domenica 2 agosto 2020

Emergency: To rule with fear is dangerous

Friday, 31 July 2020 - 11:06:00 a.m.
Emergency, Fais: "Extend it? This is a joke. To rule with fear is dangerous."
Interview with the doctor Fais, director of the Istituto Superiore di Sanità (Superior Institute for Health at the Italian Ministry for Health): "Fear? Disease that makes us weak to the virus. The pandemic was managed with terror. The consequences..."
by Antonio Amorosi
Source: Affari italiani

Emergency, Fais: "Extend it? It's a joke. To rule with fear is dangerous."

Dr. Stefano Fais is a research manager of the Department of Molecular Oncology at the Istituto Superiore di Sanità (ISS), for 8 years he was director of the Department of Antitumoral Drugs at the Iss, among other things with numerous research papers in Virology and a post-doctoral degree in Virology. He recently wrote "Anti-acid Therapy for Cancer", an innovative book on alkalizing therapies to fight tumors.

Doctor, you wrote that prolonging the emergency is a joke. Why?

"There's no scientific data to prove it and they're managing the coronavirus with fear. But fear is a disease that weakens and weakens. So masses of people are easily made prey to the very viruses. The decision to prolong the emergency has no real motivation related to the virus but is political. This, however, has not been made clear to the people."

Why do you say there are no real reasons? Many people say that the virus is circulating. Can you explain that?

"The problem of the virus circulating has been explained 1000 times. We live with viruses. We're full of viruses in our genome. There are viruses like the EBV virus, for example, which 95% of the population is infected and causes infectious mononucleosis. Or the chickenpox virus. In those who have had it, it hides in the nervous ganglia of people who in moments of stress and common decompensated diseases, such as diabetes, it manifests itself as the most common St. Anthony's Fire. Our genome is full of retroviral sequences similar to the virus that causes AIDS. People are not told that being positive does not mean being sick. Have you ever heard a government spokesman or someone who deals with coronavirus say that being positive doesn't mean being sick? We could argue for years about the validity of tests that test positive. No one on the S.A.T.S. has even questioned the test called a tampon. It's a test that gives an abysmal amount of false positives and false negatives."

You are well aware that there are experts who advise the government...

"I don't know how free these experts have been, to the end, to say everything they think. Because there are political reasons behind this decision."

You insist on that word. But what do you mean by political reasons?

"We wanted to extend this period because maybe it suits someone, but it certainly has little to do with the pandemic and the analytical picture we see. This pandemic has very dark implications."

Like what? What is it that struck you in particular?          

"In Italy, these infections occurred in a very short period of time, especially in Lombardy and much less elsewhere. Some regions have in fact not even been touched. As to why this happened in that area I have no scientific evidence to explain it. But the impression is that behind the decision to prolong the emergency there is a political will. Because from the medical and health point of view, this type of decision is very inflated".

What do you think?

"The Italians are a people who don't rebel. Italy is the country of civil servants, and I know what that means because I work in a public place. By prolonging smart working, you continue to pay the people who are comfortable at home. I say that I, like the people who work with me, in order to be able to continue doing our work, which could not be done from home, I had to go to the offices, even if I was warmly invited to stay at home. But I'd say we've been whiteflies. They satisfied the state, they comfortably put them in their armchairs telling the terror and the frightened people believed what the establishment said. But try reducing the salaries of the state in Italy and see what happens...".

There are those who, like the director of the daily newspaper La Stampa, recently raised a question about the existence of an unspecified 'World Order' and spoke of the elite. I have read his harsh criticism of this way of expressing himself. Are there elites who want to prolong this emergency?

"There is a political idea, a strategic idea. While in general the majority of journalists who go on TV or are on the front line, when they say things they explain what they mean, here a speech about the World Order has been thrown in the middle of the deck but without explaining. It sounds like a warning. And then I don't understand why there are topics that you can never talk about on TV like what is Deep State? Does it exist? When there are unanswered questions one asks the question".

The global criminal organisation meeting in Rome, pictured in the 2015 James Bond "Spectre" movie, where they talk about the possession of 70% of vaccines and cancer drugs that being counterfeited would be opposed by the WHO...

Are you worried about these places where decisions are made not on a scientific basis but that are disguised as such?

