lunedì 8 agosto 2011



Posted By: Rayelan [Send E-Mail]
Date: Sunday, 7-Aug-2011

Please forgive me for the disjointedness of this post... I am writing it quickly before I forget everything I was told. The last paragraphs are most important... don't miss any of this post. If you know ex SEALS... send this to them.

I just got off the phone with a source who had spent several hours on the phone with former SEALS. Some of these SEALS are the parents of our current SEALS. (I say parents because women have always been attached to SEAL teams... at least the SEAL teams that I knew personally)

The SEAL-Dads are very concerned about their SEAL-Children...

Having known the betrayal that our country has done to the military and special ops in the past, they realize that this current murder of SEALS could be a forerunner to a SEAL setup.

Some are speculating that someone in the administration decided to kill two birds with one stone... get rid of SEAL Team Six AND make the rest of the SEALS so angry that they will lash out without thinking... thereby giving a good reason for disbanding the SEALS.

Remember... SEALS and Marines are part of the Navy. The Navies about the world are aligned with Faction Two and the current administration knows this.

Please remember that Obama wants to do away with the Marines. Most Marines consider themselves as well trained as SEALS. Many Marines cite their origin in Roger's Rangers in the Revolutionary War.

(Robert Rogers actually fought against the Colonies, but many of his Rangers joined the revolution. If you don't know about Robert Rogers and his Rules for Rangers, take a look at this link. It has Rogers original Rules, plus a modern day version of the Rules. These rules are good common sense that we all need to know. )

Remember also that Obama has put SEALS on trial.

Tuesday, November 24, 2009
Obama is Prosecuting Navy Seals for giving a Most Wanted Terrorist a Bloody Lip

Navy SEALs have secretly captured one of the most wanted terrorists in Iraq — the alleged mastermind of the murder and mutilation of four Blackwater USA security guards in Fallujah in 2004. And three of the SEALs who captured him are now facing criminal charges, sources told

Full story:

Obama hates the military. He knows that the United States military is the ONLY thing standing between him and complete world control.

The SEAL-Fathers fear that this current mass murder of their SEAL-Children could be a false flag in progress and they are warning all current and active SEALS to


Await further instructions from those who have gone before you.

A hot headed allegiance to your comrades may get you killed as a terrorist... remember John Rambo in the little town of Hope? Obama is playing the part of the Sheriff and if he labels you a terrorist... he will sic his civilian swat agencies on you.

The media will crucify you and the swat teams will kill you. You will go down in history as mentally deranged and/or a home grown terrorist.

Clear thinking is what is needed right now.

Mass resignations is another thing that will work.

Make sure your families are safe. There is nothing that will bring a SEAL to his knees quicker than having a live video camera showing his young son about to be raped by a pedophile.

Most SEAL families were put on military reservations under the guise of protecting them from terrorists. The real reason was to use them as hostages.

Make sure your families are safe. That means part of your SEAL teams will have to stay home to guard the family.

Find a place where one or more families can live in safety. Choose a place with a strong Sheriff who will keep the FEDS out. Leave a SEAL behind to protect them, or bring in some of the SEAL Dads to do this duty.

Do not talk on phones.

Know that you are monitored in everything you do.

All computers in your homes and offices are monitored.

All phones are monitored.

Even you homes are monitored.

It's possible that even your most private thoughts are monitored.

If you are wanting to organize to do something about the murder of your comrades... don't talk about it out loud.

Write it on paper, show it to the people you want to know, then eat the paper or light it on fire over a toilet and flush it.

Go to the beach... and pretend to be examining a dead fish. Write in the sand. Erase it and write again. Remember that it takes a while to position a satellite over you. Don't stay too long or your words will be picked up on the satellite. Or crouch over the words so your body is blocking them.

The sound of the surf usually keeps a distance microphone from hearing you.

Always remember that there are spies even in your midst. Don't do this sand writing unless all the SEALS are wearing Speedos which will let you know that they are not wearing a wire. Always remember that THEY can implant a listening device INSIDE a living human.

Sadly... this means that you will have to use the interrogation techniques you use on enemies on your own friends to be sure they are not working for your enemy.

The best would be to use the truth drugs. It's hard to hide an infiltraitor when truth drugs are used. Sadly, a split personality infiltraitor can stay hidden for years... even on truth drugs.

And yes I know that I spelled infiltrator incorrectly... I did it on purpose.

The former SEALS that my Source talked with said that there are rumblings in the underground that the 31 men who died on this helicopter were NOT alive when they were blown up.

There are rumors in the underground that someone is killing off SEALS. Most military men do NOT believe that all of these SEALS would have been on one helicopter. This goes against everything they have been taught. The rumors speculate that someone is killing off SEALS and to cover their deaths, they piled the bodies on this helicopter and then blew it out of the sky.

Some of the rumors even doubt that it was blown out of the sky. They believe the bodies were piled on a helicopter that was on the ground and it was blown up.

Did anyone see it being blown out of the sky?

Is there independent confirmation of the debris field?

One final thing that the SEAL-DADS said.

"If you mess with our kids, you have declared war of us!"

Those is power need to remember what John Rambo did to the little town of Hope. Also remember that old SEALS never die...

And if any of the old SEALS need to regain their health... Talk to me about organic sulfur. We need you in perfect health right now and I don't know of anything that can restore your health as quickly as organic sulfur.

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