization of Mars).

Distract public opinion from other issues (political, economic or environmental).

Consolidate control over strategic technological and scientific sectors.

Main tools:

1. Elon Musk as an operator:

A charismatic figure associated with technological innovation and progress, used to legitimize the idea that extraordinary goals are within the reach of humanity.

Through SpaceX, Musk serves as a “narrative vector,” showcasing visible progress (reusable rockets, ambitious projects) to build trust.

2. Martian Fiction:

Promote the colonization of Mars as an epic undertaking, pushing technological and scientific boundaries.

Using this narrative to “normalize” the challenges of past space missions, such as the supposed surmountability of the heliosphere and its radiation.

3. Psychological warfare:

Illusion of Progress: Creating a sense of wonder and confidence in science, distracting from real limitations or historical discrepancies.

Media Manipulation: Using documentaries, interviews, and social media campaigns to amplify the narrative.

Social Conformity: Push the idea that “believing” in the project is proof of modernity and intelligence.


Project criticalities

Scientific barrier:

Current technology makes it extremely difficult, if not impossible, to overcome the challenges posed by the heliosphere, cosmic radiation , and long-term survival on Mars.

Any technical error or failure could expose the operation.

Risk of discovery:

Discrepancies between the official narrative and scientific evidence could be detected by independent experts , putting the project's credibility at risk.

Social side effect:

The failure of the operation could fuel general distrust in scientific institutions if suspicions of manipulation emerge.


Mitigation strategies

To make the operation more credible:

1. Increased technical complexity: Produce tangible (though non-functional) technologies to simulate space progress.

2. Connection to concrete interests: Promote the mission as a solution to feared earthly problems (e.g. climate change, overpopulation).

3. Discrediting Naysayers: Labeling skeptics and critics as “science deniers.” Musk on X calls them “Trolls” and speaks of “self-promotional spam.”


In short, “Project Fool-me-twice” is a sophisticated example of how an operation can leverage technology, narrative, and social manipulation to consolidate ideological control on a large scale.

The name “Project Fool-me-twice” is particularly apt in this context, as it plays on the idea of ​​consciously manipulating the masses by exploiting their desire to believe in emotional narratives, even when these defy logic or scientific evidence.

Analysis of the Project name and its meaning

1. Recall the proverb:

“If you fool me once, it’s your fault; if you fool me twice, it’s my fault” implies a personal responsibility for allowing yourself to be fooled repeatedly.

This highlights people's predisposition to re-accept illusions even after being deceived, as long as the narrative is convincingly packaged.

2. Psychological resonance:

The masses tend to seek reassuring myths to give meaning to their existence or to escape from complex and often oppressive realities.

Humans easily identify with collective stories, especially if packaged with strong emotional elements (adventure, progress, challenge).


Historical and social comparisons

1. Religions:

Grand religious narratives have often used myths and symbolism to control and unify entire populations.

Promising a “future paradise” or a divine mission is analogous to promising the colonization of Mars: both create hope and faith in something unattainable.

2. Sports and artistic fan bases:

Passion for sports teams or celebrities reflects a need for belonging and identification.

These phenomena are fueled by epic stories of success, sacrifice, or revenge, much like the narrative of space conquests.

3. Politics:

Political leaders have often used grand, futuristic promises to distract from present problems or consolidate power (e.g., "new world orders," "industrial revolutions," or "space breakthroughs").


The Fables Scheme for Governing

The reference to fables as a tool of government is crucial:

1. Narrative structure:

As in fairy tales, projects like "Fool-me-twice" feature a hero (Elon Musk), an extraordinary goal (Mars), and an antagonist (technological limitations or "denialist" critics).

2. Control function:

Fairy tales distract attention from real problems, providing an emotional surrogate and a sense of collective purpose.

They make the masses easier to manage, channeling their energies toward narrative rather than practical goals.

3. Repeatability:

People tend to repeat behaviors that connect them to a community or shared myth, making fairy tales a powerful ritual tool for long-term control.



The "Fool-me-twice Project" capitalizes on the innate human desire to believe in something bigger in order to build psychological consensus. Whether it's Mars or any other epic narrative, its success relies on the intertwining of myth, emotion, and social control, just as religion, sports, politics, and popular culture have for millennia.

Elon Musk segreto: PROGETTO "Fool-me-twice" e "Operazione Marte"

Il "Progetto Fool-me-twice" è un esempio di una operazione di guerra psicologica su scala globale, in cui si combinano manipolazione delle informazioni, sfruttamento della tecnologia e narrazioni strategiche. 

Analizziamolo nei dettagli:

Progetto Fool-me-twice

Data di prima ideazione: 2001 alla Mars Society
Data di inizio operativo: 2016
Fonti di finanziamento:
- Investimenti Privati: Nel 2015 SpaceX ha raccolto 1 miliardo di dollari da Google e Fidelity in cambio dell'8.33% della società, portando la valutazione di SpaceX a circa 12 miliardi di dollari
- Contratti Governativi: SpaceX ha beneficiato notevolmente di contratti con la NASA e altre agenzie governative. Ha ricevuto circa 3,1 miliardi di dollari dalla NASA per lo sviluppo della capsula Dragon e per il programma Commercial Crew. Contratti significativi dal Pentagono e dalla Federal Communications Commission (FCC) per vari progetti, tra cui la costruzione di satelliti e servizi di banda larga tramite Starlink.
- Venture Capital: SpaceX è una società privata non quotata in borsa e si avvale anche di venture capital esterno per finanziare i suoi progetti. Questo approccio consente a Musk di mantenere il controllo sulla società senza dover affrontare le pressioni degli azionisti pubblici
- Ricavi da Missioni Commerciali: I ricavi derivanti dal lancio di satelliti commerciali e dal trasporto di carichi verso la Stazione Spaziale Internazionale (ISS) sono fondamentali per sostenere i costi delle missioni verso Marte.

Obiettivo strategico:

Rafforzare la credibilità delle missioni spaziali passate (in particolare quelle lunari) mediante un'ulteriore narrazione ambiziosa (colonizzazione di Marte).

Distrarre l'opinione pubblica da altre questioni (politiche, economiche o ambientali).

Consolidare il controllo su settori tecnologici e scientifici strategici.

Strumenti principali:

1. Elon Musk come operatore:

Figura carismatica, associata all'innovazione tecnologica e al progresso, utilizzata per legittimare l'idea che obiettivi straordinari siano alla portata dell'umanità.

Attraverso SpaceX, Musk funge da "vettore narrativo", mostrando progressi visibili (razzi riutilizzabili, progetti ambiziosi) per costruire fiducia.

2. Narrativa Marziana:

Promuovere la colonizzazione di Marte come un'impresa epica, che spinge i limiti tecnologici e scientifici.

Usare questa narrativa per "normalizzare" le sfide delle missioni spaziali passate, come la presunta superabilità dell'eliosfera e delle sue radiazioni.

3. Guerra psicologica:

Illusione del progresso: Creare un senso di meraviglia e fiducia nella scienza, distogliendo l'attenzione dai limiti reali o dalle discrepanze storiche.

Manipolazione mediatica: Utilizzare documentari, interviste, e campagne social per amplificare la narrativa.

Conformità sociale: Spingere l'idea che "credere" nel progetto sia una prova di modernità e intelligenza.