"Yes, I'm speaking from an experience of about forty years in which I was a researcher and also a doctor. If you want to think about people's health I say, as a doctor, why terrorize them? Because this is the way to terrorize them, without ever explaining on what basis certain decisions and speeches are made. Fear is a disease. Anyone with a little sense and vision knows that a frightened person is more susceptible to any kind of disease. If you want to think about people's health you shouldn't use fear and terror.

Why did you face the pandemic in this way?

"From the researcher's point of view, it is natural to ask the question: how have the most serious and communicable diseases that we can identify with AIDS and then with the current coronavirus been dealt with from a health point of view over the last forty years? One with condoms and spacing and the other with masks and spacing. And then we have to ask ourselves how medical knowledge has progressed".

You're basically telling me that we're in a short circuit where someone is marching us. If we use as a mass method the same means used 100 years ago to stop the so-called Spanish epidemic something doesn't add up... there's a strategy that has been inserted in the confusion...

"Exactly, as with the pestilence because there was talk of pestilence. But what we are experiencing has nothing to do with the pestilence, nothing at all because a level of confusion has been created that has as its sole purpose to create terror. There is obviously something wrong when you publish the number of new Coronavirus positives, 2-300, and then you put the number of daily deaths ranging from 1 to 12. We try to sow fear even though we see that the real numbers don't make sense".

And why does this happen?

"Because you want to keep the terror going. A high level of fear."

So you see a fundamental problem in this model of communication, also because people don't believe what they're told...

"Yes, because no one has explained, not even Anthony Fauci, the traps of this kind of approach that has become worldwide but has served to sow terror."

You are also the author of an innovative book, as a key to the cure for cancer. Can you explain what discovery you have made?

"I started out by trying to figure out where we were in cancer treatment. Analyzing it, I noticed that we are in fact at a standstill fifty years ago, on therapies based basically on surgery. I started with Nobel Prize winner Otto Heinrich Warburg. He discovered that while a normal cell needs oxygen to live, for a cancer cell it is not important but this cell secretes sugars and produces lactic acid. In doing so it helps to acidify the environment outside the cell. Today we were able to demonstrate that the tumor environment is an acidic environment. Cancer cells are able to live in this environment while a normal cell dies in it.

And what is your discovery?

"That there are very powerful anticancer drugs that we normally use for other things. There is a class of drugs that are used as an anti-acid and they are called proton pump inhibitors and they work in a brilliant way: they are only activated in an acidic environment. They are very famous drugs like omeprazole and lansoprazole and all that family there. I've proven that they work as powerful natural anticancer drugs. And because they reduce acidity and increase ph they also allow the other anticancer drugs that patients have to take to work better".

And why is this discovery little known?

"(Laughs) They're very cheap. This is the reason for the main obstacle to the spread of this type of therapy. It doesn't make anyone any money. Acidity is a mechanism that blocks chemical drugs out of the cell and ensures that they do not enter the cell. So on the one hand they kill the cancer cells and on the other they make the drugs work better. I am the researcher who has the world's largest production of research on the subject. But even though I've been a researcher all my life, I want to go back to being a doctor in the field. People write me dramatic letters to ask for help but I don't do the medical work directly".

And why did people turn to you?

"In fact, that's the question I've been asking myself. I think there's something wrong with the view of these kinds of diseases. There's another short-circuit that's between people who do research for the pharmaceutical companies and the top management of the pharmaceutical companies themselves. Researchers generally do not do research that has an immediate impact on health. Research is becoming an activity of narcissistic psychopathology for its own sake. On the other hand, the big pharmaceutical companies have been presumptuous in thinking they can handle everything that comes out of the Academy. In the end they had to take what came and what came was wrong".

We would have to talk for hours...

"Tumors are diseases, not death sentences. It's the premise of everything. You don't do therapy with terror. Anti-acid therapy is also based on very clear principles. A fundamental aspect to be considered are the characteristics of the tumor microenvironment, as with acidity, but there is also hypoxia, that is the scarce supply of nutrients. In the absence of nutrients the tumor cells eat other cells. It is the organic and cellular environment that predisposes already existing cells to mutate and proliferate and not the malignancy of some cells that impose themselves on others. Today we know that by eliminating acidity we have set in motion a therapy that can be decisive".

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