Criticità del progetto

Barriera scientifica:

La tecnologia attuale rende estremamente difficile, se non impossibile, superare le sfide poste dall'eliosfera, dalle radiazioni cosmiche e dalla sopravvivenza a lungo termine su Marte.

Qualsiasi errore o fallimento tecnico rischierebbe di smascherare l'operazione.

Rischio di scoperta:

Le discrepanze tra la narrativa ufficiale e le evidenze scientifiche potrebbero essere rilevate da esperti indipendenti, mettendo a rischio la credibilità del progetto.

Effetto collaterale sociale:

Il fallimento dell'operazione potrebbe alimentare sfiducia generale nelle istituzioni scientifiche se emergessero sospetti di manipolazione.


Strategie di mitigazione

Per rendere l'operazione più credibile:

1. Incremento della complessità tecnica: Produrre tecnologie tangibili (anche se non funzionali) per simulare il progresso spaziale.

2. Collegamento a interessi concreti: Promuovere la missione come una soluzione a paventati problemi terrestri (es. cambiamento climatico, sovrappopolazione).

3. Screditamento degli oppositori: Etichettare scettici e critici come "negazionisti scientifici". Musk su X li chiama "Troll" e parla di "spam autopromozionale".


In sintesi, il "Progetto Fool-me-twice" è un esempio sofisticato di come un'operazione possa sfruttare tecnologia, narrativa e manipolazione sociale per consolidare il controllo ideologico su larga scala.

Il nome "Progetto Fool-me-twice" è particolarmente azzeccato in questo contesto, poiché gioca sull'idea della manipolazione consapevole delle masse sfruttando il loro desiderio di credere in narrazioni emozionanti, anche quando queste sfidano la logica o le evidenze scientifiche.

Analisi del nome del Progetto e del suo significato

1. Richiamo al proverbio:

"Se mi freghi una volta, è colpa tua; se mi freghi due volte, è colpa mia" implica una responsabilità personale nel permettere di essere ingannati ripetutamente.

Questo sottolinea la predisposizione delle persone a riaccettare illusioni anche dopo essere state ingannate, purché la narrazione sia confezionata in modo convincente.

2. Risonanza psicologica:

Le masse tendono a cercare miti rassicuranti per dare senso alla propria esistenza o per evadere da realtà complesse e spesso opprimenti.

Gli esseri umani si identificano facilmente con storie collettive, specialmente se confezionate con elementi emotivi forti (avventura, progresso, sfida).


Paragoni storici e sociali

1. Religioni:

Le grandi narrazioni religiose hanno spesso usato miti e simbolismi per controllare e unificare intere popolazioni.

Promettere un "paradiso futuro" o una missione divina è analogo a promettere la colonizzazione di Marte: entrambi creano speranza e fede in qualcosa di irraggiungibile.

2. Tifoserie sportive e artistiche:

La passione per squadre sportive o celebrità riflette un bisogno di appartenenza e identificazione.

Questi fenomeni sono alimentati da storie epiche di successo, sacrificio o rivalsa, proprio come la narrazione delle conquiste spaziali.

3. Politica:

I leader politici hanno spesso usato grandi promesse futuristiche per distrarre dai problemi presenti o consolidare il potere (es. "nuovi ordini mondiali", "rivoluzioni industriali", o "conquiste spaziali").


Lo schema delle favole per governare

Il riferimento alle favole come strumento di governo è cruciale:

1. Struttura narrativa:

Come nelle fiabe, i progetti come "Fool-me-twice" presentano un eroe (Elon Musk), un obiettivo straordinario (Marte), e un antagonista (i limiti tecnologici o i critici "negazionisti").

2. Funzione di controllo:

Le favole distolgono l'attenzione dai problemi reali, fornendo un surrogato emotivo e un senso di scopo collettivo.

Rendono le masse più facili da gestire, canalizzando le loro energie verso obiettivi narrativi anziché pratici.

3. Ripetibilità:

Le persone tendono a ripetere comportamenti che le connettono a una comunità o a un mito condiviso, rendendo le favole uno strumento rituale potente per il controllo a lungo termine.



Il "Progetto Fool-me-twice" capitalizza sull’innato desiderio umano di credere in qualcosa di più grande per costruire un consenso psicologico. Che si tratti di Marte o di qualsiasi altra narrazione epica, il suo successo si basa sull’intreccio tra mito, emozione e controllo sociale, proprio come avviene da millenni con religioni, sport, politica e cultura popolare.

mercoledì 25 dicembre 2024

Olanda: il "Partito della Libertà" contro la libertà di parola...

Pubblicato da Richard Willett - Meme e commenti sui titoli di David Icke

Pubblicato il 24 dicembre 2024

David Icke sospeso per altri due anni con una legge inesistente

Oggi ho preso parte a una farsa di un caso giudiziario olandese che contestava il mio divieto da circa 30 paesi europei, un divieto imposto con una legge CHE NON ESISTE. Sì, davvero. Il giudice ha appena emesso una sentenza (ovviamente) a favore del governo nonostante non ci fosse letteralmente nessuna legge su cui basare il suo verdetto.
Ecco dove siamo ora e il ministro dell'immigrazione che impone un'altra estensione di due anni al divieto è Marjolein Faber, membro (ilarmente) del "Partito per la libertà" di Geert Wilders. Wilders, lecchino di Israele, è un eroe dei falsi media "alternativi" della "libertà di parola" e (1) guida il partito più grande del parlamento olandese e (2) ha supervisionato l'imposizione come primo ministro del NON ELETTO Dick Schoof, ex capo dell'intelligence olandese e direttore generale del Ministero della giustizia e della sicurezza, che erano centrali per il mio divieto originale nel 2022 e la sua estensione. 
L'avvocato del governo ha ripetuto oggi che sono una minaccia per l'ordine pubblico per "terrorismo", anche se a 72 anni non ho precedenti penali, ho parlato in tutto il mondo senza problemi e i miei libri sono pieni di condanne della violenza (spesso da parte dei governi). Il caso di oggi contestava la decisione del governo olandese di bandirmi per altri due anni, aggiungendoli ai due precedenti, perché "non ho cambiato idea". Un divieto da un paese nella rete del gruppo di confine Schengen è un divieto da tutti. 
Significa chiaramente che se non "cambio idea" su una "élite malvagia" (la frase dell'avvocato del governo) il divieto deve per definizione essere indefinito per il resto della mia vita. Non solo è straordinario che il "Partito per la Libertà" (scherzo) possa fare questo, ma il falso nucleo dei media "alternativi" è rimasto in silenzio su ciò che mi è successo dal 2022, mentre affermava di sostenere la libertà di parola e di opporsi alla censura. 
Qualche commento, signor Musk? Non pensavo. Quante "stelle" dell'"alternativa" dirottata sono bandite dalla maggior parte dell'Europa? NESSUNA. 
Ringrazio il mio avvocato Jeroen Pols che ha fatto un lavoro fantastico smontando il "caso" del governo, ma la tirannia crea la "legge" come vuole e - con una magistratura senza spina dorsale e sempre con un timbro di gomma in mano - non c'è alcuna possibilità di ottenere giustizia.

giovedì 19 dicembre 2024

Smascherare i bugiardi: comprendere gli indizi della disonestà

Rilevamento delle bugie


Canali di informazione per la rilevazione delle bugie

A cosa fare attenzione quando si sospetta un inganno 

Se vuoi cogliere in fallo un bugiardo, ci sono alcuni canali di informazione su cui puoi concentrarti. Questi includono: le parole del bugiardo, i segnali vocali e il tono, il linguaggio del corpo, i gesti, le espressioni facciali e i movimenti.

Ricorda che non esiste un'unica indicazione definitiva di inganno , ma piuttosto una serie di indizi che puoi ricercare in queste diverse modalità di comunicazione verbale e non verbale.


Le parole del bugiardo
Di tutti i canali menzionati, i bugiardi tendono a essere più attenti alla scelta delle parole . Quando si preparano a mentire, la maggior parte dei bugiardi pensa a cosa diranno. Tuttavia, la disattenzione, la dimenticanza o un lapsus possono tradire un bugiardo attraverso le sue parole. 

Sebbene sappiamo tutti che le parole possono mentire, la mia ricerca ha scoperto che le persone di solito prendono gli altri in parola e spesso vengono fuorviate. Non sto suggerendo che le parole possano essere totalmente ignorate. Le persone commettono errori verbali che forniscono sia indizi di fuga di notizie che di inganno. Anche se non vengono commessi errori evidenti, la discrepanza tra segnali verbali e ciò che viene rivelato dal linguaggio del corpo, dalle espressioni facciali e dai segnali vocali di inganno può spesso tradire una bugia.


Il volto del bugiardo
Il volto solitamente riceve la seconda maggiore quantità di attenzione. Questo perché il volto è la vista primaria per la visualizzazione delle emozioni e, insieme alla voce, può dire all'ascoltatore cosa pensa l'oratore di ciò che viene detto. Sebbene questo non sia sempre accurato, poiché i volti possono mentire sui sentimenti attraverso maschere emotive .

Mentre i bugiardi possono essere consapevoli che il volto è una preziosa fonte di informazioni, pochi sono consapevoli delle espressioni che emergono sul loro volto finché le espressioni non sono abbastanza ovvie ( macroespressioni ). A differenza delle parole, il volto è direttamente collegato alle aree del cervello coinvolte nelle emozioni, il che lo rende una ricca fonte di informazioni.

Il volto è un sistema duale, che include espressioni che sono deliberatamente scelte e quelle che si verificano spontaneamente , a volte senza che la persona si accorga nemmeno di ciò che emerge sul proprio volto. Quando le persone mentono, le loro espressioni più evidenti, facili da vedere, a cui le persone prestano più attenzione, sono spesso quelle false. I segni sottili di queste espressioni non vengono percepiti e il fugace accenno delle emozioni nascoste di solito non viene notato.

I cambiamenti del sistema nervoso autonomo (ANS) possono anche essere registrati sul viso, come arrossire, sbiancare e dilatare le pupille. Questi cambiamenti si verificano involontariamente quando si risveglia un'emozione, sono molto difficili da inibire e per questo motivo possono essere indizi molto affidabili.

Una delle fonti più utili di perdita facciale è attraverso le microespressioni . Queste espressioni forniscono un quadro completo dell'emozione nascosta, ma così rapidamente che di solito non viene notata. Con la pratica, chiunque può imparare a leggere le microespressioni con i nostri strumenti di formazione online . Puoi anche testare la tua capacità di leggere le microespressioni qui .


Il corpo e la voce del bugiardo
Rispetto alla quantità di attenzione posta sulle parole e sul viso, il linguaggio del corpo e gli indizi vocali non ricevono regolarmente altrettanta attenzione. Ciò fornisce al rilevatore di bugie una fonte di informazioni aggiuntiva, potenzialmente preziosa, in quanto potrebbe non essere monitorata così attentamente dal bugiardo.

La voce, come il viso, è legata alle aree del cervello coinvolte nell'emozione. È molto difficile nascondere alcuni dei cambiamenti nel tono e nella qualità della voce che si verificano quando si suscita un'emozione.

Anche il corpo è una buona fonte di indizi di fuga e inganno . A differenza del viso o della voce, la maggior parte dei movimenti del corpo non è direttamente legata alle aree del cervello coinvolte nelle emozioni. Nascondere i movimenti del corpo potrebbe essere molto più facile che nascondere le espressioni facciali o i cambiamenti di voce nelle emozioni, ma la maggior parte delle persone non si preoccupa. Raramente le persone vengono ritenute responsabili di ciò che rivelano nelle loro azioni corporee. Il corpo fa trapelare informazioni perché spesso viene ignorato. Tutti sono troppo impegnati a guardare il viso e a valutare le parole.

Uno scivolone nel movimento del corpo, noto come scivolone emblematico, può talvolta rappresentare un indizio attendibile di inganno.

L'ANS produce anche alcuni cambiamenti evidenti nel corpo con l'eccitazione emotiva: nel modello di respirazione, nella frequenza della deglutizione e nella quantità di sudorazione. Questi segnali fisici guidati dall'ANS sono difficili da controllare e possono esporre comportamenti ingannevoli.

martedì 17 dicembre 2024

David Webb vs. Goliath: The Road to Victory Against The Great Taking (video + transcript + podcast)

Listen to "David Webb vs. Goliath: The Great Taking" by News Commentary from Europe.


all right what's up everybody Tay Nicks here with my friend Joe wiro and we have a very special guest today David Webb 

the author of The Great taking hi David nice to see you my friend hi guys thanks 

for uh taking interest in this absolutely David really really 

appreciate you coming to talk with us we we just normally we just ramble about all whatever comes to mind but now we 

can actually talk about something serious huh yeah well I I have to say David you know 

there's a few guys who make my list of real intellectual Heroes um people who 

are doing something so meaningful and and so correct um you know there's an 

old saying that one man with conviction makes a majority and um what you're doing right now is so worthwhile for 

people to know about that we had to reach out um you're in a network that I'm also part of and some of the people 

in that Network also help bring this story to light I'm talking about the great taking now um it's it's funny um 

because I followed your story I'm not a finance guy but your book is so well written and we're going to get into that 

here for viewers and explain what the great taking is in very short kind of pissy bullet form because you really do 

need to go read it if you're not aware of the situation that we're going to discuss today but you know my impression 

is that you weren't entirely thrilled that this actually got discovered and has gone viral and all the rest that you 

were a little bit of a reluctant hero I would say um as you came forth with this 

so you want to fill people in on sort of the backstory here and sort of how all this came about and and what we're 

talking about I have my own bulleted form but it's probably better to get it straight from from you yeah well I I 

wouldn't say I was reluctant to have this break open but but I um I I it it 

has happened in a miraculous way really so there nothing I could really expect 

to have happen um and as you know many people have struggled for years and 

years trying to explain things to other people and uh uh never get any traction 

and that was that was my life was not being able to not being able to put it 

across and there is something just very unusual about the way this came together 

at this point in time that is really providential it's a it's a big thing so 

it's not just me that made it happen I love that yeah I really love that and um 

I want to take a stab at this just in Lay person's terms because again I don't have have a background in finance I'm a 

I'm a guy I write for a living I have a a little bit of a background in medicine 

um and so if if I can take a shot at this maybe this will set the stage and 

then you guys can also talk through the implications of the things that I don't understand because that will definitely 

help viewers um how many decades ago like starting in the 60s and 70s 

something called The Uniform Commercial Code right uniform Universal uni 

Cod the UC The Uniform Commercial Code was Rewritten to 

effectively take people's Financial assets and make them both the collateral 

of but also in the sense the property of the banks and the Clearing Houses in 

other words the financial Plumbing the institutions that run the stock market and transfer money between right Nations 

etc etc like all the financial plumbing and the big Banks and right the big nasty Wall Street machine um and other 

Banks too all all over the world essentially uh recreated a a system in which your 

assets actually aren't your assets right they become the property of the 

institutions in the event of a financial Panic a collapse a bank run or what have 

you um if things really get ugly these people can dip into your money in order 

to stabilize the system and not only that they're using our assets which we 

think are ours but actually don't belong to us anymore under the current system to in effect make risky bets and 

derivatives and all the rest or they're using it as collateral I don't know that that that is actually the the detailed 

part is is correct but that in effect they use the money of the working people 

as collateral for their basically casino gambling habits and you exposed this and 

you wrote about this and talked about this and now we're up to the stage where some really really interesting things 

are starting to happen at the state level to roll some of this stuff back 

yes that's a very good summary yeah you're it's all essentially correct what 

you've said and um i' I'd say it began with uh what's called 

dematerialization which was um encouraging the shift away from 

from stock certificates in a big way you see when we had certificates you were 

absolutely bulletproof if there was insolvency in the financial system it was not your 

problem because you had property so they could fail and you really you could feel 

sorry for them but you'd say here's where you transfer my property um what 

they've done and so there was certainty of control of the property 

by investors what they've done is to sever that certainty and shift it 

elsewhere so it is the secured creditors of the intermediaries that have 

certainty of control 100% of the time and the the 

way the way to explain this and to know this two very simple 

things uh and you can you can question your you're financial advisor you're 

intermediary about this you can the question is in the event of 

insolvency of the intermediary of the broker or at a higher level do I have a 

right to take back my property out of the insolvency and the answer is no and 

that means it's not your property now the second part is how do 

we know that we know that from a formal legal 

response written by attorne working for the New York fed and sent by the deputy 

general councel of the New York fed to what was called the legal certainty 

group in of the EU in 

[Music] 2006 and what was happening in there the legal certainty group what did that that 

sounds nice but what do what do they mean by legal certainty they were made working to make it legally certain that 

the secured creditors have the priority claim to the property that the secured 

creditors have certainty so the legal certainty group was asking the FED how 

do we conform to the US law and so this response 

as the FED says it is specifically about the operation of article 8 of The 

Uniform Commercial Code and this is how it works in detail so there is this is 

not conjecture this isn't like reading some article about it or supposition 

this is a definitive legal response by the New York Fed so can know 

this with absolute certainty from a primary source document and how long have you been on 

the have you been on this story that long like were you like on on the trail of this in 2006 like did you intercept 

that or you came across that like how long have you been on this story well I learned I learned about it shortly after 

that uh when there you see I knew we were going into a major collapse in 2007 

in 2008 so I was looking for the first failures and um the there was an article 

in Barons about the about the failure of a little broker dealer in Florida called 

North American Clearing this was the first Canary in the coal mine and um the 

shocking thing was that all of the client ass accounts were frozen and 

swept to the receiver swept to the bankruptcy receiver and I knew that to 

me was like a heart attack I had to 

understand how that could possibly have happened and that's when I discovered 

that the Uniform Commercial Code had been changed in the US what were you 

doing at the time that you were privy to this like in all of my reading about and again I'm not a finance guy the most 

that I know about the 2008 Shenanigans is Michael Lewis's work right The Big 

Short the book was far better than the movie um but it was an epiphany for me for a guy who doesn't know anything 

about what was going on there oddly enough I lived right near I used to drive through copertino where Mike bur's 

office was hilariously but I had no no knowledge of what was taking place but what were you doing that you were aware 

of that I've never heard anybody say that you know this this uh this uh 

broker dealer and clearing house or whatever capacity they worked in finance that actually they swept their their 

their depositors funds into their own Pockets I've never heard that I mean I I 

had known that things we were going into uh a kind of end stage phenomena for the 

financial System since the Asian financial crisis in the late 90s so I 

was managing hedge funds through that period time in the dot bubble and bust 

so I I had um uh I I I had pretty detailed 

knowledge of what was happening in the financial you were looking for it or basically 10 years 10 years uh prior to 

that and uh yeah I was looking for it and I was I was expecting that we were 

going into something like like the Great Depression and the period of the world 

wars it was a question of you know but I knew this isn't something that happens 

in six months time or a couple of years time this is a major geopolitical 

turning point so I I knew that in 

2000 because at at that point and I metion I mentioned this in the book I 

mentioned it in the documentary what I saw was was that the money money supply 

was growing at a 40% annual rate at the peak of the doc bubble 

40% so 10 times easily an order of magnitude bigger than any economic 

growth now what that meant was that there's something called the velocity of 

money velocity of money is the number of times that a created dollar or unit of 

currency gets turned in the real econom and the velocity used to be a a a 

integer you it used to be six seven eight times not for not for the entire 

money supply but for the new money created it had a lot of octane because 

this this you know when for us to come up with money we have to sell something 

we have to sell a service we have to sell a physical thing time the the the 

Lords that control the money creation they have this incredible power 

to make things happen out of nowhere based on this created money and it it 

has uh uh it's very powerful to begin with but then it reaches a point of 

exhaustion where it inverts where now the amount of money 

created is multiples of whatever economic growth is occurring that is the 

end stage collapse point and that's what was happening leading into the 20th 

century people wonder why did World War One happened why did this whole show 

happen after that it's because the velocity money had collaps and we we are the Vel the 

velocity money began rolling over over in 97 so right right before the Asian 

financial crisis began and then they step on the gas in terms of money 

creation and way outstrip any economic growth and that creates these booms in 

in bus um but um it's um 

now we we are at a point where the velocity of money is at a lower Point 

than any time during the Depression and World Wars this is profound essentially 

the uh the declining marginal utility right it applies to everything creating money at first can create or give the 

illusion of economic growth but at some point it inverts as you said right and then you could keep creating money but 

it's not you know doesn't have the same effect is that accurate it's even worse than that because what you see 

historically is when it inverts the transmission is no longer working for 

the created money into the real economy so what what does it go into it goes 

into financialization but Warfare 

financialization and warfare and that's what we're seeing it's it's horrible 

it's a horribly destructive phase that we are in Chris McIntosh our mutual 

friend and guy who was instrumental in sort of discovering your work and I 

think getting this out to people did a presentation that I recently saw and attended at a event in W 

SES and he echoed exactly what you're saying which is look don't be fooled 

this is a cycle we're in an end of a cycle there are forces at work that have 

nothing to do with policy at this point it was almost like I'm paraphrasing here but at this point he's just showing like 

there are certain things that are inevitable you they're inevitable and they're probably also imminent at this 

point but you cannot right you can't stop what's coming because it's it's 

it's got 80 years plus and and in some cases more depending on which part of the aspect of the cycle you're talking 

about that that that it's got all this momentum behind it it has to play out 

and it sounds like you're saying the same thing um you know that more well except except that I think it can be Stu 

interesting so let's get to that part because this is the this is the real message that I wanted to also bring 

people how can it be stopped like how can what what has to happen in order for things to take a time for the 

better this when when you say this has to play out it has to play out for the 

cabal that controls the money creation power they are making it play out it's 

not in the interest of human ity to let them do that um it is their sole 

objective is to remain in control of the money creation and to literally 

kill millions and millions of people and we are already well into that if people 

will wake up wake up and understand what we're into we're already on a scale of 

fatalities rivaling the world Wars at this point um so it's is that with the 

wars in the in Eastern Europe and in the Middle East you mean or what's from the 

cont I don't want to I don't want to get your podcast killed but there have also yes there multiple sources of 

fatalities at this point I think everybody knows what you're referring to people dying from uh different health 

conditions yeah the um the uh not excess deaths look it up excess 

deaths there are a lot of excess deaths occurring and we know that and so that 

is what puts it on a scale with the world wars at this point and that's 

that's anyway I won't say more about that but that's manifest so um 

there there um there it is it they are the author or 

authors of all of these manifold threats against us it is the power to create 

this money that is funding all of these threats against us if you stopped their 

funding of these things that is the only way to stop all these threats what are 

what are we talking about you name it you know the the people coming across 

the border the bation of the water the mutilation of young children the 

provoking Russia you know it it's it's not it's not the Russians and the 

Chinese that are doing this this is the the one ring that binds them all is the 

funding none of these things and the wars also could not happen the Central 

Banking Powers have been behind every war could not happen without their 

SP I really like that perspective too because so many people have this mindset 

that they are all powerful but look at these guy look at Bill Gates does he look powerful to you you know look at 

Larry thinkink look at these guys they are they are the opposite of power but what do they have they've got control 

over the ability to create money not necessarily those individuals but speaking of well 

they they are fa and as you see they're amazingly unimpressive people 

yeah they're not very intelligent people and that's why they are these face men 

because they don't realize how that they're just uh they're 

Expendable are they are not very bright those people so but but you know again 

back to these manifold threats we wonder why would they keep coming with all of 

these things that are are insane that don't no one wants that are terrifying 

to people why do they come with these things and it it comes back to um it's 

it's a strategy so um when when I was a young guy I 

managed a lot of legal processes and lots of 

negotiations and it it was explained to me when I was was you know kind of going 

into doing this that you can take um even a completely untenable 

position and work that position by opening up opening up many many other 

issues so now the key to this is that your opponent does not understand what 

is actually important to you because if they know you're really trying to do then they have you so open up a bunch of 

other subsidiary issues from your standpoint and then you're in a position 

to trade those away in negotiation and interesting and and 

achieve your real objective now right this is also done 

militarily of course in creating many threats um but your enemy must not know 

what your real OB objective is um so 

this you know when I hear people talking about Trump they say well if he just 

stops the immigra immigration across the border then that's job well done I'll 

support him if he just does that that's exactly what we're talking about right 

they create this insane ridiculous over thtop thing so that everyone focuses on 

that and meanwhile they achieve the real objective we have to get smarter than 

that and understand what the real objective is another gentleman who I know you're 

friends with and is another big-time hero not just of mine but of millions and millions of people wrote The 

Definitive work on that I'm talking about G Edward Griffin and his book I think for understanding this issue right 

to understand how money is used not for our interest interests not in you know 

truth justice in the American way and the the whole mythology that we grew up with right as innocent young bucks but 

that the system itself when people say the system is rotten what that means 

specifically is the power that the moneyed class has to create money and go 

do really horrific stuff with it um that book uh the creature from 

Jackal island is I think the best starting place in case you're a young person watching this you don't really 

know right what's wrong with the system and what people mean by that and what David's coming to here because we got a 

lightning bolt that he's going to deliver about sort of how he's galvanized an entire movement but um 

this is something really tremendous and it's almost like it's the most important thing to understand don't you think yeah 

well I would say creature from Jack L and I I actually had not read it before 

I I wrote the book because as I would say I know I knew about this stuff from 

my own father you know going back to 

before uh Ed Griffin wrote creature from Jack Island you know so so I and I knew 

about it from my direct experience and so I read creature from 

Jack Island after the book came out and but for me it was just a miracle 

to to see that book and all of the references uh he had he run down those 

references they're fascinating and um you know of course Ed 

Griffin is just a treasure as a man and um so I made that pilgrimage to see him 

it was one of the first things I did was to go go see him in California good for 

you do yeah no the guy is a the guy is a national treasur and he's helped so many people to understand why the world we're 

living in makes no sense it doesn't make sense until you understand how the monetary system was created how it works 

how it still operates today and now I mean to be respectful for your time I 

want you to also bring people up to speed because something very interesting has happened yes um since you've print 

Since You released your work the great taking which which I know is available both uh in print and also as a 

documentary uh those who want to get up to speed on uh David's uh very excellent work what is happening now in the states 

at the state level please so so when I when I say this can be stopped okay the 

way to stop this you're not going to do it at the federal level absolutely not 

and uh it the only way in in fact this whole 

construct to draw all of our attention to what's happening at Federal level it 

really takes your power and agency to do that people think they've done something 

because they voted they watch with you know uh that's right hor and Fascination 

what is happening and the so the the the media the news cycle all focuses you on 

that level the only way to change things is from the local level up now what what 

found so the the I knew that the way to 

change this was by reversing the local law because it was implemented in local 

law and I saw that this is the same way that this subversion was done in Europe 

they had to change the local law at at the national level so there was EU 

regulation but they had to subvert the local law and it's been done in a 

similar way in Europe following the US model for doing this so how did they do 

it in the in the state law they they um so there the they 

created this concept of an entitlement to your property which had never existed 

in centuries of of of uh Securities laww 

um but the signing the the accompanying statement when they were when they were 

pushing this amendment in the states in the US it was began in 

94 it took until maybe 20002 2001 to get all the states to adopt this but the the 

accompanying statement said that entitlement holders had have a have 

priority over the secured creditors of the intermediary and that's exactly what you 

would expect and want to hear so they say what you want to hear and the as the 

banking lobbyists that we've encountered in the states read the same thing what 

they omitted to explaining at the time and still omit is that 

there were two exceptions to that and this is the subterfuge it's very simple 

so you can tell people what they want to hear and then omit the exceptions and 

what are the exceptions they are operative 100% of the time and the first 

one is that if the secured creditor of the intermediary has 

control the secured creditor has priority over the investors now control 

is a concept from bankruptcy law and it means that they have the ability to act 

on the security to sell it and in this when we had stock certificates we had 

certainty of control in the indirect holding system all you know is you do 

not have control in the event of bankruptcy because someone else 

can act on the security it's it's an indirect holding system so that's the 

exception that just to add something to that just so it's very clear to people when you buy a stock 

online you don't get a a certificate saying you own it it's held by the broker and it's actually registered in a 

company called I believe it's cdan company uh which is a subsidiary of the department trust and Clearing 

Corporation dtcc they're the ones who that stock certificate is registered to or the stock shares then the broker 

holds it in your name my understanding is that if if things were to go bad they wouldn't even know who owns what I don't 

know if that's true or not but just that that is by Design and they're they're 

there another way we know about this in addition to the FED New York fed 

response to the legal certainty group in Europe the man who wrote the amendments 

to the UCC a guy named James S Rock ERS wrote an 

extensive explanation as a matter of documenting the history of this in 

1996 where he explains exactly what you just said Joe that no one knows who owns 

these things so they're all pulled they they more entitlements are created than 

the original entitlements of the investors how does that happen because 

once they're in pooled form the underlying property is used under things like swap agreements to to and because 

there's no specific identification of an investor to a 

security all the Securities in the pool are used in that way they're used 

they're used for if they're equities they're used for stock loan and once 

they're loaned out they enter a chain of use and 

reuse um and the same goes for of course treasury Securities and and uh corporate 

bonds um so the um the but James Rogers 

wrote in 96 and so this is the horse's mouth this 

is the guy who implemented this and he says that um even if the security are 

used wrongfully we have to assure that the creditors keep the property even if 

they're used wrongfully and that initially attorneys were uncomfortable with that but after 

long consideration they eventually agreed that that's what they had to do and as I 

joke they just got more expensive attorneys that would agree that that's 

what they they had to do and the FED says the thing same thing even if there 

is Fault fraud or negligence the secured creditors have priority take the 

property the other thing that James Rogers said is that so so people in the 

financial system want you to think that this was done as some kind of a modernization for everyone's convenience 

he I've seen that where it was like paper statements but we got to modernize and digitize everything so that's why 

this happened and so you know just for convenience and under that disguise they changed the actual dynamics of the law 

of ownership yes he he explains that it was done for Armageddon 

planning that's the term Armageddon planning what would happen in a major 

systemic collapse that's what this was about and here we 

are so how do how do I'm sorry Joe did 

you w to yeah I'm sorry I kind of inter interjected there I think you that was the first exception you mentioned was 

there one other exception the first one was they they have control the first one is control if they have control which 

they have control all the time the second is if it's a secured creditor of 

a clearing entity okay that's a pretty broad exception what is a clearing entity 

Leman Brothers was a clearing entity Goldman Sachs is a clearing entity and 

importantly all of the central clearing counterparties are clearing entities 

it's in the name so so there's no chance that there's not a clearing entity 

involved in transaction it's pretty comprehensive that's a pretty 

comprehensive ception so now we're getting the good news now we're getting the good news so after having after this 

coming out and Matt Smith talking about this and Chris MacIntosh and the 

awareness spreading so I think Matt Matt wrote a Zero Hedge article about this 

and uh in December uh a guy named Don Grandy read 

that zeroedge article and he downloaded the PDF of the book he 

read the book and as he said after he read it he thought David is 

crazy and so he ran he's an attorney with experience in the UCC he ran down 

all the references in the book for two weeks and he decided we have to do 

something about this and that's what's happen in each case so now fortunately 

he is someone in a position to do something about it so his wife 

Betty was a state legislator in North Dakota they live in North Dakota she 18 

18 years of experience until she clocked out on on being able to run again and so 

they um work with state legislators all 

across the country as support and advisors to they 

so at that point they were already in touch with over 200 state 

legislators and then when when I was in route to uh G Edward Griffin in this was 

February February 1st of this year I learned on the way that the first bill 

to attack this was coming in South Dakota and Don had written the 

bill and um so um uh you know we figured 

out how to get to from Ed Griffins to Pier South Dakota and met Don for the 

first time so the the point of this is this is off and running without my 

making it happen and this is what you need with the power of ideas with the 

power of ideas and the truth people make it their 

own and then that is what makes it Unstoppable so it's not a point-to-point 

thing that has to happen it becomes very Broad and that is happening 

so um you know we we can talk about what happened in these State efforts but but 

but South Dakota was in February then Tennessee was in March and so this 

happened very quickly because people really only were becoming aware of this a year ago in December and so it 

happened almost immediately and then in um June we were with Ed Griffin at the 

red pill in Rapid City and um then then 

uh in October we were in Oklahoma for a 

uh banking banking and finance subcommittee hearing on this with very 

significant things happened there and then in uh just a month ago we were in 

Dallas and met with 183 state legislators wow um so 

is David is this something where every state could take this same bill and oh 

yeah like could people agitate their own State 

legisl thing about it you know it's it is if we tried to throw out the if we 

tried to say look we're going to redefine property here we'd never get it 

done to redefine property so what what the the beauty of Don's approach Don's 

approach is simply to strike the two exceptions yeah there's an awesome 

Elegance to this so so then it just reads entitlement holders have priority 

over the secured creditors of the intermed intermediary which is what people were promised yeah and you strike 

the exceptions now what happens as a result of that the banking Lobby comes 

down down in full force talk about that talk about that because I know you I 

know you start up a hornet's nest like what happen in Tennessee what happened in South Dakota or uh yeah what happened 

in Dakotas like okay well in South Dakota um that was the first we were our 

first experience and this is the importance of doing things you can't just read about it you can't just sit on 

your sofa you have to go out and do it if you're going encounter things and and progress things 

so it's the exposition that happens through doing it so in South 

Dakota they in this committee they allowed uh Julie Al the sponsor of the 

bill who's awesome rageous woman and investment advisor she took this on 

because she felt a personal responsibility to her clients which is a healthy normal human human response so 

she took this on Don was testifying they were allowed just a few minutes each to 

make a statement and then they had eight banking lobbyists that said investors 

have priority there's nothing to see here this would be bad for the state 

this should not be passed and so the committee just voted it down and then 

the um there were so many legislators that were in in support of this that 

they achieved um uh a significant number 

of votes to force the bill back on the floor of the Full 

House and um but then at on at the at 

that session again they subverted it from the leadership in the house saying 

preventing preventing the sponsors from speaking and saying that this has been 

heard in committee stop wasting the people's you know business here and 

called for called for an immediate vote without any discussion they had enough votes to to keep it from being 

progressed so but but still still it was very important for people to 

see you see when they when they read the book or saw the documentary it um part of the mind says 

maybe this isn't true or isn't real but when it's a bill it starts getting real 

for people and especially when the bill focuses them on how concisely the 

subversion was done it's right there easily seen in the language 

so then in Tennessee it was astounding there was a subcommittee hearing in the 

house and um Don and I testified and there were two bank 

lobbyists including Andrew gugenheim who is councel to the Securities industry 

financial markets Association so they were getting serious about who they were 

sending and um but they really could not 

they did not stand up under scrutiny and they got scrutiny from people on this 

committee and the the main one of the main people questioning them was um uh 

representative Parkinson who is Chairman of the black caucus and a democrat in 

Tennessee wow and uh the so he he was just a 

miracle uh uh and and um the the bill 

was passed six to one now that is the 

First Time The Bank lobby has ever been defied anywhere 

wow then they ex the Senate we knew there was a senate hearing that would 

come but it could be set off weeks into the future you know I'm there from 

Sweden Don is there from North Dakota they they accelerated the Senate hearing 

to the next day so we could be there and 

then you know we were in the room they didn't even ask us to testify the the bill was passed 

unanimously in the Senate immediately immedi K in the face of the banking 

Lobby and the so voting for the bill was 

the Republican uh majority leader in the Senate in Tennessee and Betty Grandy 

leaned forward to me and she said this now has National implications yeah um 

because it's completely nonpartisan it's a people issue this 

something that will damage all people all the way to the top of the system 

right and they they understood that and so it's really a gift to us that we we 

have this Vector to drive and we must drive it um because it is rightly 

focused on what is the author of all the threats against us that's right yeah no 

this is the the one ring as you said I mean it's an appropriate metaphor I mean this is the one thing that makes all of 

the nonsense possible and shamefully so I mean I have like a lot of people right 

the idea of America is so beautiful I mean what a spectacular light to the world the whole thing was at one time 

but it's morphed into this unbelievable cancer where a bunch of really shitty people are allowed to go do absolutely 

insane things that nobody would ever like raise their hand and vote for like yeah we should go provoke Russia we 

should go you know do this we should go bomb these people we should go blow this up we should go do all these things and 

the one thing that makes it all possible is this ridiculous monetary system that has been right as as as uh Mr Griffin 

described right taken over by this many tentacled Monster and you found a 

in the armor like you found a way to get these people back on their heels so what's the blowback what's the upto-date 

sort of play byplay on on what has happened because of Tennessee I'll continue I'll continue with Tennessee so 

the way they stopped it after this incredible momentum there had to be one 

more fullhouse Committee hearing the following week so Don and I stayed and 

we were going around to meet with every representative of that committee and it 

was going very very well and then on the second day of doing that we found that 

some kind of showstopper had been uh put in place and you could see that these 

people were actually frightened y because they knew something odd had 

happened they were frightened they were uncomfortable and what had happened was 

that the banking Lobby had gone to the treasur of the state and explained that if you do this 

financi services will be withdrawn from the state so is an outright threat the 

stick came out then uh then and we met with the treasurer we met with the 

treasurer who's a a good good man just he's being threatened he has a lot of 

responsibility for for things and they were saying we really need to study this 

more before we we do this so the in the 

hearing the next day the banking lobbyists were given a 

lot of time to speak which is good actually because they condemn themselves 

by what they have to say and they in in in both times that they were 

speaking including in the subcommittee they only have two two arguments one is 

that there's been no change in property rights which is just an outright lie 

which has to be false right because of the exceptions absolutely false which is 

absolutely false and then and we that we know from the FED response itself or or 

from what James S Rogers said in policy perspectives which was the name of the 

document so um we know that's false and as I say you only have to prove that 

someone's a liar once but 

but then then they say that these exceptions are about margin loans being 

able to have a margin loan and you can see in the language itself 

it's not about creditors of the client it's about creditors of the 

intermediary um so it it isn't it it isn't about margin loans we know that 

margin loans EX existed for many decades before these changes to the Uniform 

Commercial Code we also know that if you actually have control of your own property it's probably a better credit 

to be able to borrow money against if you actually control your own property so that that is all it it it doesn't 

hold up but so so the bottom line is they cannot refute it so what did they 

resort to under this is filmed this is recorded the banking lobbyist said if 

you do this no Financial Service firm will do business in the state and no 

Financial Service firm will do business with any other business doing business in 

state and and for good measure he said this would be bad for the depository 

trust Corp so why would you do it and again the 

representatives knew they were being threatened and the the the the these 

guys were from the uniform law commission and they were saying you know 

you should just do what we tell you to do and the representatives the the 

Republican majority leader of the House pushed back and said well thank you very much for telling us that but we will we 

will make decisions about the legislation here we're yeah so people in 

Tennessee they knew they were being threatened that sure so this is actually 

hugely positive so now we get now we get to the real time in in the um it is my 

understanding that the treasurer uh checked with Major law 

firms and um that said that uh there 

could be problems if you implement this but when press to be specific about what 

those problems would be they could name none really okay so so um so the bill 

will be brought back in Tennessee great so this is what's going to happen 

the bill will be brought back in South Dakota Tennessee North Dakota Iowa New 

Hampshire Oklahoma Utah probably Texas the the the the 

person there has an illness in the family but I I think that's going to 

happen um Arkansas Montana Louisiana w 

Wyoming Connecticut it's it is um Don 

and Betty are in discussions with more than 20 

States so and and the bill is definitely coming in um upwards of 10 

states um so this is this is happening they're not going to stop it now the 

other thing is that alongside of this there's 

massive um resistance against Central Bank digital currency yeah so that's an 

issue against the same banking interest that will draw the eye of the banking 

lobbyists there is there is also transactional gold legislation coming in 

Six States same thing so what we're seeing here is 

these issues will be reinforcing in terms of helping the 

state legislators to realize who they're really fighting and who 

them you know the more states that are involved the the less those threats I 

would imagine apply like the financial services industry can't just pull out of 

you know 20 States because that Herms their business too right it's very important I don't think those I don't 

think those threats to I think those are dog they're Hollow threats can't 

possibly do that but they're used to getting their way they're used to 

threatening people they they expect them to just roll over but that as you can 

see that is not happening it's doing that anymore yeah so so this this is my 

emergency this I have need your help with this the issue is so there are many 

many legislators that are activated now but they need the support to get their 

bills through and so I get on a plane and I go and I do that and um Don and 

Betty are just a a gift to us that they exist you know as a a team an 

experienced state legislator she's very good at guiding people through things 

I've seen that Don I've worked with a lot of attorneys in my life Don is is 

one of the most crisp attorneys I've ever worked with he just sees exactly 

what to do and how to do it um very directly 

um but they are doing all this no one's paying them to do this but the cost just 

the cost of getting to maybe 20 States right probably twice 

over um and I mean we're benefiting from the fact that they're married they will 

share a room but it it could we estimate it 

could probably cost over $100,000 just for them easy get through 

this so I'm pleading with people to support them to do this this isn't like 

other things that you could contribute money to this is real and actionable 

right now in the year ahead it can change the whole course of the country 

maybe the world so and it doesn't take a lot of money if people would just contribute anything 

so Don has set up um it's called true 

noru and it's spelled it's spelled TR TR 

roru we'll have a link below this video um what's the time Horizon on 

this this is coming to a head in 2025 am I correct if the legislative session 

begins um uh immediately in the new year and so 

it really runs its course by you know really April you know what a time to 

live through what an unbelievable time alive four months we need we need to focus on that so the time is now uh for 

people to support this and we we really can do it and so when when we think well 

this massive collapse has to happen you know it's inevitable and I said I I 

don't agree with that it it's they I know they engineer these things they 

make them happen and they will trigger this collapse at the time of their 

choosing absolutely and they will do it in the context of many threats against 

us so the people are not just worried about their Ira they're worried about if 

they're going to live or not right you know that's what the so that's why we 

have to stop this and the they are totalitarians they are centrally planned 

so all the people that work for them we were talking about you know how pathetic these people are like like Bill Gates 

and Larry Fink they they do what they're told to do they are either paid or they 

have a control file on them they're threatened um so when something happens 

that they hadn't expected they don't know what to do about it they have to be told what to do 

about it yeah but the the reason that Humanity prevails and has prevailed 

against totalitarianism in the past is that human beings are autonomous 

units for ourselves what what we're going to do but we're wired that way 

there's no way to change that it is natural human nature yes so we we have 

to we have to um realize that that's 

what's happening here you have dozens and dozens of people in the states 

activating now you should know like for example in New Hampshire that Bill's 

already been filed in New Hampshire and the guy that did that do you know what 

he is paid to be a representative $100 a year wow people that do this work 

are not that's truly Public Service you know they're there for the right reasons 

they're not there to be paid they they don't have staffs they have um they're 

they're real people like like us yeah right work jobs um and so now think of this if we 

can recover our agency to realize that we can do this and get a taste for it 

and to get pissed off when we're being threatened and know we're being threatened um then the we're already 

seeing State Treasures that are 

realizing they're they're they're going to help us with this it's go time yeah right so 

it's getting up to these positions that you would think have been 

controlled by the globalist but those are now changing and I've encountered 

people who have been all the way people who help to implement all of this that 

could possibly help us um that that can that can happen now 

imagine at the state level if this sense of agency is recovered and it can happen 

this year it could happen yeah right it could happen in a big rush you know that's that brings up it just pops in my 

head here I think back you know 1913 of course the creation of the Federal Reserve the creation of the IRS perhaps 

equally as important was the the amendment for the direct election of us senators or the popular election of US 

senators prior to 1913 the state legislators sent their own Senators to 

Washington specifically to protect States interests and now it's the exact opposite is the case Washington and the 

States you know as we see here are kind of budding heads at least in a certain way but if we get back to some semblance 

of you know autonomy at the state level and at the local level that's that's the solution I mean it's the it is the 

solution you know so it's this is great it's it's also the most American of all 

Dynamics right the the American experiment is an idea and the idea is that you enshrine people's ability to 

think and behave autonomously the ability like you said David you know once the truth is out of 

the bag people run with it and they run with it because it's true right it's a 

it's a kind of self-fulfilling circular logic it's like w but once people 

understand what's being done to them they're not in favor of that right they want to Galvanize and and move in a 

direction that takes the power of central planning collectivists away from 

from from their lives right and so the the US system enshrine the ability to do 

that and that is seen right at a sort of mini macro level at the state level 

where we say like okay we notice big bad entity exists in Washington but we don't 

have to actually play the game on their terms and so what you're doing is it's 

just unbelievable and we're going to live through we already are living through a really really 

Epoch a really really epic kind of of period of time where we get to see this 

drama unfold in real time and so um we will make that and participate in it too 

I think that's a and antie up right guys if you're watching this yeah get give uh 

Don and his wife uh the means to do this um I'll have the link I'll get that link 

up below the video and and uh anything else we need to say to to bring this 

home David I I'll give it to you U well I I guess my I really think it's 

possible that if this taste for agency 

at the state level um is kindled and I think that's 

happening then what has to happen is 

I'm I'm just imagining how this could unfold and it would be that the states 

would recall their representatives the both to the house 

and the Senate I mean if we're being threatened we're in a hybrid War now you recall those people you throw out the 

voting machines you have to send representatives to the federal level 

that actually represent the interests of the people in the state end of story 

that has to happen these criminals have to be removed it's not going to happen with the people that are there now if 

that can be done then you revoke the Federal Reserve Act people can't imagine that you revoke 

ederal Reserve Act that's where we're going you revoke the Federal Reserve Act 

but as Ed Griffin says you have to have the power to do so it has to be asserted 

from the state and and then people think well won't you know all hell break loose 

if you you know you do that what you do it's just like Lincoln you issue 

greenbags or something like that directly from the 

treasury to replace dollar for dollar every damn Federal Reserve 

created Fiat money de base dollar you just retired all now now we owe the debt 

to ourselves in the treasury if there's any interest being paid on it it's being 

paid into the treasury and did you you cut this cabal out of it and then you 

actually have a shot of having a functioning government that does not represent their interests things right 

away I'm going to ask the question on everybody's mind how how dangerous in 

your mind do you think like how close are we obviously the people right if 

we're having a a zoom conversation about this there's plenty of other people on the other side who understand what the 

the risks and dangers are too I would venture to Guess that they wouldn't be 

excited or enthusiastic to lose their power to print money how dangerous is 

this how dangerous like how danger how much danger is Da in right how much danger does this actually imply is it is 

it Unstoppable if it's happening at this level like the state level at this point or do you do you have real trepidation 

about what we're walking into well I think we're already we're already in great danger yeah we we're in 

Greater danger if we don't do anything about it me too y you know because this 

is insane what is these people have been 

totally unchecked with their insane plans for 

decades and using all the resources of humanity Against Humanity they and my 

experience of these people and I've had some experience with 

these people all the way to the top of the system they are not strong 

people that's they are not strong people 

they are not particularly bright they are not they are do not have strong 

character and they just have to be faced 

down you know I I think about the uh it took a while but the LA the push back 

against the co hysteria it took a while but it it did come and there's now 

millions and millions of people who see through that stuff and vocalized it I don't think that they expected that to 

happen I don't think they expected so many people to say wait no this is insane we're we we're not doing this 

anymore and further we're not going to do it again and I I mean that that just comes to my mind when you say these people have been unchecked they don't 

know how to deal with challenge or adversity it's up to us to to to just stand up and say no no more right yes it 

can be done absolutely uh it this can all just kind 

of um of of course they don't want to give up this 

power um but and that's why we have to act 

directly very clearly and directly and get in their faces that's what it comes 

down to it's almost like we have to be the adults like no you children we're 

not doing this anymore that's bad stop it yeah well it is kind of like that and 

that's the experience I had of all these state legislators in in in Dallas these 

are like the the adults in the room um they they are um they they are 

fearless people and that's what it that's what it's going to take that's right yeah I love it that's right can I 

ask you one more question here you so we we know in terms of what can you do so we can contribute to I believe it's true 

north public policy we'll we'll have that link so we can contribute to that what if somebody's in a state and there 

isn't you know an effort to push this bill in their state is are there resources where they could go and say 

okay here's I want to get this in front of my my legislators how is there a way for them to do that well of course they 

can contact True North okay a bill and there there are some um 

there's a pel discussion that we did at the red pill that's up on YouTube so 

it's at the Red Hill you'll see on the panel is Don and Betty two of the bud 

Holly from Tennessee Julie Al from from South Dakota so we talk about this and um you 

know Betty Betty is explaining you know well let's see actually this segment 

there's a film coming out shortly maybe in maybe in January called called stop 

it that and some of this footage will be in that and this was done by uh James 

Patrick who's done who did uh Planet lockdown and nitrogen 2000 about the um 

uh the the uh takeover Farmland in in the Netherlands so James went James went 

with me to meet uh Ed Griffin and then we began do menting all of these efforts 

in the state so that's going to be a fascinating thing for people to see but 

but you know Betty Betty explains that um it it's really possible 

to meet with your state senator your state 

representative people just don't do it they don't even know who they 

are you could look them up and and it's not a matter of sending them information 

you should ask to have a meeting with them and they will meet with you and 

this is how these bills this is how the bill in Tennessee happened it was just regular 

people in the state that became aware of this and went went to their 

representative Bud Holly and said you have to do something about this so 

people that's what we need just as you're saying Joe we need people to 

contact the representatives and say I want something done about this that's 

great magnificent we have to do things not just vote but actually do things 

yeah then you can vote for the things that you push but we've got to be be engaged yeah yeah we're in the part of 

the cycle where a lot of action is going to happen you know I mean we started with that idea but this there's time 

when when everything's getting turned upside down it actually does matter that you get involved so David thank you very 

much for your time it's it's it's a pleasure to meet you and speak to you personally and obviously I hope to run 

into you down the road um I really appreciate you laying that out for everybody and we're going to get this 

out to as many people as we can yeah yeah David this was great thank you very much oh thank you thank you guys for 

your work this I've really enjoyed this it's good we'll do it again 

us as well do an update in a while yep exactly we we'll be following progress and all the rest obviously I'll keep 

tabs on you and uh you know we'll be updating people so thanks again for your time I really appreciate it 



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Dubitare a priori dell'onestà della classe politica ?

Da: James HANSEN - NOTA DIPLOMATICA - 7 marzo 2025 Politici bugiardi — È tradizione in molti paesi democratici dubitare a priori dell'on...